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Boehner Puts Off Vote as G.O.P. Balks — WASHINGTON — On the brink of a historic default, House Republicans on Tuesday put off a vote on their latest proposal to reopen the government and raise the debt limit, as a major credit agency warned that the United States was on the verge of a costly ratings downgrade.
The Raw Story, Taylor Marsh, Religion Dispatches, The Dish, Outside the Beltway, Prairie Weather, Taegan Goddard's …, Gawker and Balloon Juice

Boehner Searches for Votes — After a relatively calm conference meeting this morning, Speaker John Boehner is moving forward with his new fiscal strategy, which slightly revises the bipartisan framework being discussed in the Senate. But he's treading carefully.
The Plum Line, Taegan Goddard's …, The Dish, Daily Kos, Hot Air and American Spectator

Budget battle escalates — House Republican leaders scrambled Tuesday afternoon to rewrite their bill to lift the debt ceiling and reopen government in a bid to attract enough conservative support to ensure passage. — In a closed-party meeting Tuesday morning, the House GOP leadership announced …
CNN, National Review, CANNONFIRE, A plain blog about politics, Talking Points Memo, The Week, Hit & Run, Daily Kos, Mediaite, Outside the Beltway and Reuters

Fitch puts US AAA rating on rating watch negative — Fitch puts US credit rating on negative watch — Fitch has put the U.S. credit rating on negative watch, reports CNBC's Dominic Chu. — Fitch Ratings put the US government's “AAA” credit rating on ‘rating watch negative’ Tuesday …
Daily Kos, The Hinterland Gazette and Taegan Goddard's …

John Boehner makes his final move — A massive GOP retreat — but a greedy one — This is probably the penultimate twist in the debt limit saga, both because there isn't much time left, and because this is John Boehner's last real move. — House Republican leaders, not content with back-seat status …
Washington Monthly, Liberaland, The American Conservative and PoliticusUSA

House Conservatives Revolt — Later this morning, House Republicans will meet in the Capitol's basement. The chief topic of conversation: the emerging Senate deal. But before the meeting even begins, House conservatives are bashing it behind the scenes, and they're pushing the leadership to reject the compromise.

House GOPer: We're Gonna Make Them An Offer They Can't Refuse
ThinkProgress and Taegan Goddard's …

Conservative groups urge ‘no’ votes on House plan
Crooks and Liars

Ted Cruz, House Republicans Meet in Secret at Tortilla Coast
Slate, Talking Points Memo, ABC News, The World's Greatest …, The Hinterland Gazette, Business Insider, The Week, ABC News, Connecting.the.Dots, USA Today, Daily Kos, The Moderate Voice, No More Mister Nice Blog, ThinkProgress, CANNONFIRE, First Read, Politico, Businessweek and Washington Post

House GOPers Pushing for Anti-Birth-Control Measure in Debt Ceiling Deal
Liberaland and Hullabaloo

White House: House GOP bill demands a ‘ransom’
PoliticusUSA, Hullabaloo, Talking Points Memo and Firedoglake

Dems to House GOP: The answer is No
Salon, Washington Post, The Fix, National Review, Daily Kos, No More Mister Nice Blog, Washington Monthly, ThinkProgress and Booman Tribune

House hopes to move own debt plan, but may not have the votes
Reuters, Politico, Los Angeles Times and American Spectator

The New House Plan — changes the Senate plan in several ways …
Hot Air, Washington Monthly and PoliticusUSA

Exclusive: Glenn Greenwald Will Leave Guardian To Create New News Organization — The reporter who broke the NSA story promises “a momentous new venture.” A “very substantial new media outlet” with serious backing, he says. Updated. — Greenwald in Rio de Janeiro in July. — Sergio Moraes / Reuters

KEY VOTE: “NO” ON HOUSE SPENDING AND DEBT DEAL — Tonight, the House is scheduled to vote on a plan that would extend government funding to December 15 and the debt ceiling through February 7 in exchange for overturning the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) ruling that created the congressional exemption.
The Lead with Jake Tapper, Politico, Talking Points Memo, FreedomWorks and PoliticusUSA

I, Rielle Hunter, Apologize — I behaved badly. That may seem obvious to you but it's taken me a long time to admit that, even to myself. For years I was so viciously attacked by the media and the world that I felt like a victim. I now realize that the attacks are actually beside the point.
Talking Points Memo, Yahoo! News, The Hill, She The People and Liberaland

A Bleak First Week: 99.6% of Visitors Did NOT Enroll in Obamacare — Since October 1st, Americans living in the 50 states and Washington, D.C. can purchase healthcare through exchanges as part of the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare.)
Post Politics, Kantar, Weasel Zippers, National Review, Mediaite, The Daily Caller and Twitchy

Obama vows veto over Vitter measure — President Barack Obama told House Democratic leaders Tuesday that he would veto debt-ceiling legislation if it includes a provision pushed by Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) and House GOP leaders that would cut health subsidies for congressional …
ThinkProgress and PoliticusUSA

13 THINGS THAT DEFINE THE NEW AMERICAN CENTER — It is bigger than you think... An exclusive Esquire-NBC News survey shows us that everything we are told about politics in America today—that there is no middle ground between left and right, blue and red, us and them—is wrong.
Discussion:, First Read, Mediaite, NBCNews, NewsBusters, The Federalist, Taylor Marsh, Balloon Juice and Real Clear Politics

The New American Center: Why our nation isn't as divided as we think
Hercules and the umpire, Independent Journal Review, The Week, Yahoo! News and Hot Air

Hillary who? Bloody-minded London traffic warden defies five furious secret service agents to give Hillary Clinton a ticket — This is the extraordinary moment that Hillary Clinton's security staff got into an argument with a traffic warden after he issued her car with a parking ticket.
The Gateway Pundit, Mediaite, The Hill, The Daily Caller and National Review

As Debt Limit Deadline Nears, Concern Ticks Up But Skepticism Persists — Despite Image Problems, GOP Holds Ground on Key Issues — With just two days to go before an Oct. 17 deadline to raise the nation's debt limit, 51% of the public views a rise in the nation's debt limit as …
Firedoglake, Politico, Hot Air, The Fix, Post Politics and Wonkblog

OFA hits the Hill — And on the 15th day of the government shutdown, President Barack Obama's supporters came to a rally on the Capitol steps. — It was a somewhat disorganized group, composed at its peak of about three dozen out-of-work federal employees, still-employed federal employees …

“Tea-Tard” Sign At OFA Protest Draws Bipartisan Condemnation From House Disabilities Caucus
Talking Points Memo

Boehner to Tea Party: Shut Yourself Down — “Thank you, Mr. President. Signed, John Boehner.” — Deep beneath the year-round tan, the Camel Ultra Lights and the merlot, there beats a grateful heart. Somebody had to take on the Tea Party that has turned Boehner's tenure as House speaker into a living hell.
ThinkProgress, theGrio and Right Wing Watch

The default has already begun — The big question in Washington this week is whether, in the words of the NYT, we're going to see “a legislative failure and an economic catastrophe that could ripple through financial markets, foreign capitals, corporate boardrooms, state budget offices and the bank accounts of everyday investors”.
The Dish, Firedoglake, AMERICAblog News, naked capitalism, New York Times and Campaign for America's Future

'The Kelly File's' surge is legit, Nielsen says — MSNBC had questioned Fox News show's 100% ratings increase — Megyn Kelly hosts the Fox News Channel's new show “The Kelly File.” — Nielsen has conducted an investigation into the ratings for Megyn Kelly's new Fox News Channel show …
Weasel Zippers, BizPac Review, TVNewser, Hot Air, Mediaite, Business Insider,, Independent Journal Review, National Review and The PJ Tatler

What This Cruel War Was Over — It is not so much the behavior of the lone idiot that matters, but the tenor of the crowd around him. — On Sunday, a group of conservative radicals held a protest in Washington. Eventually they walked to the White House.
Washington Monthly, Brad DeLong, The Hinterland Gazette, PostPartisan and Mediaite

Filner pleads guilty to 3 charges — Former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner pleaded guilty this morning to three criminal counts related to the sexual harassment allegations that drove him from office after a summer of scandal. — Specifically, Filner pleaded guilty before Superior Court …
Associated Press, Talking Points Memo, Weasel Zippers, Gawker and National Review

The Top Ten Reasons The Government Shutdown Isn't All Bad — 10. Approximately 15,000 EPA employees are furloughed, making it less likely fake CIA agents at EPA will be ripping off the taxpayer — Last month, John C. Beale, a former EPA senior official in the Office of Air & Radiation …
Reuters, ThinkProgress, Talking Points Memo, The Fix, E2-Wire and The World's Greatest …