Top Items:
Janet Hook / Wall Street Journal:
White House to Allow Insurers to Continue Canceled Health Plans — Obama to Deliver Statement — WASHINGTON—The White House on Thursday will announce a plan for allowing insurance companies to continue offering existing individual insurance policies even if they fall short …
LOCKED IN THE CABINET — The worst job in Barack Obama's Washington. — Steven Chu is a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, a brilliant innovator whose research fills several all-but-incomprehensible paragraphs of a Wikipedia entry that spans his achievements in single-molecule physics …
emptywheel, ABC News, Weasel Zippers, Washington Wire, Poynter,, National Review and, more at Mediagazer »
Obamacare fix: Keep plans — President Barack Obama gave a rare and extensive “mea culpa” news conference Thursday on the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, as he repeatedly conceded that he and his administration had made mistakes in implementing key pieces of his signature policy achievement.
Little Green Footballs, CNN, BizPac Review, The Week, The Heritage Foundation and White House Dossier
Insurance Industry Rips White House Obamacare Fix — “This doesn't change anything other than force insurers to be the political flack jackets for the administration,” says an insider. — Joe Skipper / Reuters — WASHINGTON — The health insurance industry is already attacking …
Wonkblog, Weasel Zippers and National Review
Obamacare Schadenfreudarama — To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, you'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at the unraveling of Obamacare. — First, the obligatory caveats. It is no laughing matter that millions of Americans' lives have been thrown into anxious chaos as they lose their health insurance …
Washington Monthly, Conservatives4Palin, Ed Driscoll, The Other McCain and Instapundit
Obamacare credibility going up in smoke: Our view — New data show just how broken it is. — CONNECT — The health insurance signup numbers the White House released Wednesday afternoon were deeply disappointing, though not particularly surprising.
National Review
First on CNN: Obama to push fix for insurance cancellations — Sources close to the insurance industry tell CNN's Gloria Borger that it looks like insurance companies will cooperate with President Barack Obama's proposed solution to the problem of health care plan cancellations due to Obamacare.
The Democrats Need to Stop Freaking Out About Obamacare and Take Charge — Well, here we are again—the Democrats are ‘in disarray,’ flailing on Obamacare. It's a potent story line, but this time Obama must crack the whip, stop the panicking, and make it work.
Republican Party Weighs a 2016 Shakeup With ‘Midwestern Primary’ — Fearing a Hillary Clinton glide to the nomination in 2016 while unpopular GOP contenders battle it out, Republicans are plotting a ‘Midwestern Super Tuesday’ and earlier convention. — The national Republican Party …
House Dems about to ‘go crazy’ — House Democrats on Wednesday expressed increasing frustration at the Obama administration's inability to improve the rollout of ObamaCare. — Democrats said they're worried about “being dragged into this non-stop cycle” of bad news about the ObamaCare rollout …
Politico, CNN, The Week, Weasel Zippers, p m carpenter's commentary and Twitchy
Nick Gillespie / TIME:
Ads Hide Obamacare Truth: It's Generational Theft
Ads Hide Obamacare Truth: It's Generational Theft
FreedomWorks, Health Policy Solutions and The Latest Word
Obama Admits That Obamacare is Unworkable
JustOneMinute, New York Times, The Federalist and National Review
Dylan Scott / Talking Points Memo:
How The White House Wants To ‘Fix’ Obamacare
How The White House Wants To ‘Fix’ Obamacare
The Volokh Conspiracy
Brian Beutler / Salon:
GOP's big Obamacare trap: Not as brilliant as they think!
GOP's big Obamacare trap: Not as brilliant as they think!
The New Republic, Washington Monthly, Mediaite, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The Hill
Maggie Fox / NBCNews:
‘You deserve better’: Obama offers fix for canceled health insurance plans
‘You deserve better’: Obama offers fix for canceled health insurance plans
Red Alert Politics and Weasel Zippers
Wall Street Journal:
The GOP starts to offer Americans a better alternative.
The GOP starts to offer Americans a better alternative.
National Review and Washington Examiner
James C. Capretta / Weekly Standard:
The Upton Bill Is No Small Matter
The Upton Bill Is No Small Matter
National Review, ThinkProgress, Post Politics,, Betsy's Page, Power Line, RedState and The Hill
Ben Domenech / The Federalist:
How Obamacare Accomplishes The Unthinkable
How Obamacare Accomplishes The Unthinkable
American Prospect, Washington Post, The Daily Caller, The Dish, The Heritage Foundation and The Moderate Voice
Obamacare decision time for Democrats: Fight or flight
Obamacare decision time for Democrats: Fight or flight
The Plum Line, The Fix, The Hill, Reuters, First Read, BuzzFeed, Daily Kos and New York Times
Stuart Rothenberg / Rothenblog:
A Critical Few Weeks for Democrats? It Could Get Worse
A Critical Few Weeks for Democrats? It Could Get Worse
The Reaction
Ashley Killough / CNN:
Ring of House Republicans to call for impeachment of Holder — Washington (CNN) - A group of 11 House Republicans will introduce a resolution Thursday calling for the impeachment of Eric Holder, saying the Attorney General has lost credibility and trust over a string of issues in recent years.
Politico and Outside the Beltway
John Bresnahan / Politico:
House Republicans to call for Eric Holder impeachment
House Republicans to call for Eric Holder impeachment
A plain blog about politics
Palin apologizes for not being ‘clearer’ in comments about Pope — (CNN) - Sarah Palin attempted to clarify comments she made about the Pope in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, saying on Facebook Thursday that she was not trying to be critical of Pope Francis when she said some of his statements sound “kind of liberal.”
Politico, FP Passport, Gawker and PostPartisan
Americans' Approval of Healthcare Law Declines — Currently 40% approve and 55% disapprove — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans' views of the 2010 healthcare law have worsened in recent weeks, with 40% approving and 55% disapproving of it. For most of the past year, Americans have been divided on the law …
New York Times:
Don't Give More Patients Statins — ON Tuesday, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology issued new cholesterol guidelines that essentially declared, in one fell swoop, that millions of healthy Americans should immediately start taking pills — namely statins — for undefined health “benefits.”
The Moderate Voice
Bryan Koenig / CNN:
McCain calls Kerry ‘a human wrecking ball’ on Iran negotiations — Washington (CNN) - Senator John McCain said Thursday he is “very disappointed” with the Obama Administration - and especially Secretary of State John Kerry - on the issue of nuclear negotiations with Iran.
Rosie Gray / BuzzFeed:
Republican Senators Slam Administration's Briefing On Iran
Republican Senators Slam Administration's Briefing On Iran
ThinkProgress, Power Line, New York Times, Daniel W. Drezner, Israel Matzav and Israpundit
Americans' personal data shared with CIA, IRS, others in security probe — McClatchy Washington BureauNovember 14, 2013 Updated 48 minutes ago — Facebook Twitter Google Plus Reddit E-mail Print — WASHINGTON — U.S. agencies collected and shared the personal information of thousands …