Top Items:

Despite Filibuster Limits, a Door Remains Open to Block Judge Nominees — WASHINGTON — The decision by Senate Democrats to eliminate filibusters for most judicial nominations only marginally enhanced President Obama's power to reshape the judiciary, according to court watchers from across …
The Atlantic Online

Easier road seen for Obama regs — The Obama Administration's second-term regulatory agenda should be an easier lift, thanks to changes to the Senate's filibuster rules that make it easier to fill key agency positions and install federal judges. — The Senate's move this month to lower …

Obamas Might Stay in Washington After Presidency Ends — (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) — The first family might choose to stay in Washington, D.C., after President Obama leaves office in 2016, the president and first lady Michelle Obama told ABC News' Barbara Walters in an interview.
Politico, ABC News and Taegan Goddard's …

11 Economic Lessons to Make You a Smarter Shopper This Black Friday — The first and last rule of prices is that nobody knows what anything is really worth. Shoppers are guided by shallow clues ("this is cheaper than that") and latent emotions ("it just feels like a good deal") rather than knowledge and deliberate thinking.
Runnin' Scared and Prairie Weather

Final Iran deal needs to balance out the concessions — THE FACT sheet distributed by the Obama administration about the nuclear agreement with Iran is notable for its omissions. The 2,000-word document, like President Obama's televised statement Saturday night about the deal …
Power Line, Israel Matzav and PostPartisan

An outbreak of lawlessness — For all the gnashing of teeth over the lack of comity and civility in Washington, the real problem is not etiquette but the breakdown of political norms, legislative and constitutional. — Such as the one just spectacularly blown up in the Senate.

Doesn't Eat, Doesn't Pray and Doesn't Love — The question of whether for-profit companies can claim a religious identity, one that exempts them from obeying a generally applicable law, is fully worthy of the attention the Supreme Court is about to give it.

Mormon Bishop Goes Undercover as Homeless Man to Teach about Compassion and Gratitude — (KUTV) An LDS Bishop went undercover as a homeless man in his congregation last Sunday. He wanted to use his disguise as a tool to teach on compassion this Thanksgiving. — David Musselman is the bishop of the Taylorsville Fourth Ward.
ABC News and The Raw Story

Government in Slow Motion — Last week, in a fit of fury after they lost the ability to filibuster President Obama's nominees, several Congressional Republicans threatened to retaliate by slowing things down on Capitol Hill. Democrats “will have trouble in a lot of areas because there's …
Prairie Weather

Congress faces deadline on undetectable plastic guns — Guns that cannot be detected by X-ray machines will no longer be banned if Congress does not renew the decades-old prohibition by Dec. 9. — The 1998 Undetectable Firearms Act will sunset that day, ending the prohibition …
Right Wing News

Cancer Patient Who Spoke Out Against ObamaCare Now Being Audited — Bill Elliot was a cancer patient who lost his insurance due to ObamaCare and couldn't pay the expensive new premiums. He was talking about paying the ObamaCare fine, going without health insurance and “letting nature take its course.”
Weasel Zippers

New Snowden docs show U.S. spied during G20 in Toronto — Surveillance during 2010 summit ‘closely co-ordinated with Canadian partner’ CSEC — Security expert on NSA's G20 spying 6:34 — Top secret documents retrieved by U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden show that Prime Minister Stephen …
New York Times, Guardian and The Hinterland Gazette