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Obamas Might Stay in Washington After Presidency Ends — The first family might choose to stay in Washington, D.C., after President Obama leaves office in 2016, the president and first lady Michelle Obama told ABC News' Barbara Walters in an interview. — By then, their eldest daughter Malia …
Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, CNN, DCist, The Daily Caller, Weasel Zippers, Mediaite, Washington Wire and Politico

President Obama: ‘Nowhere to Go But Up’ … Despite facing a disastrous rollout of his health care plan, criticism over his policies and approval ratings that have plunged to an all-time low, President Obama said he remains confident that his signature health care law will be an important part …
ABC News, Weasel Zippers, Washington Wire, DCist and CNN

Obama visits protesters fasting in support of immigration reform
Politico, Guardian, Weasel Zippers, Connecting.the.Dots and The Caucus

Obamacare's Secret Success — The law establishing Obamacare was officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. And the “affordable” bit wasn't just about subsidizing premiums. It was also supposed to be about “bending the curve” — slowing the seemingly inexorable rise in health costs.
PostPartisan, The Mahablog, Liberaland, Prairie Weather, The Reaction and The Plum Line

Cancer Patient Who Spoke Out Against ObamaCare Now Being Audited — Bill Elliot was a cancer patient who lost his insurance due to ObamaCare and couldn't pay the expensive new premiums. He was talking about paying the ObamaCare fine, going without health insurance and “letting nature take its course.”
Patterico's Pontifications, and Independent Journal Review

Hillary Clinton Supporters Slowly Realizing She Didn't Do Anything as Secretary of State

The Vindictive Totalitarian Hand of the Obama Regime
Weasel Zippers

Christie leads possible 2016 GOP contenders in CNN/ORC poll — Washington (CNN) - A new national poll indicates, that for the first time, there may be an early frontrunner in the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. — And according to a CNN/ORC International survey …
Mediaite, Liberaland, Politico, Washington Monthly, US Politics, Scared Monkeys, New Jersey 101.5 and Talking Points Memo

Despite Filibuster Limits, a Door Remains Open to Block Judge Nominees — WASHINGTON — The decision by Senate Democrats to eliminate filibusters for most judicial nominations only marginally enhanced President Obama's power to reshape the judiciary, according to court watchers from across …
Law Blog, Washington Monthly and The Plum Line

The Best Walmart Thanksgiving Day Fight Videos — According to a Walmart press release, Thanksgiving was a day of record-breaking sales, sales that were “bigger, better, faster, cheaper and safer than ever.” — Safer, huh? Let's examine the video evidence.
Mediaite, ABC News, New York Times, Firedoglake and The Scoop Blog

Birther preacher claims Obama had mother of his ‘love child’ killed outside White House — A birther preacher is pushing the conspiracy theory that Miriam Carey, who was shot to death Oct. 3 after police said she tried to ram her car into a barrier outside the White House, was the mother of President Barack Obama's illegitimate child.
News-Times, Mediaite and The Hinterland Gazette

End presidential term limits — Jonathan Zimmerman is a professor of history and education at New York University. His books include “Small Wonder: The Little Red Schoolhouse in History and Memory.” — In 1947, Sen. Harley Kilgore (D-W.Va.) condemned a proposed constitutional amendment that would restrict presidents to two terms.
Yahoo! News,, The Daily Caller, PostPartisan, Washington Wire, Weasel Zippers and Law Blog

Kanye West: Obama isn't as well connected as Jews — Black people don't have the connections to oil and big money that Jews do, says famous rapper. … Send to friend — Rapper Kanye West blamed U.S. President Barack Obama's failures on the fact that “Black people don't have the same level …
Talking Points Memo, Mediaite and The Hinterland Gazette

Brother-Sister Bomb Hoax Halts I-15 Traffic — The busy freeway was shut down in both directions for hours on Thanksgiving afternoon — A prank phone call between a brother and sister involving a bomb hoax led officials to block traffic in both directions on San Diego's busy Interstate 15 on Thanksgiving afternoon.
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Scared Monkeys and The Raw Story

Strassel: Piano Sonata in FTC Minor — Music teachers, beware. The feds are onto you. Better not try to raise the price of your lessons. — Teddy Roosevelt busted Standard Oil. The Obama administration? It's making the world safe from rapacious piano teachers.
National Review

An outbreak of lawlessness — For all the gnashing of teeth over the lack of comity and civility in Washington, the real problem is not etiquette but the breakdown of political norms, legislative and constitutional. — Such as the one just spectacularly blown up in the Senate.
Washington Center …, No More Mister Nice Blog and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Revisionaries — How a group of Texas conservatives is rewriting your kids' textbooks. — Don McLeroy is a balding, paunchy man with a thick broom-handle mustache who lives in a rambling two-story brick home in a suburb near Bryan, Texas. When he greeted me at the door one evening last October …

For Nearly Two Decades the Nuclear Launch Code at all Minuteman Silos in the United States Was 00000000 — Today I found out that during the height of the Cold War, the US military put such an emphasis on a rapid response to an attack on American soil, that to minimize any foreseeable delay …
Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos and PoliticusUSA

Black Friday Shopper Shot — LAS VEGS — Metro Police are investigating a shooting that injured a Black Friday shopper. — It happened around 9:45 p.m. Thursday. — According to police, a man purchased a big-screen television from the Target store near Flamingo Rd. and Maryland Pkwy.
Associated Press