Top Items:

Phil Robertson's America — I've yet to take in an episode of Duck Dynasty. I hear it's a fine show, anchored by a humorous and good-natured family of proud Americans. I try to be good natured, and I have been told that I can appreciate a good joke. I am also a proud American.
American Prospect and Balloon Juice
Ian Bayne for US Congress:
Duck Dynasty Star is Rosa Parks of Our Generation — Today, Ian Bayne called Phil Robertson, star of the A&E series “Duck Dynasty,” the ‘Rosa Parks’ of our generation. — “In December 1955, Rosa Parks took a stand against an unjust societal persecution of black people, and in December 2013 …
Politico, BuzzFeed, Liberaland, Little Green Footballs and The Raw Story

Ian Bayne, GOP Congressional Candidate: ‘Duck Dynasty Star Is Rosa Parks Of Our Generation’ — WASHINGTON — Embattled “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has been suspended from his show by A&E for his remarks about gays and African-Americans, and now some high-profile conservatives are rallying to his side and defending him.
Lone Star Q, Daily Kos, The Hinterland Gazette, Wonkblog, PostPartisan, The Baffler and ABC News

The Robertson Family Offical Statement — We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word.
Politico,, Mediaite, Guardian, Business Insider, The Gateway Pundit, No More Mister Nice Blog, Shakesville, Achenblog, The Hinterland Gazette,, CNN, Scared Monkeys, National Review, CBS Houston, NewsBusters, Gawker, The Reaction, Towleroad News #gay, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, Patterico's Pontifications, Washington Post, Michelle Malkin and TIME

GOP Congressional Candidate: Duck Dynasty Star Is ‘Rosa Parks Of Our Generation’
his vorpal sword and Suburban Political Recount

The individual mandate no longer applies to people whose plans were canceled — Today, the Obama administration announced that people whose insurance plans were canceled this year will “temporarily” be exempted from the law's individual mandate. Here's how they're doing it — and what it means for the law.
National Review, Guardian, Weasel Zippers, Connecting.the.Dots, neo-neocon, Power Line, Shakesville and Weekly Standard

Obamacare Initiates Self-Destruction Sequence — On Wednesday, Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown reported that the administration was saying fewer than 500,000 people had actually lost insurance due to Obamacare-induced cancellations. This struck me as a strange leak: Half a million is a lot less …
The Incidental Economist, Reuters and Hit & Run
Paul Mirengoff / Power Line:
Let's call the whole thing off — When President Obama signed Obamacare into law, Joe Biden famously told him, “this is a big f___ing deal.” So too, minus the adjective, is the Obama administration's decree that those whose health insurance policies were terminated will be allowed …
New York Times, Outside the Beltway, BizPac Review and neo-neocon

Utter Chaos: White House Exempts Millions From Obamacare's Insurance Mandate, ‘Unaffordable’ Exchanges
National Review, Maggie's Farm, Josh Blackman's Blog, NBCNews, The PJ Tatler,, Betsy's Page and Los Angeles Times
John Fund / National Review:
Who Says Obama Hasn't United the Country?
Who Says Obama Hasn't United the Country?
Bloomberg, The Gateway Pundit and The PJ Tatler
Jennifer Rubin / Right Turn:
Well, let's delay the mandate after all
Amy Goldstein / Washington Post:
Obama administration relaxes rules of health-care law four days before deadline
Obama administration relaxes rules of health-care law four days before deadline
Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Hot Air, JustOneMinute, American Spectator, PostPartisan, Pirate's Cove, The Plum Line, Mediaite, Twitchy, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Hill,, Liberaland, The Daily Caller, Viking Pundit, Jammie Wearing Fools, American Power and Michelle Malkin
Dylan Scott / Talking Points Memo:
Does New Obamacare Mandate Exemption Open A Pandora's Box?
Does New Obamacare Mandate Exemption Open A Pandora's Box?
Health Affairs Blog

Officials' defenses of NSA phone program may be unraveling — From the moment the government's massive database of citizens' call records was exposed this year, U.S. officials have clung to two main lines of defense: The secret surveillance program was constitutional and critical to keeping the nation safe.
Right Turn, Conservative Intelligence …, Hot Air, Secrecy News, Prairie Weather and The Reaction

Obama Vows ‘Year of Action’ After He ‘Screwed It Up’ on Health Care
Reuters, Politico and Balloon Juice

GCHQ and NSA targeted charities, Germans, Israeli PM and EU chief — • Unicef and Médecins du Monde were on surveillance list — • Targets went well beyond potential criminals and terrorists — • Revelations could cause embarrassment at EU summit
Spiegel Online, Washington Post, Lawfare, Mashable, The Daily Caller, Angry Bear, New York Times and Boing Boing
Massachusetts State Police / Facebook:
Trooper Joe Petty assisted by Tpr Dave Stucenski & K9 Frankie Locate 1250 Bags of Heroin in Hatfield — Early this morning, Trooper Joseph Petty was on a traffic stop of Route 91 in Northampton when a vehicle passed by him. Trooper Petty observed several violations.
CBS Boston, Politico, Business Insider and The Raw Story
Eric Lach / Talking Points Memo:
Massachusetts State Police Bust ‘Obama Care’ Heroin
Massachusetts State Police Bust ‘Obama Care’ Heroin
The Jawa Report

CANADIAN COURT STRIKES DOWN ANTI-PROSTITUTION LAWS — You are here — Home » Canada » Canadian court strikes down anti-prostitution laws … TORONTO (AP) — Canada's highest court struck down the country's anti-prostitution laws Friday, a victory for sex workers who stepped …
Lawyers, Guns & Money and Liberaland
Sean Fine / Globe and Mail:
Supreme Court strikes down Canada's prostitution laws
Supreme Court strikes down Canada's prostitution laws
Outside the Beltway and Hit & Run
Paul Steinhauser / CNN:
President ends year at all-time CNN polling low — Washington (CNN) - Fourteen points. — That's how far President Barack Obama's poll numbers fell in CNN polling over the course of what's been an especially tough year. — Obama's approval rating stands at 41% in a new CNN/ORC International …
Talking Points Memo, Hot Air, Reuters, Business Insider and The PJ Tatler

John Boehner's Betrayal — WOODSTOCK, Ga. — THERE'S a political axiom that says if nobody is upset with what you're doing, you're not doing your job. We've seen this proved time and again in the liberal attacks on conservatives like Sarah Palin and Dr. Benjamin Carson …
No More Mister Nice Blog
Pete Kasperowicz / The Hill:
Senate hatches last-minute deal
Senate hatches last-minute deal
Daily Kos and Booman Tribune

Jack Kingston defends school lunch quote — Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston, who suggested children should sweep cafeteria floors to earn meals from the federal school lunch program, is clarifying his comments Friday, saying he meant all children should be instilled with a work ethic.
Catherine Thompson / Talking Points Memo:
GOP Rep.: School Lunch Comments Not Targeted At Any Income Group
GOP Rep.: School Lunch Comments Not Targeted At Any Income Group
Balloon Juice
Brooke Adams / Salt Lake Tribune:
Federal judge strikes down Utah's ban on same-sex marriage — A federal judge in Utah Friday struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage, saying the law violates the U.S. Constitution's guarantees of equal protection and due process. — “The state's current laws deny its gay …
The Raw Story and Daily Kos

Paul Ryan Finds God — How a backstage prayer in Cleveland and a new leader in the Vatican set the budget-slashing congressman on a mission to help the poor. “My bet is that he's on Pope Francis' team.” — On Oct. 24, 2012, Paul Ryan slipped into a high-ceilinged backstage room …
Washington Monthly, JSOnline, ThinkProgress and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Ryan Broderick / BuzzFeed:
High Schoolers Staged A Massive Sit-In After Their Vice Principal Was Ousted Over Same-Sex Marriage — The students of Eastside Catholic High School in Sammamish, Washington staged a sit-in Thursday after it was announced that their vice principal was being fired.
ThinkProgress, Seattle Times blogs and The Dish