Top Items:

The Indictment Against Leland Yee Puts “The Wire's” Clay Davis to Shame — Sheeeeeeeeeit, partner. — If you thought the charges against Leland Yee would be bad, you had no idea. As in, he offered to set up an arms deal with Islamic rebels for $2 million in cash. As in, he has ties to a gangster named Shrimp Boy.
Jihad Watch and Overlawyered

Hypocrisy overload: Tweets from gun control advocate Leland Yee, charged with arms trafficking … California Democrat state Sen. Leland Yee might be a worthy candidate for “hypocrite of the year,” if not decade. — First, the story from CBS News: … Before he was arrested on those charges …
Liberty Unyielding

State Sen. Leland Yee indicted on arms trafficking, corruption charges
Los Angeles Times, BizPac Review, RedState, CBS San Francisco and The PJ Tatler

State Sen. Leland Yee arrested on corruption charges in FBI sting
The Daily Caller, CBS San Francisco, Independent Journal Review, protein wisdom and Fox News

State Sen. Leland Yee Arrested, Accused In Conspiracy Involving Arms Trafficking, Campaign Fraud
CBS News, Hot Air, CalWatchDog, Talking Points Memo and KGO-TV

For Columnist, a Change of Tone — A New York Times columnist has expressed substantially more negative sentiments about FiveThirtyEight since it left The New York Times, according to a FiveThirtyEight analysis. — The columnist, Paul Krugman, who writes about economics and politics for The Times …
The Huffington Post, The Week, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite and Balloon Juice, more at Mediagazer »

Data as Slogan, Data as Substance
Talking Points Memo, Crooked Timber, and Noahpinion

Northwestern ruling could ‘rattle the universe of universities’ — Northwestern football players win pivotal union case. — Northwestern University football players on scholarship are employees of the school and therefore entitled to hold an election to decide whether to unionize …
Eduwonk, Shakesville and Outside the Beltway

College Players Granted Right to Form Union
Colorlines and JustOneMinute

Disapproval of Obama climbs to new high — Nearly six in 10 people disapprove of President Obama's job performance in a new poll by the Associated Press, the highest rating recorded by the newswire. — According to the AP-GFK survey released Wednesday, 59 percent disapprove of Obama's job performance while 41 percent approve.
Washington Post, Hinterland Gazette, Associated Press and Mediaite

Ordinary Russians Impose Personal Sanctions on Obama
VodkaPundit and Israel Matzav

Poll: Obama's disapproval rating hits a new high
The Daily Caller, Scared Monkeys and Weasel Zippers

Giving Up on 4-Year-Olds — A new report released by the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, examining the disciplinary practices of the country's 97,000 public schools, shows that excessively punitive policies are being used at every level of the public school system — even against 4-year-olds in preschool.

JustOneMinute and Ed Driscoll

The Individual Mandate Goes Poof — The latest delays show that the supposed centerpiece of ObamaCare won't cause the uninsured to buy coverage. — One by one, the myths of the Affordable Care Act have been revealed. When the curtain on open enrollment falls on March 31 …
Betsy's Page

John Boehner's Hypocritical Griping About the Obamacare Deadline Delay
Talking Points Memo, Mediaite, Weasel Zippers, Daily Kos, ThinkProgress and Wonkblog

Charlotte mayor accused of bribery, extortion — (CNN) — FBI agents on Wednesday arrested the mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina, for allegedly taking tens of thousands of dollars worth of bribes “in exchange for the use of his official position,” the U.S. attorney's office said.
The Gateway Pundit

Matthew Yglesias is Juice Vox Media's Village Idiot and Liar-in-Chief — Well, now we know why the Washington Post did not want to invest in Ezra Klein's “explanatory journalism” nonsense. Turns out it is just a left-wing propaganda tool trying to spin instead of explain.
The Week and Patterico's Pontifications

Economist Tyler Cowen Pepper Sprayed While Teaching Class at George Mason University — Economist, author, and George Mason University (GMU) professor Tyler Cowen was pepper sprayed in his classroom today by a man trying to place him under citizen's arrest.
The Raw Story and The Daily Caller

Reid the Elder dismisses gifts controversy at presser; and Reid the Younger defends daughter/Dad — UPDATE, 7PM: Now there is $5,000 more from 2012. Total now $31,000. — And now Reid is playing the aggrieved grandfather. Chutzpah: … “Any role” in creating this situation? Any role?

Minimum Wage Boost Wins Senate And House Approval — HARTFORD — The state's minimum wage will increase to $10.10 per hour by 2017 under a controversial bill approved Wednesday by both the state Senate and the House of Representatives on largely party line votes.
Talking Points Memo and Gothamist

Key Indicators in Media & News — Audience — Cable — In 2013, the cable news audience, by nearly all measures, declined. The combined median prime-time viewership of the three major news channels—CNN, Fox News and MSNBC—dropped 11% to about 3 million, the smallest it has been since 2007.
Taylor Marsh and Liberty Unyielding

MSNBC is in serious trouble
Booman Tribune, The Other McCain, NewsBusters, Instapundit, American Power, Weasel Zippers, VodkaPundit and

Waters of the United States — Determining when the Clean Water Act protected streams and wetlands became confusing and complex following Supreme Court decisions in 2001 and 2006. — Specifically, the proposed rule clarifies that under the Clean Water Act: — Saves businesses time and money

IRS commissioner: 'It's going to take years' to produce documents about Tea Party targeting — BELTWAY CONFIDENTIAL CONGRESS TEA PARTY IRS DARRELL ISSA JIM JORDAN ELIJAH CUMMINGS SCANDALS — Years will pass before congressional investigators can review all of the documents pertaining …
Power Line

On being a dirty old man and how young women lawyers dress — More than a decade ago, I freaked out when tall, statuesque, and beautiful daughter Lisa showed up at her older sister's (Marne's) wedding in a Catholic church (that we “borrowed” out of respect for the groom's religious preference) in a low-cut dress.
ThinkProgress, Talking Points Memo, Omaha World-Herald, Shakesville, The Raw Story and Wall Street Journal