Top Items:

Official Said He Told Christie of Lane Closings, Bridge Scandal Report Says — The Port Authority official who oversaw the lane closings at the George Washington Bridge said that he had informed Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey about it at a Sept. 11 memorial while the closings were occurring …
Los Angeles Times, Taylor Marsh, The Political Carnival, Firedoglake, Daily Kos, The Week and The New Civil Rights Movement

Chris Christie Says Aides in Bridge Scandal ‘Inexplicably Stupid’ … New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said today that former aides were “inexplicably stupid” when they allegedly shut down lanes of busy George Washington Bridge and flooded a New Jersey town with traffic.
ABC News and Business Insider

US appeals court upholds new Texas abortion rules … AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A federal appeals court on Thursday upheld Texas' tough abortion restrictions that have forced the closure of nearly 20 clinics around the state, saying the new rules don't jeopardize women's health.
Liberaland, Reuters, ThinkProgress, his vorpal sword, Firedoglake, Daily Kos, Weasel Zippers and Liberty Unyielding

The Lawsuit That Could Still Destroy Obamacare — A few street blocks away from Supreme Court oral arguments Tuesday on the contraceptive mandate, an appeals court heard a separate case that poses a far greater threat to Obamacare and could cripple the law.

7 Reasons Why Vice President Biden Thinks You Should Get Covered By March 31 — Because it could literally save your life. — BUZZFEED USER — This post was created by a user and has not been vetted or endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff. BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone can post awesome lists and creations.
Weasel Zippers, The Week and White Blog

6 Million and Counting! — As this historic open enrollment …
theGrio, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, Health Insurance Blog and Weekly Standard

Jessica Dutro murder trial: Motive for Tigard killing was 4-year-old's perceived homosexuality, prosecutors say — Jessica Dutro believed her 4-year-old son, Zachary Dutro-Boggess was gay, prosecutors told the court Wednesday, and that was her motive for subjecting him to deadly beatings.
LGBTQ Nation, The Raw Story, The New Civil Rights Movement, Towleroad News #gay and Liberaland

California State Sen. Leland Yee charged with promising guns, missiles from Muslim group to agent for campaign donations — Yee was arrested Wednesday accused of conspiracy to deal firearms and wire fraud for promising weapons to an FBI agent in exchange for cash.
NewsBusters, ABC News, Shot in the Dark and Patterico's Pontifications

BREAKING: Obamacare Enrollment Tops 6 Million — On Thursday, President Obama announced on a call with volunteers that the number of Americans who have enrolled in health insurance plans under Obamacare has hit six million. — With several days left to go before open enrollment ends on March 31 …
National Review and The Huffington Post

Three Possible Reasons for Latest Obamacare Delay
The Federalist, Hit & Run, AEIdeas, Wall Street Journal and Wonkblog

The Baghdad Bob of Health Insurance
JustOneMinute, Hot Air, Power Line and Betsy's Page

Condi Rice Blasts Obama on Weakness, Leadership — Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accused Barack Obama of dramatically weakening the United States' position in the world, drawing a straight line between Obama's ever-yielding foreign policy and the increasing troubles around the world.
The Reaction, Mediaite and The Gateway Pundit

Outrageous: Harry Reid Lied About Americans Being Liars, and Now That He's Busted, He's Lying Again — One month to the day after Harry Reid caused a public stir by declaring that all stories about ObamaCare hurting Americans were “lies,” he now denies ever having said it. — First, here's Senator Reid last month:
Hot Air, Patterico's Pontifications, The Daily Caller and America Rising

Reid will refund campaign for purchases from granddaughter's business
protein wisdom, Ralston Reports, Conservative Intelligence … and Political MoneyLine Blog

Harry Reid predicts Redskins name changes within three years
Talking Points Memo and Mediaite

In our effort to connect the whole world with, we've been working on ways to beam internet to people from the sky. — Today, we're sharing some details of the work Facebook's Connectivity Lab is doing to build drones, satellites and lasers to deliver the internet to everyone.
Politico, RT, Wired, The Switch, Gigaom, Mashable, Re/code, Wall Street Journal and VentureBeat

Victim Breaks Down in Footage From Aftermath of Brutal Anti-Semitic Attack in France (PHOTOS/VIDEO) — Jewish teacher attacked in Paris. Photo: David. — The Algemeiner has acquired photos and footage from the aftermath of a horrific anti-Semitic attack that took place in Paris, France late last week.
Weasel Zippers, Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs and Israel Matzav

The Krugman-Silver Sparring Match — Since I admire both New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and FiveThirtyEight proprietor Nate Silver (with whom I worked at the pre-Times version of the site), I'm not real jazzed about the sniping that's going on between them.
Eschaton and New York Times

The Nate Silver-Paul Krugman Feud Just Won't End
Politico, The Huffington Post, The Week, Balloon Juice, Crooked Timber, FiveThirtyEightDataLab and

FACT SHEET: The Administration's Proposal for Ending the Section 215 Bulk Telephony Metadata Program — On January 17, 2014, President Obama gave a speech at the Department of Justice on his Administration's review of certain intelligence activities. During this speech …
Washington Post, emptywheel, Guardian, RT, ThinkProgress, Hinterland Gazette and Techdirt

Matthew Yglesias is Juice Vox Media's Village Idiot and Liar-in-Chief — Well, now we know why the Washington Post did not want to invest in Ezra Klein's “explanatory journalism” nonsense. Turns out it is just a left-wing propaganda tool trying to spin instead of explain.
Talking Points Memo and Patterico's Pontifications

Putting Their Eggs in the Wrong Midterm Basket — Why Democrats' increased reliance on young voters may lead them to struggle in midterm elections in the near future — Barring significant changes in group voting habits, many commentators have argued that “The Coalition of the Ascendant” …

The Release Of Roger Shuler Is Good News, But The Fight Continues — Roger Shuler slept in his own bed for the first time in five months last night. The details of his release are not clear yet, but the important thing for now is that the proprietor of “The Legal Schnauzer” …
Legal Schnauzer and FOX News Radio

House Abruptly Passes Medicare Pay Fix By Voice Vote — The Republican-led House abruptly and unexpectedly passed a Medicare physician payment fix Thursday by an unrecorded voice vote, amid questions about whether the bill had the votes to clear the chamber.
Washington Monthly

Homeless Mother Gets Job Interview But Doesn't Have Childcare, Ends Up In Jail — CREDIT: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office — Shanesha Taylor, a woman from Scottsdale, Arizona, is homeless. So when she got asked to come in for a job interview last Thursday, she must have been excited by the prospect.
The Raw Story and Balloon Juice