Top Items:

In U.S., Uninsured Rate Lowest Since 2008 — Uninsured rate declines most among blacks and lower-income Americans — WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the U.S., the uninsured rate dipped to 15.6% in the first quarter of 2014, a 1.5-percentage-point decline from the fourth quarter of 2013.
Juan Williams / The Hill:
ACA data leave GOP exposed — “What a difference a day makes — 24 little hours.” Those lyrics about romance and spring flowers also fit the bill last week for congressional politics and the 2014 midterm elections. — Last Tuesday, the White House hit the 7 million-plus mark …
Prairie Weather

Team Boehner Frantically Reassures Drudge That GOP Really Is Repealing Obamacare — House Republicans don't want anyone — certainly not Matt Drudge — to get the wrong idea about the latest change to the Affordable Care Act. — Legislation to eliminate the cap on deductibles …
Washington Examiner, and Balloon Juice
David Espo / Associated Press:
GOP seeks coverage choices in health law they hate
GOP seeks coverage choices in health law they hate
Fox News, Hot Air, Mediaite, Politico and The Other McCain
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Oligarchs and Money — Econonerds eagerly await each new edition of the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook. Never mind the forecasts, what we're waiting for are the analytical chapters, which are always interesting and even provocative. This latest report is no exception.
Firedoglake and Prairie Weather
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Oligarchy and Monetary Policy
Oligarchy and Monetary Policy
Washington Monthly, Marginal REVOLUTION and This Is Brad DeLong's …

Vox Takes Melding of Journalism and Technology to a New Level — WASHINGTON — Ask Ezra Klein what prompted him to leave a high-profile position at The Washington Post to start a new website, and the answer is a little wonkish, even for the founder of the newspaper's Wonkblog, a mix of politics …
Nieman Journalism Lab, PandoDaily, publicNotepad, The Huffington Post and Mediaite, more at Mediagazer »

Welcome to Vox: a work in progress — DON'T MISS STORIES. FOLLOW VOX! — Welcome to! Again! — On March 9, we launched, which included our first videos, and we started talking to readers on our Facebook page and on our Twitter feed.
Erik Wemple, FishbowlDC and The Dish, more at Mediagazer »

Jeb Bush Talks Approach If He Runs for President — COLLEGE STATION, Tex. — With eyes increasingly on him, Jeb Bush signaled on Sunday the kind of campaign he would mount if he runs for president, one arguing against ideological purity tests while challenging party orthodoxy on issues like immigration and education.
Washington Monthly, PBS, Mediaite, Washington Post, Scared Monkeys, The Daily Caller, The Week, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Reaction and Instapundit
Michael Falcone / ABC News:
Obama Goes Back To School
Obama Goes Back To School
The Daily Caller, New Hampshire Journal and Wall Street Journal

How politics makes us stupid — There's a simple theory underlying much of American politics. It sits hopefully at the base of almost every speech, every op-ed, every article, and every panel discussion. It courses through the Constitution and is a constant in President Obama's most stirring addresses.
Washington Monthly, Patterico's Pontifications, Prairie Weather and Balloon Juice

The Color of His Presidency — Optimists hoped Obama would usher in a new age of racial harmony. Pessimists feared a surge in racial strife. Neither was right. But what happened instead has been even more invidious. — A few weeks ago, the liberal comedian Bill Maher and conservative strategist …
No More Mister Nice Blog

OnPolitics, The Week and The Awl
Colby Itkowitz / Washington Post:
Scott Brown, pick a party — Former senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.) was so busy picking a new state that he forgot to pick a party. — Whoever filled out Brown's formal statement of organization for his campaign exploratory committee left blank the small gray box asking for the candidate's party affiliation.
Talking Points Memo and WMUR
John DiStaso / New Hampshire Journal:
Ending Spending Action Fund to air new pro-Brown TV ad
Ending Spending Action Fund to air new pro-Brown TV ad

The game is up for climate change believers — Charles Moore reviews The Age of Global Warming by Rupert Darwall (Quartet) — Most of us pay some attention to the weather forecast. If it says it will rain in your area tomorrow, it probably will. But if it says the same for a month …
Vox Popoli

WATCH: Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed for the Iraq War so Halliburton Would Profit — As the ex-veep blasts Paul for being an isolationist, old video shows the Kentucky senator charging that Cheney used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq and benefit his former company. — Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Talking Points Memo, The Dish and The Raw Story

Tell us what you really think, Mr. Mayor — There are things that people know, or think that they know, about Rahm Emanuel: He is voluble, tireless, notoriously profane. And yet, when I met him last month, all the stories hadn't prepared me for his intensity in person.
Talking Points Memo, Wall Street Journal and Hullabaloo

The Roberts Court Just Endorsed Many Of Nixon's Most Corrupt Campaign Finance Schemes — Mention the word “Nixonian,” and many people's mind immediately go to Watergate, the break-in scandal and subsequent cover-up that eventually forced President Richard Nixon to resign.

Mickey Rooney, Legendary Actor, Dies at 93 — Mickey Rooney, the pint-sized actor who was one of MGM's giant box office attractions in the late '30s and early '40s, died on Sunday. He was 93. — As adept at comedy as drama and an excellent singer and dancer, Rooney was regarded as the consummate entertainer.
Taylor Marsh, Liberaland and Scared Monkeys