Top Items:
First on CNN: Husband on kissing congressman: ‘He has wrecked my life’ — (CNN) -The husband of the woman caught making out with Rep. Vance McAllister said the Louisiana Republican destroyed his life and marriage. — “I'm just freaking devastated by the whole deal, man. I loved my wife so much.

Pastor says McAllister staffer leaked video — A West Monroe minister says U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister's Monroe District Office manager leaked the video of the congressman's tryst with a former staff member who isn't the congressman's wife. — Danny Chance, pastor of Christian Life Church …
The Raw Story, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite, Politico and Liberaland
Adam Weinstein / Gawker:
Kissy Congressman Confesses to Texting Stranger: “I Messed Up”
Kissy Congressman Confesses to Texting Stranger: “I Messed Up”
CNN, Americans Against the …, Mediaite, Talking Points Memo, The Other McCain, The Daily Caller and Daily Kos

The Heartbleed Bug … Q&A — What is the CVE-2014-0160? — CVE-2014-0160 is the official reference to this bug. CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) is the Standard for Information Security Vulnerability Names maintained by the MITRE. Due to co-incident discovery a duplicate CVE …
New Urban Legends, The Verge, Gigaom, Samizdata, PandoDaily, The Raw Story, The Week, Guardian, Freedom of the Press … and Mashable
Nicole Perlroth / New York Times:
Experts Find a Door Ajar in an Internet Security Method Thought Safe — A flaw has been discovered in one of the Internet's key security methods, potentially forcing a wide swath of websites to make changes to protect the security of consumers. — The problem was first discovered by a team …

Obamacare Is Widening the Gap Between “Red” and “Blue” America — Red and blue state map, based on returns in last four presidential elections. (Wikimedia Commons/ Angr) — The fact that the citizens of “red” and “blue” states live in what are essentially two countries with very different governments …
Americans Against the … and The Reaction
Hadas Gold / Politico:
Rep. McCarthy pulls Breitbart column — House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy has pulled his column from Breitbart News after the site launched a California version with a lewd photoshop image of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. — A McCarthy spokesperson told ABC News the images were …

House GOP Leader Yanks Column From ‘Inappropriate’ Breitbart Site
Little Green Footballs, ABC News, Democratic National Committee and The Huffington Post
Caitlin MacNeal / Talking Points Memo:
Liz Cheney Hits Back At Pelosi: 'Her Spine Doesn't Seem To Reach Her Brain' (VIDEO)
Liz Cheney Hits Back At Pelosi: 'Her Spine Doesn't Seem To Reach Her Brain' (VIDEO)
Mediaite, Washington Free Beacon, Hullabaloo and The Dish
Chris Megerian / Los Angeles Times:
Conservative California website quickly stirs controversy
Conservative California website quickly stirs controversy
BREITBART.COM, Mediaite and Politico

Pol nabbed in arms trade scheme, feds say — San Francisco (CNN) — Leland Yee needed cash. — First, the ambitious California state senator had to fund his 2011 race for mayor of San Francisco. When he came in fifth, he was stuck with $70,000 in campaign debt that he had to retire …
National Review and NewsBusters

Here's Why We Know The Gender Wage Gap Really Does Exist — Tuesday is Equal Pay Day, the symbolic day by which women supposedly have put in enough extra work to catch up to what men will make in a year. That's because even when they work full-time, year-round, they still make 77 percent, on average, of what similar men make.
The New Republic, MarketWatch, The Dish and Bloomberg View

Obama Signs Measures to Help Close Gender Gap in Pay
Bloomberg View

Wall Street Journal Abandons Massive Resistance Obamacare Strategy — We know that GOP leaders are suddenly, tepidly, willing to allow minor, bipartisan improvements to Obamacare to clear the House of Representatives. But for the party's shift away from an obstinance-only strategy to evolve …
Talking Points Memo

Furious Eric Holder Snaps At GOP Rep: 'You Don't Want To Go There, Buddy' (VIDEO) — The feud between Attorney General Eric Holder and Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) shows no signs of abating. — Under questioning by Gohmert at a House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Holder was again asked …
Greta Van Susteren / Gretawire:
I guess I am the only one defending CNN on this one ... First, watch Fox News read below: — It has become real popular to criticize CNN for its wall to wall coverage of flight 370. And yes, I know, you can always find the dopey thing said by any anchor or guest and keep showing …
Talking Points Memo, Erik Wemple, Mediaite and The Huffington Post
John Hinderaker / Power Line:
The Washington Post Corrects, Disingenuously — On March 20, the Washington Post published an article by Steven Mufson and Julie Eilperin, the import of which was that Koch Industries is the driving force behind the Keystone Pipeline. The article, based entirely on a six-month-old report …
Washington Post, NewsBusters, Daily Kos and Washington Free Beacon

Reports of ACA demise: greatly exaggerated — After Obamacare's open enrollment, Jonathan Gruber shares his optimism, but also disgust over Medicaid expansion ‘tragedy’ … Transcript of this interview: — Harold: Welcome to Curbside Consult. I'm Harold Pollack at …
Lawyers, Guns & Money and The Reality-Based Community

SEC Goldman Lawyer Says Agency Too Timid on Wall Street Misdeeds — A trial attorney from the Securities and Exchange Commission said his bosses were too “tentative and fearful” to bring many Wall Street leaders to heel after the 2008 credit crisis, echoing the regulator's outside critics.
Dealbreaker, Bloomberg View, Gawker, New York Times, Capitol Report, Wall Street Journal and Vox Popoli

Rush Limbaugh: Jeb Bush backlash part of plan — 'I'm saying, 'What the heck is this? Is this the best we've got to offer?' he tells a listener. AP Photo — Close — Rush Limbaugh told listeners Tuesday that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's recent comment that some illegal immigration is an …
Rush Limbaugh

An Open Letter to Public School Teachers: We Apologize — We are sorry. On behalf of graduates of public schools, parents of children in public schools, those who value public education and teachers unions, we apologize. Your profession has been vilified, scapegoated, mined for profit, and deprofessionalized.
Americans Against the … and Liberaland

Republicans Warn Of New Obamacare Reality: No Repeal Without Alternative — For all the challenges still facing Obamacare and its supporters, conservative health wonks are increasingly cautioning Republicans that the politics of the issue have changed in the wake of the 7 million initial sign-ups.
Bloomberg, New York Times, Mediaite, The Plum Line, Hullabaloo and Liberaland

Farewell, Archie: Beloved comic book character to die — 14 comics that caused controversy — (CNN) — Since 1941, comic book fans have followed the exploits of teenaged Archie Andrews and his friends. This July, they'll find out how he dies. — “Life With Archie” #36 hits stores on July 16 …
The Daily Caller, New York Times, Most Recent and The Week

Robots and sex: creepy or cool? — Sex with robots may currently be restricted to fiction, but with advances in technology this could eventually change. Despite how some may react, this is something that should be accepted, maybe even embraced — Consenting adults' private activities seem to get a lot of other people very cross.
Weasel Zippers and NewsBusters
Tom Jensen / Public Policy Polling:
Peters regains lead in MI-Sen, Snyder continues to hold small edge — PPP's newest Michigan poll finds that Gary Peters has reclaimed the lead over Terri Lynn Land in the Senate race as perceptions about the rollout of Obamacare have dramatically improved during the last four months.
Daily Kos

The Culture of Shut Up — There once was a remote village deep in the rainforest that had no contact with the outside world. And in this small village there were only three village elders who had the ability to speak. So they were in charge. And they'd have arguments.
The Dish, The Daily Banter, Booman Tribune and Hot Air
Paul H. Tice / Wall Street Journal:
How Climate Change Conquered the American Campus — The top-paying job for grads last year: petroleum engineer, at $97,000. Yet most colleges seem oddly uninterested. — Here is a college quiz. While many parts of the U.S. economy struggle to recover from the Great Recession of 2008-09 …
Gawker and National Review