Top Items:

Why Jill Abramson Was Fired — At the annual City University Journalism School dinner, on Monday, Dean Baquet, the managing editor of the New York Times, was seated with Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., the paper's publisher. At the time, I did not give a moment's thought to why Jill Abramson …
The New Republic, The Federalist, Talking Points Memo, American Spectator, Slate, New York Times, New York Magazine, Capital New York, Bloomberg View, Bloomberg, The Huffington Post, ThinkProgress, The Dish, Mediaite, Daily Kos, Prairie Weather, Gawker, BuzzFeed, Poynter, NPR, Guardian, Here & Now, Althouse, No More Mister Nice Blog, Business Insider, The Moderate Voice, Yahoo! News, Fox News, Patterico's Pontifications, Shakesville, Politico, Jezebel, Firedoglake, Unfogged, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, National Review, Viking Pundit, Washington Post, FishbowlDC, Lawyers, Guns & Money, The Daily Caller and Eschaton, more at Mediagazer »

Exclusive: Times Internal Report Painted Dire Digital Picture — “Our journalism advantage is shrinking,” a committee led by the publisher's son warned. A call to get rid of the metaphor of “Church and State.” — Associated Press — A 96-page internal New York Times report …
Washington Post, Capital New York, Gawker, Mediaite and New York Times, more at Mediagazer »

Sulzberger Swings the Axe Again: Why the Times Publisher and Jill Abramson Were Doomed From the Start — A long good-bye that nobody saw coming. — For the past six months, Jill Abramson walked the newsroom like a woman under siege. “She was feeling it and was exhausted,” one close colleague said.
Joe Pompeo / Capital New York:
Invitation to a beheading: How Times editors learned of Abramson's ouster
Invitation to a beheading: How Times editors learned of Abramson's ouster
New York Times,, Politico, Jezebel, The Daily Caller, Poynter and The Huffington Post, more at Mediagazer »
Olga Khazan / The Atlantic Online:
Jill Abramson and the ‘Narrow Band’ of Acceptable Female Behavior
Jill Abramson and the ‘Narrow Band’ of Acceptable Female Behavior
Business Insider, Feministing and Gawker, more at Mediagazer »

Obama Has Every Reason to Fix the VA. Why Hasn't He? — The candidate made taking care of veterans a pledge and a priority, but hundreds of thousands of them are stuck in a long waiting line for disability decisions. — VA officials expect to end the claims backlog next year. (John Moore/Getty Images)
No More Mister Nice Blog and Washington Post

Shinseki ‘mad as hell’ about VA allegations
Guardian,, The Daily Caller and NPR
Mark Flatten / Washington Examiner:
Cascade of scandals has Veterans Secretary Eric Shinseki fighting for his job
Cascade of scandals has Veterans Secretary Eric Shinseki fighting for his job
Fox News and Washington Free Beacon

Coroner: Man wearing bullet-proof vest says, ‘Shoot me,’ is killed — Man, woman being questioned — A 25-year-old man who put on a bullet proof vest and asked to be shot was killed Wednesday morning, according to the coroner, and an 18-year-old girl is charged in the death.
Talking Points Memo
Casey Vaughn / FOX Carolina 21:
Bond set for teen charged after SC man killed testing bulletproof vest
Bond set for teen charged after SC man killed testing bulletproof vest
The Raw Story
Christopher Ingraham / Washington Post:
America's most gerrymandered congressional districts — Crimes against geography. — This election year we can expect to hear a lot about Congressional district gerrymandering, which is when political parties redraw district boundaries to give themselves an electoral advantage.
Washington Monthly and WRAL-TV

Bonfire of the Humanities — Christine Lagarde is the latest ritualistic burning of a college-commencement heretic. — It's been a long time coming, but America's colleges and universities have finally descended into lunacy. — Last month, Brandeis University banned Somali-born feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali …
his vorpal sword and Power Line

The Inequality Puzzle — Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty; Translated by Arthur Goldhammer • Belknap/Harvard University Press Once in a great while, a heavy academic tome dominates for a time the policy debate and, despite bristling with footnotes, shows up on the best-seller list.
National Review
Fred Barnes / Weekly Standard:
Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run — Ben Carson is warming to the idea of running for president. Since the famous brain surgeon retired last year from Johns Hopkins Hospital, he's been speaking around the country to enthusiastic audiences. And they've affected his thinking about seeking national office.
Washington Monthly, Hot Air and Booman Tribune

Hillary Clinton Took 6 Months to ‘Get Over’ Concussion, Bill Says of Timeline — Bill Clinton did more today than defend his wife, Hillary Clinton, from recent accusations leveled by GOP strategist Karl Rove that she suffered brain damage after falling in December 2012.
The Daily Caller and National Review
Judicial Watch:
Judicial Watch: New Documents Show IRS HQ Control of Tea Party Targeting — (Washington, DC) - Judicial Watch today released a new batch of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents revealing that its handling of Tea Party applications was directed out of the agency's headquarters in Washington, DC.
The Heritage Foundation, TaxProf Blog, The Jawa Report, Hot Air, Mediaite, TPNN and The Gateway Pundit
Katie Pavlich /
Judicial Watch Obtains New Documents Showing IRS Targeting Came Directly From Washington D.C.
Judicial Watch Obtains New Documents Showing IRS Targeting Came Directly From Washington D.C.
Power Line, Washington Examiner and RedState

GOP: We'll act on immigration reform in GOP-led Senate — Senate Republicans say they'll try to pass immigration reform legislation in the next two years if they take back the Senate in November. — The Republicans say winning back the Senate will allow them to pass a series of bills …
Washington Monthly, Immigration Reform, New York Times and Partnership …

Christian woman in Sudan sentenced to death for her faith — (CNN) — A Sudanese court has sentenced a Christian woman to death for renouncing Islam, her lawyer said Thursday. — Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, 27, was convicted by a Khartoum court this week of apostasy, or the renunciation of faith.
The Daily Caller, The Jawa Report, Hot Air and Hinterland Gazette

Science as McCarthyism — On Monday, Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson took a tilt at climate skeptics. “The assumption that the vast majority in a scientific field is engaged in fraud or corruption is frankly conspiratorial,” Gerson wrote. As a non-scientist …
Power Line
Quinnipiac News + Events:
Release Detail — May 15, 2014 - Native Son Kasich Best Against Clinton In Ohio 2016, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Obama Stuck Deep In Voter Approval Quicksand — Ohio Gov. John Kasich runs better against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton than any other Republican in an early look …
The Hill, CNN, Real Clear Politics and Politico
Mary Sanchez / Kansas City Star:
Catholic Church forces woman to leave job after gay marriage is revealed — Colleen Simon insisted on performing her job this week out of devotion. — On Wednesday, she managed a delivery of 2,000 pounds of food for the pantry at St. Francis Xavier Church. It's work she sees as fulfilling God's will, his call to serve.
LGBTQ Nation, The Raw Story and

Casey Kasem is found in Washington hours after daughter files missing person's report — Sgt. Mario Toti of the Santa Monica Police Department told the Daily News on Wednesday that Casey Kasem has been found and is ‘somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.’ The discovery comes hours after Kasem's daughter …
The Huffington Post and The Raw Story

How Obamacare Rules Triggered $1.6 Billion in Insurance Rebates — One of the less discussed pieces of the Affordable Care Act is a measure to control insurance premiums by limiting how much companies can spend on stuff other than medical claims. Expenses for marketing, fees to brokers …
The Moderate Voice
Jonathan Cohn / The New Republic:
A Shameful Victory for Obamacare's Opponents
A Shameful Victory for Obamacare's Opponents
Bloomberg View