Top Items:

Iran Offers Iraq ‘Everything it Needs’ to Fight ISIS — As ISIS marches closer to Baghdad, the world's leading sponsor of terrorism, Iran, is offering the Iraqi government the use of its army and spies. — As President Obama weighs whether to re-enter the Iraq war, the country's neighbor, Iran, is looking to step into the void.
Business Insider, Hot Air, New Yorker and AEIdeas

More US Troops to Iraq; Special Forces Considered
Firedoglake, Taylor Marsh, CNN and The Week

Iraq crisis: U.S. moves firepower to region as ISIS advance continues
The Week, Poynter, National Review and The Gateway Pundit

Sunnis and Kurds on Sidelines of Iraqi Leader's Military Plans
Washington Post, Gawker, The Independent, Outside the Beltway, Fox News and ParaPundit

Iraq conflict: Clashes on approaches to Baghdad
Reuters, Al Jazeera America, ThinkProgress and Fox News

Obama's Iraq disaster
Rush Limbaugh, The Dish and Wall Street Journal

U.S. Is Exploring Talks With Iran on Crisis in Iraq
USA Today, The Week and Associated Press

What to Do in Iraq — It's widely agreed that the collapse …
Fox News, Hot Air, Hit & Run, The Dish, ABC News, Balloon Juice, Ed Driscoll, his vorpal sword, Lawyers, Guns & Money, BuzzFeed, The Daily Banter, New York Times, Politico and The Daily Beast

Why Obama “owns” Iraq
CANNONFIRE, The National Interest, National Review and The Dish

John McCain, Lindsey Graham split on Iran
Power Line and Hot Air

It's reminiscent of Rose Mary Woods's 18½ minutes of fame. — Vietnam and Watergate have been central to the worldview of a generation of liberal Democrats. For decades, whenever a Republican was in the White House, they eagerly anticipated that every U.S. military intervention would turn into …
Sister Toldjah, Power Line, Liberal Values, RedState, NewsBusters and The Daily Signal

The Latest on Lois Lerner's “Lost” Emails, With a Bombshell At the End — The Internal Revenue Service claims, as of last Friday, that two years' worth of Lois Lerner's external emails are gone forever. You can read the letter in which the IRS told Senators Hatch and Wyden that Lerner's external emails …

No one buying claim that Lois Lerner's IRS emails were lost
The Daily Caller, his vorpal sword, and Business Insider

Tax Agency Says Lois Lerner Emails Were Destroyed in Computer Crash
ABC News, Committee on Oversight …,, CNN,, TaxProf Blog and Outside the Beltway

NC GOPer: Unlike Blacks Or Hispanics, ‘Traditional’ Population Isn't Growing (VIDEO) — State House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-NC), the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in North Carolina, said that the “traditional” voting bloc of his home state wasn't growing like as minority populations in an interview he did in 2012.
PoliticusUSA, Shakesville, Hinterland Gazette, Taegan Goddard's … and The Raw Story

Heritage's ugly Benghazi panel — Representatives of prominent conservative groups converged on the Heritage Foundation on Monday afternoon for the umpteenth in a series of gatherings to draw attention to the Benghazi controversy. — But this one took an unexpected turn.
Mediaite and Hullabaloo

Downward spiral of Obama's presidency … “Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job.” That was George W. Bush's infamous compliment to Michael Brown, his then-director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It came as New Orleans lay flooded after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 …
Power Line

GOP pol raises Obama impeachment — Rep. Lou Barletta says the House “probably” has the votes to impeach President Barack Obama. — “He's just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and balances,” the Pennsylvania Republican said of Obama on the Gary Sutton radio show on Monday.
Washington Post

GOP Congressman: Obama Impeachment “Probably Could” Pass The House
Mediaite, PoliticusUSA and Talking Points Memo

D'Souza baffles Megyn Kelly — Conservative author Dinesh D'Souza baffled Megyn Kelly on Monday night with an analogy that compared the United States to a child molesting father. — Appearing on Fox's “The Kelly File” to promote his new book, “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” …
The Huffington Post

The Cantor Prediction Is Part of a Pattern—GOP Pollsters Stink — They overestimated Romney, underestimated Cuccinelli, and had Eric Cantor up 34 points. Do GOP pollsters understand the country anymore? — The last few years have regrettably made the phrase “Republican pollster” less a job title than a punch line.

Obama will propose vast expansion of Pacific Ocean marine sanctuary — The Pacific Island nation of Kiribati lies seven feet above sea level, on average. But scientists say it's drowning. PostTV asked Kiribati President Anote Tong how he's planning for a future that might find his entire country submerged in the Pacific Ocean.
ThinkProgress, Daily Digest News, The Lonely Conservative, Fox News and RTCC

First lady: Students shouldn't pick what they have for lunch — First lady Michelle Obama on Monday blasted back at critics of her school lunch program, arguing parents should ensure their children eat healthy meals. — Obama said parents and school leaders can't let children make the call …

WH to honor young illegal immigrants — The White House will honor 10 young adults on Tuesday who came to the United States illegally and qualified for the president's program to defer deportation actions. — Each person has qualified for the government's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program …

The bafflingly simple reason Raul Labrador had trouble campaigning for majority leader this weekend
American Spectator, Twitchy, The Hugh Hewitt Show and The Week

Paul Wolfowitz, Bill Kristol, and their fellow neocons botched Iraq. Now they want to tell you what they think. Ignore them. — Let's say you're an academic-turned-public official who helped push your government into war. You promised an easy victory and an inexpensive reconstruction …
The Week, Mediaite, The Huffington Post, Washington Post, Daily Kos and Politico

Immigrant Children Need Safety, Shelter and Lawyers — The surge of desperate young migrants across the southwest border has the Obama administration scrambling to respond. It was clearly ill-prepared for a problem that grew steadily for years before exploding this year …
Daily Kos

N.Y. lawmaker aims to give voting rights to illegal immigrants — (Reuters) - A New York lawmaker wants to grant many of the rights of citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants and non-citizen residents, including the right to vote in local and state elections, under a bill introduced on Monday.
The Gateway Pundit, The Daily Caller and The PJ Tatler