Top Items:
'She'd Probably Get Shot At The State Line' — A local district chairman says there's no love for Hillary in the Natural State. — Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has apparently worn out her welcome in the state where her husband served as governor.
his vorpal sword, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite and Shakesville
President Clinton: ‘Dead broke’ comments were ‘factually true’ — DENVER — Former President Bill Clinton on Tuesday defended his wife Hillary Clinton's recent comments on wealth, saying she is “not out of touch.” — In a discussion with NBC's David Gregory as part of the Clinton Global Initiative …
Talking Points Memo, NewsBusters, Mediaite and Weasel Zippers
Arkansas GOP Official Says He Was ‘Taken Way Out Of Context’ When He Predicted Hillary Clinton Would Get Shot
Talking Points Memo and No More Mister Nice Blog
Jonathan Allen / Bloomberg:
Bill Clinton Defends Hillary's Middle-Income Ties
Bill Clinton Defends Hillary's Middle-Income Ties
Mediaite, Hot Air, Washington Examiner, Guardian, Daily Kos, Bloomberg View and Fox News Insider
Hillary Clinton sign defaced: ‘Benghazi’ scrawled in red
Hillary Clinton sign defaced: ‘Benghazi’ scrawled in red
Taylor Marsh, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite and Weasel Zippers
Jon Murray / Denver Post:
CNN, Politico, The Daily Caller and OnPolitics
Porn star's tweet prompts Steve Stivers aide Adam Kuhn to resign — The chief of staff to Ohio GOP Rep. Steve Stivers has resigned after a former porn actress posted an explicit photo of the aide online. — Adam Kuhn, a longtime Stivers' aide and chief of staff, resigned on Tuesday.
Gawker, Mediaite, Washington Monthly, The Raw Story, The Huffington Post and Business Insider
GOP Rep's Chief Of Staff Resigns After Porn Star Tweets Photo Of His Penis — Rep. Steve Stivers' (R-OH) chief of staff, Adam Kuhn, resigned on Tuesday after a former porn actress posted a picture of his penis to Stivers' Twitter account, Politico reported.
I.R.S. Did Not Follow Law After Loss of Official's Emails, Archivist Says — WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service did not follow the law when it failed to report a hard drive crash that destroyed emails belonging to a senior official at the center of a scandal over the agency's treatment …
Latest from Crooks and Liars
Democrat: IRS chief ‘arrogant’ — Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said Tuesday that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has done “a terrible job communicating” in the investigation into former IRS official Lois Lerner's missing emails. — “Obviously, I think he is doing a terrible job communicating …
Hot Air and American Spectator
Fox News Poll: Voters think IRS emails were deliberately destroyed
Weasel Zippers and Fox News Insider
Washington Examiner:
Three key moments from the IRS hearing
Three key moments from the IRS hearing
Roger's Rules, Power Line, Scared Monkeys, Ace of Spades HQ, Washington Free Beacon, Hot Air and The Gateway Pundit
Brett Taylor / Twitchy:
‘Just nailed Koskinen to the wall’: Trey Gowdy brings the heat to IRS hearing [video]
‘Just nailed Koskinen to the wall’: Trey Gowdy brings the heat to IRS hearing [video]
WND, Hot Air, CNSNews,, Power Line, RedState, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Ed Driscoll and Weekly Standard
Judge Dismisses McDaniel Supporter's Lawsuit To Prevent Crossover Voting — A lawsuit aimed at stopping crossover voting in Mississippi was dismissed by a judge in the state on Tuesday. — The race has been caught up in controversies about the practice of “crossover voting,” …
Associated Press
As Cochran Courts Blacks, Tea Party Vows to Police Polls
CNN, Patterico's Pontifications and Prairie Weather
Alexandra Jaffe / The Hill:
Will Mississippi mudslinging give Dems a chance in South?
Will Mississippi mudslinging give Dems a chance in South?
Politico, Fox News, Hot Air, FiveThirtyEight, Taylor Marsh, Booman Tribune, RedState and BREITBART.COM
J.K. Trotter / Gawker:
Drunk Fox News Anchor Brawls With Airport Cops In Jailhouse Video — Remember the middle-aged Fox News anchor who was arrested while intoxicated at an airport bar in St. Paul, Minnesota? You may have even seen Gregg Jarrett's mugshot floating around last month.
The Raw Story, Talking Points Memo, The Daily Caller and Mediaite
Boehner Planning House Lawsuit Against Obama Executive Actions — Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, told Republicans Tuesday he could have an announcement within days on whether the House will file a lawsuit against President Barack Obama, challenging the executive actions that have become the keystone of the administration.
Talking Points Memo,, Business Insider, PoliticusUSA and Mediaite
Cool at 13, Adrift at 23 — At 13, they were viewed by classmates with envy, admiration and not a little awe. The girls wore makeup, had boyfriends and went to parties held by older students. The boys boasted about sneaking beers on a Saturday night and swiping condoms from the local convenience store.
A SWAT team blew a hole in my 2-year-old son — After our house burned down in Wisconsin a few months ago, my husband and I packed our four young kids and all our belongings into a gold minivan and drove to my sister-in-law's place, just outside of Atlanta.
Hit & Run, Hullabaloo and Guardian
After Exchanges Close, 5% of Americans Are Newly Insured — More than half of newly insured in '14 got insurance through exchanges — PRINCETON, NJ — Five percent of Americans report being newly insured in 2014. More than half of that group, or 2.8% of the total U.S. population …
Politico, Balloon Juice,, Hot Air and Real Clear Politics
Ken McIntyre / The Daily Signal:
IRS Admits Wrongdoing, to Pay $50,000 in Leaking of Marriage Group's Tax Return — Two years after activists for same-sex marriage obtained the confidential tax return and donor list of a national group opposed to redefining marriage, the Internal Revenue Service has admitted wrongdoing and agreed to settle the resulting lawsuit.
Washington Post, Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit, Washington Free Beacon, RedState and Ed Driscoll
What Climate Change Looks Like on Your Front Porch — If you are like the typical American, then you think climate change is a real problem, but you're not clamoring for action. Yes, you've heard that the planet is getting warmer—that the sea levels are rising and, somewhere, storms probably getting worse.
Mashable, Capital New York and New York Times
The Law Is An Ass — There's been a bubbling hum of controversy surrounding the Senate Daily Press Gallery's decision to deny credentials to SCOTUSBlog. And as it happens, the issues involved here are ones I know fairly well since I'm the owner of a new media company and had to navigate …
Discussion:, Nieman Journalism Lab, Politico, Outside the Beltway, Washington Post and SCOTUSblog
Sudanese Christian woman rearrested, legal team says — (CNN) — A Sudanese Christian woman who'd been sentenced to die for refusing to renounce her faith — and then released — was rearrested Tuesday at an airport as she was trying to leave the African country, her legal team told CNN on Tuesday.
Guardian,, The Daily Signal, Hinterland Gazette, The Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, The Right Scoop, The Jawa Report and The PJ Tatler
2nd Bridge Inquiry Said to Be Linked to Christie — Investigations into the Christie administration and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey have zeroed in on possible securities law violations stemming from a $1.8 billion road repair agreement in 2011, according to people briefed on the matter.
Mediaite, CNN, Gawker, Bloomberg View, Talking Points Memo, Firedoglake, Daily Kos, Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Shakesville, Liberaland and Taylor Marsh
Apparent Bite by Luis Suárez Mars Uruguay's Victory Over Italy — NATAL, Brazil — The most ruthless soccer players often use their hands or elbows or knees to rough up opposing players. The most reckless — or dirtiest — might even use their cleats. Then there is Luis Suárez.
Here's A Video Of Congressional Leaders Holding Hands And Swaying (VIDEO) — Members of Congress are well-practiced in straddling the line between Capitol Hill decorum and the brutal nature of partisan politics. It was evident last year when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) …
Outside the Beltway
Daniel Halper / Weekly Standard:
Kerry: 'We Don't Do Foreign Policy By Polls' — Secretary of State John Kerry tells Fox News's James Rosen that the Obama administration does not “do foreign policy by polls.” That, the sescretary of state said, is “a good thing.” — The claim came in a response to a question …
Weasel Zippers and The PJ Tatler
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: GARY OLDMAN — When actors list other actors they deeply admire, Gary Oldman's name inevitably shoots to the top. Sid Vicious, Dracula, Beethoven, Lee Harvey Oswald, The Dark Knight's Commissioner Gordon, Harry Potter's Sirius Black—Oldman's range is so staggering …
Mediaite,, Hollywood Reporter, The Federalist, Hot Air, The Political Insider, Hit & Run, Daily Surge, ThinkProgress, Guardian, NME News and Gawker
Hillary Clinton's Latino Problem — What's up with Clinton saying at that CNN town hall that kids crossing the border should be sent home? Believe me, Latino voters noticed. — If the bond between Hillary Clinton and Latinos could be boiled down to a relationship status update on Facebook, it would read: “It's complicated.”