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Remembering Alexander Bickel's passive virtues and the Hobby Lobby cases — In the Hobby Lobby cases, five male Justices of the Supreme Court, who are all members of the Catholic faith and who each were appointed by a President who hailed from the Republican party, decided that a huge corporation …
Gawker, Balloon Juice, National Review and The Raw Story
Hobby Lobby Ruling Prompts Federal Judge To Tell Supreme Court To ‘STFU’ — Federal Judge Richard Kopf, who was appointed to a U.S. District Court in Nebraska by George H.W. Bush, slammed the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision in his personal blog, Hercules and the Umpire, and told the judges to “stfu.”
Federal Judge Blasts Hobby Lobby Decision: Supreme Court Should ‘STFU’ — Judge Richard George Kopf, a George H.W. Bush appointee to the federal bench who maintains his own personal blog, has some harsh words for the Supreme Court in the wake of their birth control decision …
Daily Kos, The Verge, Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times, The Huffington Post and Business Insider
Gitmo detainees' lawyers invoke Hobby Lobby decision in court filing — Attorneys say clients have religious rights afforded by same law cited by SCOTUS in controversial Hobby Lobby ruling — Lawyers for two Guantanamo Bay detainees have filed motions asking a U.S. court to block officials …
Daily Kos, Mediaite, Talking Points Memo, Outside the Beltway, Althouse and The Raw Story
Obamacare's next threat: A September surprise — Obamacare open enrollment closed March 31. The White House's Obamacare war room did not. — Most state health insurance rates for 2015 are scheduled to be approved by early fall, and most are likely to rise, timing that couldn't be worse …
AEIdeas, Rush Limbaugh, Hot Air, VodkaPundit, New York Times and National Review
The Republican Party After the Apocalypse — Chill pills for the crazy party. — Last week, Marco Rubio delivered a speech outlining his economic agenda, and it was widely hailed as the cutting-edge statement of “reform conservatism,” an intra-Republican movement that is also the subject …
No More Mister Nice Blog and The Hugh Hewitt Show
Can ‘Reformicons’ Save the Republican Party?
Washington Monthly, NewsBusters and No More Mister Nice Blog
It's time for progressives to reclaim the Constitution — You cannot talk for very long to a conservative these days without hearing the words “constitutional” and “constitutionalist.” — Formulations such as “I am a constitutional conservative” or “I am a constitutionalist” are tea party habits …
National Review, Bloomberg View, Balkinization, Power Line, Democratic Strategist, Daily Kos and ACS Blog
BBC staff ordered to stop giving equal air time to climate deniers — The network will stop airing “debates” featuring members of the anti-science fringe — Good news for viewers of BBC News: you'll no longer be subjected to the unhinged ravings of climate deniers and other members of the anti-science fringe.
The Verge, Hullabaloo, Barcepundit and Power Line
Sarah Palin On Hillary Clinton, Advice for ‘The View’ and Her Latest TV Show (Exclusive) — As Sportsman Channel orders a second season of her “Amazing America,” the GOP star offers her thoughts on the firings at daytime talker, Clinton's new book and our “incorrigibly disastrous” political system.
Politico, The Huffington Post, The Daily Caller, Daily Kos, Mediaite, Washington Post, Gossip Cop and Conservatives4Palin
Why the White House Ignored All Those Warnings About ISIS — Team Obama was told, over and over, that the Iraqi army couldn't stop a terror group that was ready to pounce. But Washington was a prisoner to its paradox of an Iraq policy. — On November 1, 2013, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki visited …
Washington Post, Israel Matzav, Hot Air and VodkaPundit
White House Counsel: Boehner Lawsuit Will Be Quickly Thrown Out — WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawyer Neil Eggleston could be looking toward a comfortable retirement on the generous nest egg he built through high-stakes representation of prominent Washington officials and corporate clients.
The Daily Caller
Michelle Obama Employs Only 2 Men; Pays Men 46% More Than Women On Staff
Washington Post
The House GOP Should Man Up Instead of Resorting to Political Theater in the Courts — John Boehner and the House Republicans may lack the testicular fortitude to fight President Obama, but I would kindly ask that he save the taxpayers further money on a political stunt
No one is reading ‘Hard Choices,’ either. — By now, the poor sales of Hillary Clinton's new book “Hard Choices” are well-documented. (Relatively poor, we will add, given the complex topography of bookselling.) — But another metric came to our attention this weekend which allows us …
National Review and Guardian
Searching for Hillary Clinton's big idea
Washington Monthly and Shakesville
Inside President Obama's secret schedule Yahoo News 1 hr ago — On May 29, President Barack Obama had lunch at the White House with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The likely 2016 presidential contender has been to hundreds of West Wing meetings, first as first lady, then as senator …
July 4 Parade Features ‘Obama Presidential Library’ Outhouse Float — An Independence Day parade in Norfolk, Nebraska included a float depicting President Obama's presidential library as an outhouse, sparking outcry from residents as well as the state's Democratic Party.
CBS News, Omaha World-Herald, Scared Monkeys, Taylor Marsh and
1-in-10 Americans don't give a hoot about politics — As Republicans and Democrats gear up for midterm elections this November, there's one group of Americans that is paying very little, if any, attention to the whole ordeal. — Overall, 10% of Americans are what we call Bystanders …
Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Shakesville, OnPolitics, Politico and CNN
Conservative Delusions About Inflation — On Sunday The Times published an article by the political scientist Brendan Nyhan about a troubling aspect of the current American scene — the stark partisan divide over issues that should be simply factual, like whether the planet is warming or evolution happened.
Hullabaloo, Mediaite and Bloomberg View