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Courts Issue Conflicting Rulings on Health Care Law — WASHINGTON — Two federal appeals court panels issued conflicting rulings Tuesday on whether the government could subsidize health insurance premiums for people in three dozen states that use the federal insurance exchange.
The New Republic, JustOneMinute, Daily Kos, The PJ Tatler, The Moderate Voice, Prairie Weather and Forbes

Court Rules That Subsidies in Obamacare's Federal Exchange are Illegal, Dealing Huge Legal Blow to Health Law — The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit delivered a huge blow to Obamacare this morning, ruling that the insurance subsidies granted through the federally run health exchange …
Hot Air, Sister Toldjah, Bloomberg View, neo-neocon, Daily Kos, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Strata-Sphere, alicublog and Viking Pundit

Appeals Court Deals Major Blow To Obamacare — A federal appeals court dealt a huge blow to Obamacare on Tuesday, banning — the federal exchange from providing subsidies to residents of the 36 states it serves. — A divided three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled …
National Review, The Mahablog and Balloon Juice

BREAKING — D.C. Circuit strikes down tax credits in federal exchanges — This morning the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit released its much awaited opinion in Halbig v. Burwell. In a 2-1 opinion, the Court held that the Internal Revenue Service regulation authorizing tax credits in federal exchanges was invalid.
Forbes, Power Line, neo-neocon,, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and The PJ Tatler

BREAKING: Two Republican Judges Order Obamacare Defunded — Near the end of 2013, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) led a final crusade to defund the Affordable Care Act, eventually announcing on the Senate floor that “I intend to speak in opposition to Obamacare, I intend to speak in support of defunding Obamacare …
The Incidental Economist, Daily Kos and Washington Post

Appeals courts split on whether ObamaCare subsidies are legal
The Federalist, Business Insider and Weasel Zippers

Halbig v. Burwell Would Free More Than 57 Million Americans From The ACA's Individual & Employer Mandates
ThinkProgress, Talking Points Memo, National Review, Hot Air, Weasel Zippers and Washington Post

Federal appeals courts issue contradictory rulings on health-law subsidies
Hot Air, Eclectablog, Politico and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Federal judge throws out Ron Johnson's Obamacare lawsuit
Talking Points Memo and Althouse

New Surveillance Whistleblower: The NSA Violates the Constitution — John Napier Tye is speaking out to warn Americans about illegal spying. The former State Department official, who served in the Obama administration from 2011 to 2014, declared Friday that ongoing NSA surveillance abuses …
Discussion: and Techdirt

Israel pounds Gaza despite international peace efforts — (Reuters) - Israel pounded targets across the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, saying no ceasefire was near as top U.S. and U.N. diplomats pursued talks on halting fighting that has claimed more than 500 lives.
Firedoglake, Israel Matzav, VodkaPundit, and ABC

Gaza conflict: France criticises ‘anti-Semitic’ riot
National Review and Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

‘Telegenically Dead Palestinians’: Why Israel Is Losing the American Media War
American Prospect, Booman Tribune, USA Today, Business Insider, Colorlines and New York Times

While Hillary Clinton offers a resume, Elizabeth Warren offers a plan — DEMOCRATIC PARTY HILLARY CLINTON 2016 ELECTIONS CAMPAIGNS ELIZABETH WARREN — It seems almost too obvious to mention, but presidential candidates need a clear idea of why they want to be president.
Booman Tribune and Hot Air

It's virtually impossible to be a successful modern president
Rush Limbaugh, Power Line, The Daily Caller and NewsBusters

Elizabeth Warren Would Be the Most Liberal Democratic Nominee Since 1972
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, U.S. News, Hullabaloo, Ed Driscoll and Hot Air

Ukraine says Russian officer pushed the button to shoot down MH17 — Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) — As bodies from Thursday's air disaster reached a facility Tuesday in Kharkiv, Ukraine, the Ukrainian government ratcheted up its accusations against Moscow, saying a Russian officer shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.
Hot Air, Talking Points Memo and

Jet Wreckage Bears Signs of Impact by Supersonic Missile, Analysis Shows
The Dish and Business Insider

IRS: Lerner emails may exist after all — The IRS might not have lost the backups of former agency administrator Lois Lerner's emails after all, according to a top IRS official. — In testimony released Monday, Thomas Kane, the IRS's deputy associate chief counsel, told House Oversight investigators …
Hot Air and Washington Post

Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings calls for end to ‘public harassment’ of IRS chief John Koskinen
The Gateway Pundit

Don't Send Your Kid to the Ivy League — The nation's top colleges are turning our kids into zombies — In the spring of 2008, I did a daylong stint on the Yale admissions committee. We that is, three admissions staff, a member of the college dean's office, and me, the faculty representative …
The Other McCain

How Jon Stewart Made It Okay to Care About Palestinian Suffering — This Gaza war has brought a new level of American awareness of the pain of Palestinian civilians. And we have Jon Stewart to thank. — When I interviewed The Daily Show's Jon Stewart two years ago for a documentary I co-directed …
Hot Air

Rubio: U.S. Cannot Admit All Children Seeking Asylum … Sen. Marco Rubio argued that the nation's immigration laws need to be overhauled and said that Hillary Clinton would be a flawed candidate for president. — The Florida Republican made his comments in the second half of a two-part interview …
Washington Post, CNN, The Daily Caller, Daily Kos, OnPolitics and Economy

Charles Schumer: Adopt the Open Primary — WASHINGTON — POLARIZATION and partisanship are a plague on American politics. — Political scientists have found that the two parties have each grown more ideologically homogeneous since the 1970s. The Senate hasn't been so polarized since Reconstruction …
OnPolitics, Firedoglake, Washington Post, Politico and Eschaton

White flags planted on Brooklyn Bridge, American flags missing as mystery deepens — The NYPD started removing the white banners at 11 a.m. Tuesday — but it remained unclear what happened to the missing Stars and Stripes or how the thieves scaled the towers, which are under constant surveillance.
Talking Points Memo, New York Times, Politico and The Huffington Post