Top Items:

Sarah Palin's Low-Budget TV Channel Is Pricier Than Netflix — Sarah Palin is returning to her roots in low-budget television-but this time, she's on the web, the focus is American politics, and she owns the network. The Sarah Palin Channel launched Sunday, asking prospective viewers …
The Moderate Voice and Hot Air

Sarah Palin Launches Her Own TV Channel Online — Sarah Palin - former governor of Alaska, erstwhile candidate for VP of the U.S. and polarizing public figure - has unveiled a new subscription-based Internet TV network that promises direct access to her and her supporters.
Mediaite, CANNONFIRE, Taylor Marsh, The Raw Story, OnPolitics, Gawker, Scared Monkeys, The Huffington Post and Conservatives4Palin

Palin Skirts The ‘Media Filters’ With Launch Of Her Digital Video Channel (VIDEO)
Capital New York, Mediaite, Washington Monthly and FishbowlDC
Sarah Palin / Facebook:
My Challenge to the Washington Post — To reclaim your credibility …
My Challenge to the Washington Post — To reclaim your credibility …
Scared Monkeys, Right Wing News, Mediaite, Little Green Footballs and Twitchy
Sean Sullivan / Washington Post:
Sarah Palin launches online channel as she rips ‘media filters’
Sarah Palin launches online channel as she rips ‘media filters’
Wall Street Journal, Daily Kos, Outside the Beltway, Politico and
The White House:
Readout of the President's Call with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel — President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke again today by phone about the situation in Gaza. The President underscored the United States' strong condemnation of Hamas' rocket and tunnel attacks against Israel …
The Times of Israel, Mondoweiss, Power Line, Commentary Magazine, Washington Post and Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Gaza fighting abates as diplomatic tension flares
Washington Post, Reuters and National Review
David Grossman / New York Times:
Stop the Grindstone of Israeli-Palestinian Violence
Stop the Grindstone of Israeli-Palestinian Violence
Pressing Issues and Right Wing News
New York Times:
Israel Says Its Forces Did Not Kill Palestinians Sheltering at U.N. School
Israel Says Its Forces Did Not Kill Palestinians Sheltering at U.N. School
Firedoglake, Mondoweiss, Business Insider, Pressing Issues, Mediaite and Guardian
Elhanan Miller / The Times of Israel:
Abbas fumes at Kerry over alternative ceasefire bid
Abbas fumes at Kerry over alternative ceasefire bid
The Dish, Israel Matzav, Runnin' Scared, and The Daily Caller

Michelle Nunn's Campaign Plan — Democrats intensely recruited Nunn, and the seat, which is being vacated by Republican senator Saxby Chambliss, is widely considered their best pickup opportunity in the Senate of this election cycle. Though Nunn announced her candidacy last July …
Talking Points Memo and Political Insider blog

Michelle Nunn's Campaign Plan — Michelle Nunn can come across as a “lightweight,” “too liberal,” not a “real Georgian.” While she served as CEO for the Points of Light Foundation, the organization gave service awards to “inmates” and “terrorists.” And her Senate campaign must feature images …
Washington Free Beacon

News Sites Get Duped By Satire About Bachmann ‘Americanization’ Camps — Several news outlets and liberal blogs were fooled this weekend by a faux-news item that claimed Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) had advocated “Americanization” camps for undocumented migrant children.
The Daily Caller, Firedoglake and Liberaland

CORRECTED: Bachmann And Migrant Children — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference. — CREDIT: AP Photo / Susan Walsh — Update — The news site KCTV7 News is a parody. Rep. Bachmann (R-MN) never made the statement. We sincerely regret the error.
The Daily Caller, Mediaite, NewsBusters, Business Insider, The Raw Story, Twitchy and Latest from Crooks and Liars
Gov. Ted Strickland / Politico:
I Tried to Live on Minimum Wage for a Week — Thankfully, I did this by myself. For millions of Americans, a minimum wage salary has to cover an entire family. Right now, in America, a minimum wage worker is spending her workday worrying about a decision she is going to have to make when she finally makes it home.

NYT: Chamber Of Commerce Will Support Dem Mary Landrieu — The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is reportedly throwing support behind Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), according to the group's national political director, Rob Engstrom. — Engstrom told the audience at a Committee of 100 meeting …
The Hill, Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway and RedState

My party has lost its soul: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and the victory of Wall Street Democrats — A former Clinton aide on how Democrats lost their way chasing Wall Street cash, and new populism the party needs — 1. — In 2006 the Atlantic magazine asked a panel of “eminent historians” …

The Absurd Impeachment Feedback Loop — Impeachment is the final fantasy for obsessive hyper-partisans. But some Democrats are exploiting the craziness as a fundraising call to arms. — Silly season has started - and both parties are trying to fundraise off the fringe.
Instapundit and ThinkProgress
Charles M. Blow / New York Times:
The Republican Move to Sue Obama — Rather than getting on with the country's business and focusing solely on can't-wait issues before they jet out of town this weekend — like the unfinished bill to fix veterans' health care and the stalled bill to deal with the humanitarian crisis …
Washington Post

With Liberty to Monitor All — How Large-Scale US Surveillance is Harming Journalism, Law, and American Democracy — The 120-page report documents how national security journalists and lawyers are adopting elaborate steps or otherwise modifying their practices to keep communications …
The Hill, The Huffington Post and New York Times, more at Mediagazer »

LIVE UPDATES: At least four Israelis killed, four wounded, in mortar shell fire from Gaza — Palestinians: Three killed in IDF strike on Gaza hospital; Turkey says prepared to send 17 tons of aid to Gaza via ‘air bridge’ if needed; UN joins Obama in call for immediate cease-fire.
New York Times, Paul Mason, Israel Matzav and Mediaite