Top Items:

Amash after win: Ellis is 'what's wrong with politics' — GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD/AP) — After Republican U.S. Rep. Justin Amash beat challenger Brian Ellis in the Third Congressional District primary, he said Ellis's campaign was “disgusting” and “despicable.”
Roll Call, The Daily Caller, National Review and The Lonely Conservative

Rep. Justin Amash says Challenger Brian Ellis ‘owes an apology’ and calls Rep. Pete Hoekstra a ‘disgrace’ — GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - While wrapping up his victory speech in a win during the primary election, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan's 3rd District called former Rep. Pete Hoesktra of Holland …
ThinkProgress, Talking Points Memo, emptywheel, Politico, The Raw Story and Business Insider

Mike Huckabee: Obama ‘Acting Like God,’ ‘Worthy Of Impeachment’ — Mike Huckabee appeared on Monday's edition of Iowa-based Steve Deace's radio talk show, where he said President Obama “absolutely” deserves to be impeached but cautioned that Republicans should not pursue impeachment …
Caitlin MacNeal / Talking Points Memo:
Mike Huckabee: Obama ‘Worthy Of Impeachment’ (AUDIO)
Mike Huckabee: Obama ‘Worthy Of Impeachment’ (AUDIO)

Iraqi Yazidis stranded on isolated mountaintop begin to die of thirst — BAGHDAD — Stranded on a barren mountaintop, thousands of minority Iraqis are faced with a bleak choice: descend and risk slaughter at the hands of the encircled Sunni extremists or sit tight and risk dying of thirst.
ThinkProgress, The Gateway Pundit, BizPac Review, CNN, Al Jazeera English, Agence France-Presse, UNICEF, Lawfare, Hot Air, Prairie Weather, Yahoo! News and National Review
George Packer / New Yorker:
A Friend Flees the Horror of ISIS
A Friend Flees the Horror of ISIS
Michael J. Totten's blog, Al Jazeera English, National Review, The Dish and VodkaPundit

Hillary Clinton Launching Presidential Campaign In New York City? — It appears Hillary Clinton has launched her 2016 presidential campaign. can exclusively report that Hillary has leased office space on a high-level floor of a corporate New York City office building …
Talking Points Memo,, Gothamist, Business Insider, Fox News and BuzzFeed
Washington Post:
Former Va. governor's trial: McDonnell staffers called Williams the ‘tic tac man’ — Former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, are battling a 14-count public-corruption indictment that alleges they lent the prestige of the governor's office to a Richmond-area businessman in exchange for gifts and loans.
National Review and The PJ Tatler
Trip Gabriel / New York Times:
In Virginia Graft Case, Cognac and Golf Trips Aren't Smoking Guns
In Virginia Graft Case, Cognac and Golf Trips Aren't Smoking Guns
Taylor Marsh

Democrats throw kitchen sink at Republicans ahead of midterms — Democrats are throwing the kitchen sink at Republicans in a bid to keep the Senate and erode the GOP's House majority in November's elections. — While the Democrats' official campaign strategy focuses wholly on the economy …
Ezra Klein / Vox:
Why the president becomes more powerful when Congress fails
Why the president becomes more powerful when Congress fails
RedState and Bloomberg View

America's Fed Up: Obama Approval Rating Hits New Low — Yet because this discontent differs - among Democrats, Republicans, and independents - Hart cautions that Americans still aren't likely to be storming the polls on Election Day in November. — “We're unhappy, but we aren't coalescing around an issue,” he said.

Are we facing a GOP takeover in 2014? — Democrats, myself included, tend to respect and value expertise, and find that people who have established a record of accuracy and developed a model that's proven to be beneficial over time should be people accorded great deference when they opine …
Radley Balko / Washington Post:
Since marijuana legalization, highway fatalities in Colorado are at near-historic lows — Since Colorado voters legalized pot in 2012, prohibition supporters have warned that recreational marijuana will lead to a scourge of “drugged divers” on the state's roads.
Hit & Run, National Review and Hullabaloo

U.S. policymakers gird for rash of corporate expatriations — Washington policymakers are bracing for a wave of corporations to renounce their U.S. citizenship over the next few months, depriving the federal government of billions of dollars in tax revenue and stoking public outrage ahead of the Nov. 4 congressional elections.
Bloomberg, ThinkProgress, Reuters, Shakesville and American Thinker

Intellectual hubris hampers presidential geniuses — It's now two and a half years to the can't-come-too-soon end of President Obama's adventure, but his legacy seems to be settled already; he is the smartest man in all of U.S. history to screw up so many big things. — That he is brilliant is something we already knew.

How Pat Roberts beat Milton Wolf — The Republican establishment's latest triumph over tea party activists in a Senate primary this year — Pat Roberts' narrower-than-expected win over challenger Milton Wolf on Tuesday night — came with a big lift from party headquarters in Washington.
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Outside the Beltway
Adam Snider / Politico:
Foxx holds online town hall today — Missouri voters reject sales tax for transpo — AP poll finds scant gas tax support — Oil train insurance lacking — TODAY — Transpo town hall: Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx holds a “virtual town hall” meeting today on the administration's plan …

Russian Gang Amasses Over a Billion Internet Passwords — A Russian crime ring has amassed the largest known collection of stolen Internet credentials, including 1.2 billion username and password combinations and more than 500 million email addresses, security researchers say.
RT, Business Insider, The Verge, Guardian,, TechPresident, Voices, Wall Street Journal, The Hill, Politico and Shakesville

$619 billion missed from federal transparency site — WASHINGTON — A government website intended to make federal spending more transparent was missing at least $619 billion from 302 federal programs, a government audit has found. — And the data that does exist is wildly inaccurate …
Discussion:, NewsBusters, Weekly Standard and RT

How to Fix It — Ending this war in Gaza begins with recognizing Hamas as a legitimate political actor. — GOOGLE +
Herb Keinon / Jerusalem Post:
Analysis: The diplomatic war begins
Analysis: The diplomatic war begins
Israpundit and Power Line