Top Items:
New York Times:
Is Gov. Rick Perry's Bad Judgment Really a Crime? — Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is one of the least thoughtful and most damaging state leaders in America, having done great harm to immigrants, abortion clinics and people without health insurance during his 14 years in office.
JustOneMinute, Politico, Weekly Standard, RedState, Mediaite, Washington Post, Dorf on Law and Shakesville

Rick Perry's indictment is bad for Democrats: A Texas perspective — From a shoddy charge to an awful martyr — and its effect on 2016 — here's why the left should hope this goes away — When I heard that Texas Governor Rick Perry had been indicted, I thought, “This had better be good, or it will backfire on the Democrats.”
Discussion:, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, The Iowa Republican and The Federalist

3 Reasons Why Rick Perry Will Be Very Tough To Take Down In Court
Slate, The Moderate Voice, Election Law Blog and Daily Signal
The Huffington Post:
Why Rick Perry Will Be Convicted
Why Rick Perry Will Be Convicted
Brains and Eggs, Off the Kuff and The Week

Trayvon Martin's Mom: ‘If They Refuse to Hear Us, We Will Make Them Feel Us’ — Sybrina Fulton is the mother of Trayvon Martin and the founder of the Trayvon Martin Foundation. In a letter to the family of Ferguson teen Michael Brown written exclusively for TIME, Fulton reflects on what the families now share.
Talking Points Memo, WFAA-TV, Hinterland Gazette, Gawker, Mediaite, and ABC News

Stark Racial Divisions in Reactions to Ferguson Police Shooting — Blacks and whites have sharply different reactions to the police shooting of an unarmed teen in Ferguson, Mo., and the protests and violence that followed. Blacks are about twice as likely as whites to say that the shooting of Michael Brown …

Poll finds sharp racial, political divide over Ferguson shooting — A new poll finds the public sharply divided along racial and political lines amid violence in Ferguson, Mo., sparked by the police killing of an unarmed black teenager. — An overwhelming majority of black people …
The Democratic Daily, Politico and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Obama Is Seen as Frustrating His Own Party — WASHINGTON — The meeting in the Oval Office in late June was called to give President Obama and the four top members of Congress a chance to discuss the unraveling situation in Iraq. — But Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, wanted to press another point.
Wall Street Journal, Business Insider and Taegan Goddard's …

President Obama chooses his words carefully on Michael Brown
Taegan Goddard's …
Fred Siegel / City Journal:
A Grotesque Pantomime of Repression and Redemption
A Grotesque Pantomime of Repression and Redemption
Ed Driscoll
Exclusive: White House meets with big biz on immigration
Exclusive: White House meets with big biz on immigration
The Hill, New York Times, Betsy's Page, The Gateway Pundit, Washington Post, National Review and The Daily Caller
Charles M. Blow / New York Times:
Frustration in Ferguson — The response to the killing of the unarmed teenager Michael Brown — whom his family called the “gentle giant” — by the Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson — who was described by his police chief as “a gentle, quiet man” and “a gentleman” — has been anything but genteel.

MSNBC's Chris Hayes: Indictment of Officer Who Killed Michael Brown Might Be Only Fix
Truth Revolt, Firedoglake and Roger Ailes
Jesse J. Holland / Associated Press:
Police Mistrust Still Prevalent Years Later
Police Mistrust Still Prevalent Years Later
The Hill
Washington Post:
County investigation: Michael Brown was shot from the front, had marijuana in his system
Obama on Ferguson: 'Let's see some understanding'
Obama on Ferguson: 'Let's see some understanding'
Washington Post, Daily Kos, WWBT-TV, Hinterland Gazette, The Lead with Jake Tapper, New Day and USA Today
Angela J. Davis / The New Republic:
Justice for Michael Brown Rests Almost Entirely in the Hands of This One Man
Justice for Michael Brown Rests Almost Entirely in the Hands of This One Man
Washington Monthly

Reparations for Ferguson — A few weeks ago I received an anxious text from my wife informing me that a group of young men were fighting outside of our apartment building. We've spent most of our adult lives in New York, and most of that time in New York living in Harlem.
The Dish

Why Obama won't give the Ferguson speech his supporters want — TWEET SHARE +1 LINKEDIN EMAIL PRINT — President Obama's statement today on Ferguson began with the words “I also want to address the situation in Ferguson. Earlier this afternoon I spoke with Governor Nixon...” It didn't get much more passionate from there.
KSDK-TV, Washington Monthly, Washington Post, Washington Examiner, The Daily Banter and Booman Tribune

Obamacare Losing Punch as Campaign Weapon in Ad Battles — Republicans seeking to unseat the U.S. Senate incumbent in North Carolina have cut in half the portion of their top issue ads citing Obamacare, a sign that the party's favorite attack against Democrats is losing its punch.
Washington Post, Associated Press, Taegan Goddard's … and Prairie Weather

The Kochs' plan to beat Harry Reid — LAS VEGAS — Harry Reid's reelection is more than two years off, but the Koch brothers' political machine is already methodically laying the groundwork that will be used to try to take him out. — The efforts in recent months have been largely subterranean, but they are unmistakable.

Police Officer Pushes CNN's Don Lemon From Sidewalk — CNN reporter Don Lemon said a St. Louis County police officer pushed him away from the sidewalk where he was reporting live form Ferguson, Mo. on Monday. — During a segment on “The Situation Room,” CNN cut to Lemon as he was being corralled away from the road.
The Raw Story, more at Mediagazer »
Christopher Mims / Wall Street Journal:
What Happens When Police Officers Wear Body Cameras
What Happens When Police Officers Wear Body Cameras
National Review

Egypt Urges US Restraint Over Missouri Unrest — CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt on Tuesday urged U.S. authorities to exercise restraint in dealing with racially charged demonstrations in Ferguson, Missouri - echoing language Washington used to caution Egypt as it cracked down on Islamist protesters last year.

Top staffers leaving FitzGerald campaign — A potential mass exodus from Ed FitzGerald's gubernatorial campaign is afoot, with several of the Democratic nominee's top aides and experienced Ohio political consultants transitioning away from a campaign seemingly under a siege of negativity.
Talking Points Memo, RedState and National Review

A Texas Democrat Tries to Fix the Border — Rep. Henry Cuellar is battling Republicans and Democrats alike to end the humanitarian crisis on America's southern border. But does a guy picking fights with everyone from President Obama to Ted Cruz stand a chance?
National Review

Full Transcript: Obama's remarks on Ferguson, Mo. and Iraq — A fulltranscript of the remarks President Obama delivered on Iraq and the situation in Ferguson, Mo. on August 18. — OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody. — Earlier today, I received an update from my team on two separate issues …
Guardian, Shakesville, The PJ Tatler and Daily Signal

Backed by U.S. strikes, Iraq Kurds retake strategic dam: officials
RT and National Review
Tim Hanrahan / Wall Street Journal:
Transcript: Obama's Remarks Monday on Ferguson and Iraq
Transcript: Obama's Remarks Monday on Ferguson and Iraq
Patterico's Pontifications