Top Items:
Obama sets his own pace in a world whirling with crises — Short of world war, it's rare that a chief executive goes through a foreign policy month like President Obama's August. — U.S. warplanes struck in Iraq for the first time in years, as U.S. diplomats struggled to establish a new government in Baghdad.
Talking Points Memo and Guardian
Saudi king warns West will be jihadists' next target AFP 1 hr ago — Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) (AFP) - King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has warned that the West will be the next target of the jihadists sweeping through Syria and Iraq, unless there is “rapid” action.
CANNONFIRE, Outside the Beltway, Booman Tribune, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, The Daily Caller, Corrente and CBS DC
The Threat of ISIS Demands a Global Coalition
Guardian, Hot Air, Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs, Hinterland Gazette, The Moderate Voice, CNN, Newsweek and The Huffington Post
Obama: Media makes you think ‘world is falling apart’
Ed Driscoll, his vorpal sword, Power Line, Independent Journal Review, Hot Air and Mediaite
Syria's violence prompts worst humanitarian crisis in a century
Washington Monthly
Save It For The Funny Papers, Or, The Long Slow Flip-Flop Into Light
New York Times
Myth of arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now — Seven years after former US Vice-President Al Gore's warning, Arctic ice cap has expanded for second year in row
Watts Up With That? and NewsBusters
Sunday shows to focus on national security — Lawmakers from both parties will appear on the Sunday shows as the Obama administration weighs taking military action against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) targets in Syria. — The lawmakers are also likely to be asked about Russia's repeated incursions into Ukraine.
Feinstein: Obama ‘too cautious’ on ISIS — The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee said that President Obama has perhaps been “too cautious” in confronting the militant group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). — “I think I've learned one thing about this president, and that is he's very cautious.
Considering Catcalls — No one is catcalling Rosie O'Donnell, Barbara Bush, or Janet Napolitano. No one is catcalling my plump elderly mother as I wheel her down the sidewalk in her wheelchair. Marilyn Monroe once observed that she could walk down the sidewalk without drawing attention …
Hot Air and Washington Monthly
Hillary's summer: Five takeaways — The political world is still waiting for a decision from Hillary Clinton on the 2016 presidential race. — But observers have recently got a preview of what would lay in store from, and for, Clinton should she take the plunge.
Stop Hiding Images of American Torture — A hooded man standing on a box, electrodes wired to his fingers. A naked prisoner lying on a cement floor, a leash around his neck held casually by an American soldier. The bloody bodies of dead inmates with their heads bashed in.
Washington Monthly
After Ferguson, Race Deserves More Attention, Not Less — MANY white Americans say they are fed up with the coverage of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. A plurality of whites in a recent Pew survey said that the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.
Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times and Washington Post
At least 6 Ferguson officers apart from Brown shooter have been named in lawsuits — Federal investigators are focused on one Ferguson, Mo., police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager, but at least five other police officers and one former officer in the town's 53-member department …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion
Coverage for End-of-Life Talks Gaining Ground — DUNDEE, N.Y. — Five years after it exploded into a political conflagration over “death panels,” the issue of paying doctors to talk to patients about end-of-life care is making a comeback, and such sessions may be covered for the 50 million Americans on Medicare as early as next year.
National Review and
Afsun Qureshi: The Muslim prayer that might save your life — London, England — As a young girl in a downtown Toronto hospital, I stood on my tiptoes, peering at my cancer-ridden uncle lying mutely on the hospital bed. He was asleep — exhausted and wasted from years of waging war with cancer.
Washington Post and The Jawa Report