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US Airstrikes Under Way in Syria … American airstrikes against ISIS targets are under way in Syria, according to a Pentagon official. — “I can confirm that U.S. military and partner nation forces are undertaking military action against ISIL [ISIS] terrorists in Syria using a mix of fighter …

Obama, After Airstrikes in Syria, Says U.S. Will ‘Do What Is Necessary’ Against ISIS — WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday hailed the American-led coalition that conducted airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria on Monday night, declaring, “We're going to do what is necessary to take the fight to this terrorist group.”
The Moderate Voice, The Intercept, Daily Kos, Outside the Beltway and National Review

U.S. and Allies Hit ISIS Targets in Syria — WASHINGTON — The United States and allies launched airstrikes against Sunni militants in Syria early Tuesday, unleashing a torrent of cruise missiles and precision-guided bombs from the air and sea on the militants' de facto capital of Raqqa and along the porous Iraq border.
Guardian, Gawker, Hullabaloo, Liberaland and National Review

Corrections: September 23, 2014 — An article on Sept. 11 about President Obama's speech to the nation describing his plans for a military campaign against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, gave an incorrect comparison between efforts by the president to seek allies' support for his plans …
JustOneMinute, Hot Air, Weekly Standard, Blazing Cat Fur and ABC News

U.S. airstrikes hit ISIS inside Syria for first time — (CNN) — U.S. jets began airstrikes in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, Syria, early Tuesday, the first strikes against the terror group inside the country since President Barack Obama's announcement this month that he was prepared to expand …
Fox News, The Gateway Pundit and Scared Monkeys

U.S. Military, Partner Nations Conduct Airstrikes in Syria — From a U.S. Central Command News Release — U.S. military forces and partner nations, including Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, undertook military action against ISIL terrorists in Syria overnight …
ThinkProgress, Informed Comment, Mashable, The Dish and The Daily Caller

42 days to midterms - JEB BUSH'S ‘GRETA GARBO STRATEGY’: Tech, foreign-policy prep; creative new way to help midterm candidates - JILL HAZELBAKER to Snapchat in L.A. — BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN is 65 — JEB'S DRY RUN: As Jeb Bush plunges into a frenzy of fall travel for Senate candidates …
The Democratic Daily, CANNONFIRE, Taegan Goddard's … and alicublog

America's new war president — With a broad campaign against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, Obama has a chance to remake his legacy. — With his new offensive against Islamic State terrorists in Syria, Barack Obama has a chance to revive his presidency, but the only way he can do that is to become …

U.S. begins airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria
Hot Air, Business Insider, Reuters, Power Line and Washington Free Beacon

Something is terribly wrong with the Secret Service — President Obama is supporting the Secret Service in the wake of a deeply troubling incident in which a disturbed man jumped the White House fence, sprinted across the North Lawn, and actually entered the White House Friday evening.

White House Fence Jumper Omar Gonzalez Had 800 Rounds of Ammo in Car, Prosecutors Say
Talking Points Memo, ABC News, Slate, Reuters,, Balloon Juice and NBC News

Prosecutors: WH fence jumper had 800 rounds of ammo in car
Gawker, Washington Post, The Moderate Voice and Ed Driscoll

Islamic State attack on Iraqi base leaves hundreds missing, shows army weaknesses — BAGHDAD — The army base in Iraq's western Anbar province had been under siege by Islamic State militants for a week, so when a convoy of armored Humvees rolled up at the gate, the Iraqi soldiers at Camp Saqlawiyah believed saviors had arrived.
Hit & Run and Weasel Zippers

Despite Airstrikes, ISIS Appears to Hold Its Ground in Iraq
Hit & Run, Guardian, The Daily Caller and Hot Air

Fact Sheet: Treasury Actions to Rein in Corporate Tax Inversions — Actions under sections 304(b)(5)(B), 367, 956(e), 7701(l), and 7874 of the Code — What is a corporate inversion? — A corporate inversion is transaction in which a U.S. based multinational restructures so that the U.S. parent …
ThinkProgress, Washington Post, Bloomberg View, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and White Blog

GOP's scorched-earth Kansas plan — Control of the Senate is potentially at stake in Kansas, and the GOP is beginning to double down. — With a two-man race now looking all but certain, national Republicans are planning a scorched-earth offensive to frame Sen. Pat Roberts's (R-Kan.) …
The Moderate Voice and Washington Post

When Humans Lose Control of Government — The Veterans Affairs scandal of falsified waiting lists is the latest of a never-ending stream of government ineptitude. Every season brings a new headline of failures: the botched roll-out of Obamacare involved 55 uncoordinated IT vendors …

Obama Isn't Finished Yet — WASHINGTON — ON Sept. 18, 1986, more than two years before the end of Ronald Reagan's presidency, the columnist George F. Will, one of Reagan's earliest and strongest supporters, pronounced the Reagan administration dead. “When an administration collapses …
Daily Kos

Ten Ways Colleges Work You Over — #1 Just because a school encourages you to apply doesn't mean they actually want you. — High school students who are inundated with personalized letters and emails (and even partially filled-out applications) from colleges urging them to apply may mistakenly …

Yemen's government shake-up highlights limitations of Obama's ‘Yemen model’ — The al Houthis, an armed Yemeni opposition group, seized parts of the capital and pressured the Yemeni government to concede to a list of demands, including the resignation of the cabinet.
Power Line