Top Items:

How “Khorasan” Went From Nowhere To The Biggest Threat To The U.S. — The Islamist group targeted in airstrikes in Syria was almost unknown to the American public until recently. Now the Obama administration says they present a direct threat to the U.S. — The guided-missile cruiser USS …

Obama, After Airstrikes in Syria, Says U.S. Will ‘Take the Fight’ to ISIS — WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday hailed the American-led coalition that conducted airstrikes in Syria against the Islamic State, declaring, “We're going to do what is necessary to take the fight to this terrorist group.”
DoD, National Review,, CANNONFIRE, Gawker, Politico, The Dish, Outside the Beltway, Hinterland Gazette, The Moderate Voice, Little Green Footballs and Daily Kos

Syria Becomes the 7th Predominantly Muslim Country Bombed by 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate — The U.S. today began bombing targets inside Syria, in concert with its lovely and inspiring group of five allied regimes: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Jordan.
The Daily Banter, Informed Comment and Balloon Juice

Obama Administration Confident No Civilians Were Killed In Syrian Air Strikes
ThinkProgress, bellingcat, Hullabaloo and Reuters

Who Is The U.S. Actually Bombing In Syria?
Weekly Standard and Reuters

DoD Official: Successful Syrian Strikes Only the Beginning
The Long War Journal

Source: Al Qaeda group in Syria plotted attack against U.S. with explosive clothes
The Lead with Jake Tapper, Scared Monkeys and Right Wing Watch

Conservative Writer Dinesh D'Souza Is Spared Prison Time For Campaign Finance Conviction — Buster — Conservative writer/filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza was spared prison time today when a federal judge sentenced him to five years probation for violating campaign finance laws.
Talking Points Memo, Gawker, Taegan Goddard's … and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

D'Souza Is Spared Prison Time for Campaign Finance Violations
Politico, American Spectator and Outside the Beltway

D'Souza gets community confinement for election law violation
Washington Post and National Review

Vulnerable Kansas Senator: We Are Heading Toward ‘National Socialism’ — Incumbent Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), who is facing an unexpectedly fierce challenge for re-election, warned Monday at a campaign stop that the United States is heading for “national socialism.”
Washington Monthly and Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality

Close Alaska Races for Senate, Governor — PPP's newest Alaska poll finds toss up races for both the US Senate and Governor. Dan Sullivan leads Mark Begich 43/41 for the Senate, with minor candidates combining for 5%. Bill Walker leads incumbent Sean Parnell 42/41 for Governor …
National Review

Snap Out of It — I've been living in and visiting New York for almost a half-century now. One thought occurs as I walk around these days: The city has never been better. — There has never been a time when there were so many interesting places to visit, shop and eat …
FAIR Blog, Booman Tribune, National Review and The Daily Caller

Jim Webb Mulls 2016 Run That Could Pose Clinton Challenge — Former Virginia senator Jim Webb said today he is “seriously” considering a 2016 presidential bid, and will make a decision within the next two to five months. — “I am seriously looking at the possibility of running for president …
Politico, The Hill and Hinterland Gazette

On a Warmer Planet, Which Cities Will Be Safest? — Alaskans, stay in Alaska. People in the Midwest and the Pacific Northwest, sit tight. — Scientists trying to predict the consequences of climate change say that they see few safe havens from the storms, floods and droughts that are sure to intensify over the coming decades.

GOP's scorched-earth Kansas plan — Control of the Senate is potentially at stake in Kansas, and the GOP is beginning to double down. — With a two-man race now looking all but certain, national Republicans are planning a scorched-earth offensive to frame Sen. Pat Roberts's (R-Kan.) …
ABC News, Washington Post, Daily Kos and The Moderate Voice

GOP's vote-suppressing militia: Why Scott Walker's thugs are getting violent — It seems like a long time ago but it's actually been just a couple of years since a whole bunch of Wisconsin voters had second thoughts about the man they'd elected to the governor's office and decided they couldn't wait another two years to be rid of him.
The Mahablog, Hullabaloo, Liberaland, Raw Story, The BRAD BLOG and Talking Points Memo

The Wisdom of the Crowd — “Don't follow leaders,” the bard of Hibbing once advised. “Watch the parking meters,” he added—whatever that meant. — At Sunday's vast and beautiful climate march, on Central Park West somewhere in the Sixties, I ran into Bill McKibben, a longtime acquaintance …
Washington Monthly and The Dish

How a piece of Rush Limbaugh's riches went to abortion rights, courtesy of Dallas author Merritt Tierce — Last week we ran the story of local author Merritt Tierce, whose debut novel, Love Me Back, includes some wild tales from a high-end Dallas steakhouse. Tierce used to work at Nick & Sam's.
Talking Points Memo and Raw Story

A Pro-Family, Pro-Growth Tax Reform — Two simple income-tax brackets: 15% and 35%. End the marriage penalty and increase the child tax credit. — Too many Americans believe the American dream is slipping away for them and their children. They see their cost of living rise while their paychecks remain stagnant.
The Daily Caller, Bloomberg View and National Review

Breaking: In #KSSEN Candidate Replacement Case, KS Supreme Court Kicks Case Back to Lower Court, Delaying Consideration — The Kansas Supreme Court has just issued this order. The plaintiff seeks to force Democrats to choose a successor to Chad Taylor in the race for U.S. Senate.
Washington Post, Topeka Capital-Journal, Talking Points Memo and Daily Kos

SUPREME COURT JUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG: I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE — Coming off of her stirring dissent in the Hobby Lobby case, 21-year veteran Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has never been a more important voice for American women. In a rare interview—featured exclusively …
Talking Points Memo and ThinkProgress

Corrections: September 23, 2014 — An article on Sept. 11 about President Obama's speech to the nation describing his plans for a military campaign against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, gave an incorrect comparison between efforts by the president to seek allies' support for his plans …
Hot Air, Power Line, National Review, JustOneMinute and ABC News

Federal Prison Population Drops by Roughly 4,800 — The federal prison population has dropped in the last year by roughly 4,800, the first time in several decades that the inmate count has gone down, according to the Justice Department. — In a speech Tuesday in New York City …

Joe Biden 2012: Can you believe Mitt Romney wants to hit Syria? — Via the Corner, an amazing clip — even more amazing than when it first made the rounds a year ago, when Obama announced that he wanted to bomb the opposite side of the conflict in Syria from the one we began bombing last night.
National Review, RedState, Washington Free Beacon and Ed Driscoll