Top Items:

GOP Candidates May Benefit From Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Decision — Some strategists hope the legal decision helps push the issue of gay marriage off the political agenda — The Supreme Court's decision Monday clearing the way for same-sex marriages in five states may benefit an unlikely group …
Washington Monthly, Washington Post and SCOTUSblog

Supreme Court's gay marriage decision not a rallying cry for Republicans — The Supreme Court's decision to let same-sex marriages proceed across the country isn't the rallying cry it once was for Republicans. — The GOP is looking to avoid an issue the party once used to galvanize its base …

The Marriage Equality Map You Need To Know
SCOTUSblog and Liberal Values

The Same-Sex Marriage Fight Is Over
Vox, Off the Kuff, New Yorker, The Dish and SCOTUSblog

‘7TH HEAVEN’ DAD STEPHEN COLLINS — CONFESSES ON TAPE TO CHILD MOLESTATION — NYPD Investigating [AUDIO] — 10/7/2014 1:00 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF — EXCLUSIVE — Stephen Collins — who played the pastor/dad on “7th Heaven” — confessed to his estranged wife he was a child molester …
Page Six, Raw Story, The Daily Caller, CBS New York,, Truth Revolt and KFOR-TV

Political Scientists: November Is Still A Slam-Dunk For The GOP — Amid the quibbling between Nate Silver and Sam Wang, academic political scientists have stepped in to release their own election forecast for November — and it doesn't look great for Democrats.
Outside the Beltway

What If I'm Wrong About GOP Flipping at Least 7 Seats? — A few weeks ago I wrote Senate Republicans would gain at least seven seats, even though the Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call race ratings showed a likely Republican gain of five to eight seats. — That expectation was based …
Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and The New Republic

Why Loss of Senate Would Carry Silver Linings for Obama
New York Magazine

Republicans brace for 2016 free-for-all — The message from Republican officials has been crystal clear for two years: The 2016 Republican primary cannot be another prolonged pummeling of the eventual nominee. Only one person ultimately benefited from that last time — Barack Obama …
Washington Monthly, Shakesville and Capitol Report

In Book, Panetta Recounts Frustration With Obama — WASHINGTON — After resigning as secretary of defense last year, Leon E. Panetta watched with growing dismay at what he perceived as a president losing his way. Instead of asserting American leadership on the world stage, Mr. Panetta concluded …

VIDEO: Lois Lerner Tries Barging Into Neighbor's Home To Evade Questions — Lois Lerner attempted to bust into a neighbor's home uninvited, in a desperate attempt to avoid answering questions about her involvement in the targeting of conservative groups. — Jason Mattera, author …
Power Line, TPNN and Clash Daily

NRSC cuts Michigan TV — The National Republican Senatorial Committee has cut the remaining television it had reserved in Michigan amid signs former Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land (R) is having trouble catching Rep. Gary Peters (D-Mich.). — The NRSC's independent expenditure arm …
Washington Monthly, Talking Points Memo and ABC News

A heartbreaking act of staggering cowardice — See this picture? This is what raw cowardice and utter contempt for democracy looks like. … The picture was taken this morning and posted on Twitter by Kevin McCorry of WHYY's Newsworks just before 9:30 a.m., at the Philadelphia School …
Booman Tribune

Hardball tactics alleged in lawsuit against Bruce Rauner — SPRINGFIELD — Republican Bruce Rauner had a quick answer when asked to assess blame for the fast collapse of a once-promising business venture created and backed by his one-time Chicago investment firm. — Christine Kirk.
Talking Points Memo and

David Perdue: ‘I spent most of my career’ outsourcing — “Cherry-picking sentences from a 186-page legal deposition leaves them grossly out of context,” Dickey asserted. “David has spent 40 years dealing with bad government policies that put our manufacturers at a disadvantage internationally.
ThinkProgress and Atlanta Journal-Constitution

American student, 19, ‘trying to join ISIS’ arrested at Chicago's O'Hare airport after leaving note for his parents signed ‘PLEASE MAKE SURE NOT TO TELL THE AUTHORITIES’ — Federal authorities claimed in court that they have handwritten documents that prove he supported ISIS
CNN, FOX News Radio, Scared Monkeys and The Daily Caller

Why Would Obama Try to Make the Election About Himself? — The president made headlines last week during a speech on the economy, where he implored voters not to make any errors: “Now, I am not on the ballot this fall .... But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot—every single one of them.”

‘Moment of Truth’ on Emissions — In March, the Obama administration issued a white paper as part of its Climate Action Plan entitled “Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions.” A big part of the strategy was built around cutting down on the methane emissions that result from oil and gas production …

When Your Rabbi Comes Out as Gay — A few days ago, I posted a piece about my rabbi, Gil Steinlauf, the senior rabbi of Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C., the largest Conservative movement-affiliated synagogue in the nation's capital. The post concerned an excellent Rosh Hashanah sermon …
Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Big Banks Face Another Round of U.S. Charges — The Justice Department is preparing a fresh round of attacks on the world's biggest banks, again questioning Wall Street's role in a broad array of financial markets. — With evidence mounting that a number of foreign and American banks colluded …
Wall Street Journal,, Booman Tribune, InsideSources and Fox News