Top Items:

Allowing Lower Court Rulings on Same-Sex Marriage to Stand is ‘Tragic and Indefensible,’ and ‘Judicial Activism at its Worst’ — SEN. CRUZ RELEASES STATEMENT ABOUT SUPREME COURT ACTIONS TODAY — WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today issued the following statement regarding …
Talking Points Memo, Salon, Washington Post, Althouse, BuzzFeed, Raw Story, Taylor Marsh, Salt Lake Tribune, Slate, The Dish, NOM Blog, Balkinization, Weekly Standard and American Prospect

The Marriage Equality Map You Need To Know — With the Supreme Court's decision not to hear appeals of any of the pending marriage cases, marriage equality is going to expand rapidly in several regions of the country. — John Gara/BuzzFeed — WASHINGTON — Americans in 30 states and Washington …

Scott Walker: Gay Marriage Fight Is ‘Over In Wisconsin’ — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) conceded that the state of Wisconsin lost its fight to ban same sex marriage on Monday when the Supreme Court declined to hear gay marriage cases in multiple states. — With the Supreme Court's punt …
Minneapolis Star Tribune, WDJT-TV, Washington Monthly, Washington Post and The Daily Liberal Blast

The Same-Sex Marriage Fight Is Over
Vox, Off the Kuff, Bloomberg and SCOTUSblog

National Organization for Marriage Condemns US Supreme Court for Not Reviewing Lower Court …
Truth Revolt, LGBTQ Nation, Addicting Info, Raw Story, Right Wing Watch, The Daily Caller, Daily Signal, Talking Points Memo, FRC, Reuters, Associated Press and Althouse

Same-Sex Marriage Is Now Legal For A Majority Of The U.S.
Power Line, SCOTUSblog, BuzzFeed, Washington Post, Hot Air, Deseret News, Guardian, The Dish, Politico, Liberal Values, Constitution Daily, Fox News, CNN, New York Times, Washington Monthly and ThinkProgress

The Very Good News in #SCOTUS Denial of Cert in #SSM Cases
Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg View, Washington Post, New Yorker, SCOTUSblog, Hullabaloo and The Dish

Political Scientists: November Is Still A Slam-Dunk For The GOP — Amid the quibbling between Nate Silver and Sam Wang, academic political scientists have stepped in to release their own election forecast for November — and it doesn't look great for Democrats.
Outside the Beltway

What If I'm Wrong About GOP Flipping at Least 7 Seats? — A few weeks ago I wrote Senate Republicans would gain at least seven seats, even though the Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call race ratings showed a likely Republican gain of five to eight seats. — That expectation was based …
Wall Street Journal, InsideSources, Washington Post and The New Republic

Why Would Obama Try to Make the Election About Himself? — The president made headlines last week during a speech on the economy, where he implored voters not to make any errors: “Now, I am not on the ballot this fall .... But make no mistake: These policies are on the ballot—every single one of them.”

Who is Saul Alinsky, and why does the right hate him so much? — “The Hillary Letters”, trumpets the Fox News headline. “Clinton, Saul Alinsky correspondence revealed.” — Here's the story: In 1971, Yale law student Hillary Rodham sent a letter to famed community organizer Saul Alinsky.

Republicans brace for 2016 free-for-all — The message from Republican officials has been crystal clear for two years: The 2016 Republican primary cannot be another prolonged pummeling of the eventual nominee. Only one person ultimately benefited from that last time — Barack Obama …
Capitol Report

American student, 19, ‘trying to join ISIS’ arrested at Chicago's O'Hare airport after leaving note for his parents signed ‘PLEASE MAKE SURE NOT TO TELL THE AUTHORITIES’ — Federal authorities claimed in court that they have handwritten documents that prove he supported ISIS
Scared Monkeys, FOX News Radio and The Daily Caller

‘Moment of Truth’ on Emissions — In March, the Obama administration issued a white paper as part of its Climate Action Plan entitled “Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions.” A big part of the strategy was built around cutting down on the methane emissions that result from oil and gas production …

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Wants Americans To Get Ebola As Payback For Slavery — Radio host Rush Limbaugh suggested on Monday that President Barack Obama is refusing to divert flights from Ebola-infected countries and close down America's borders because he believes that the nation “deserves” …
New York Magazine, Raw Story and FOX News Radio

Scott Walker Could Win Thanks to Wisconsin's Voter ID Law — On September 12, Wisconsin voting-rights groups began to scramble when the Seventh Circuit Court upheld the state's voter ID law, one of the strictest in the country. By the end of September, the same court had narrowly declined …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Daily Kos

State Dept. inspector general: More evidence of rampant mismanagement under Hillary Clinton — BELTWAY CONFIDENTIAL HILLARY CLINTON STATE DEPARTMENT INSPECTORS GENERAL — The State Department's Office of Inspector General has released another “management alert” detailing rampant mismanagement within …
Betsy's Page

A heartbreaking act of staggering cowardice — See this picture? This is what raw cowardice and utter contempt for democracy looks like. … The picture was taken this morning and posted on Twitter by Kevin McCorry of WHYY's Newsworks just before 9:30 a.m., at the Philadelphia School …
Booman Tribune

Ebola outbreak: Nurse infected in Spain — The Spanish health minister has confirmed that a nurse who treated a victim of Ebola in Madrid has tested positive for the disease. — The nurse is said to be the first person in the current outbreak known to have contracted Ebola outside Africa.

Glencore Said to Lay Groundwork for Potential Rio Merger — Glencore Plc is laying the groundwork for a potential merger with Rio Tinto Group in the next year that would create the world's largest mining company, worth about $160 billion, according to people familiar with the situation.
Guardian and New York Times

Risen: Journalists must fight or become irrelevant — Colby College's Lovejoy winner, a New York Times reporter, faces the possibility of being imprisoned for refusing to reveal his sources. — 207-861-9247 — New York Times investigative reporter James Risen speaks with journalism students …
Truth Revolt, The Huffington Post and Mediaite, more at Mediagazer »

The Plot Against Public Education — How millionaires and billionaires are ruining our schools. — Bill Gates had an idea. He was passionate about it, absolutely sure he had a winner. His idea? America's high schools were too big. — MOST POPULAR — Top Stories, Videos & Photos

Mitt Romney on 2016: ‘I Am Not Running, I Am Not Planning on Running’ — While Mitt Romney has repeatedly said that he won't run in 2016, everyone else around him seems to think he should: Paul Ryan, all of the media, everyone in this poll, his own wife, and even Mitt Romney himself.
FishbowlDC and FOX News Radio

Jeff Bezos's New Plan for News: The Washington Post Becomes an Amazon Product — Jeff Bezos wants to turn the Washington Post into a national publication, and he's going to use his other company— (AMZN)—to help achieve that goal. — For the past few months …
Gigaom, New York Magazine, The Verge, The Daily Caller and New York Times, more at Mediagazer »

Pollsters Predict Greater Polling Error In Midterm Elections — At FiveThirtyEight, we write about polls regularly, especially ahead of big elections like next month's. We rate pollsters for their accuracy and whether they lean Republican or Democratic. And we use their work to inform our election model and Senate forecast.
Bloomberg View and The Dish