Top Items:

Some Ebola experts worry virus may spread more easily than assumed — U.S. officials leading the fight against history's worst outbreak of Ebola have said they know the ways the virus is spread and how to stop it. They say that unless an air traveler from disease-ravaged West Africa …
Truth Revolt, Reuters, Hot Air, Rush Limbaugh and Washington's Blog

Pentagon: US troops to have contact with Ebola virus — Several dozen U.S. troops could come into contact with Ebola while testing for the deadly disease in Liberia, the Pentagon said Tuesday. — The highly trained troops will help operate seven mobile labs, where they could be working …

In This Election, Obama's Party Benches Him — CHICAGO — When he soared to victory by almost 10 million votes in 2008, President Obama won in states like Virginia that Democratic candidates had not captured since 1964. He was trumpeted as a transformational leader who remade American politics …
The Gateway Pundit

Bracing for a Political Wave
Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic Online

In a Nasty Fight for Senate Control, Democrats Hold Lead in Negative Vibes
No More Mister Nice Blog, The Daily Caller and Washington Post

Exclusive: Missouri police plan for possible riots if Brown cop not charged — (Reuters) - Missouri authorities are drawing up contingency plans and seeking intelligence from U.S. police departments on out-of-state agitators, fearing that fresh riots could erupt if a grand jury does not indict a white officer for killing a black teen.
Liberaland and

Huge Increase In Voter Registrations In Ferguson Apparently Never Happened
KMBC Channel 9

Two more bans fall (UPDATED) — UPDATED 10:58 p.m. The Ninth Circuit Court put its ruling into full effect on Tuesday evening, in this order and this formal mandate. That should clear the way promptly for same-sex couples to file for marriage licenses in the two states involved directly and …
Mashable and Washington Post

Dred Scott and Same-Sex Marriage
Talking Points Memo, Crooked Timber, Addicting Info and ThinkProgress

Ted Cruz Slams SCOTUS on Gay Marriage: ‘Tragic and Indefensible’
LGBTQ Nation, Liberaland and Right Wing Watch

Man practicing open carry law robbed of gun — GRESHAM, Ore. (KOIN 6) — A man practicing his open carry right was robbed of the gun he was openly carrying. — William Coleman III was robbed of his Walter- brand P22 just after 2:00 a.m. October 4 in Gresham by a young man who asked him for it …
Raw Story and Balloon Juice

Government Set Up A Fake Facebook Page In This Woman's Name — The Justice Department is claiming, in a little-noticed court filing, that a federal agent had the right to impersonate a young woman online by creating a Facebook page in her name without her knowledge.
The PJ Tatler, Pat Dollard, Fox News, The Hill, TPNN, Raw Story, Balloon Juice and New York Magazine

Dem pollster predicts Hispanic voters to stay home — Democratic pollster Celinda Lake says her party will have a tough time getting out the Hispanic vote, because President Obama did not take executive action on deportations affecting millions of workers in the U.S. illegally.
Taegan Goddard's …

In U.S., Uninsured Rate Holds at 13.4% — As open enrollment looms, uninsured rates unchanged across age groups — WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as “Obamacare,” appears to be meeting its goal of reducing the percentage of Americans without health insurance.
Real Clear Politics

The Nation's Shame: The Injustice of Mandatory Minimums — For decades, lawyers, scholars, and judges have criticized mandatory drug sentencing as oppressive and ineffective. Yet tens of thousands of nonviolent offenders continue to languish behind bars. — No one embodies the emerging consensus …

BREAKING: Federal Court Strikes Down One Of The Most Aggressive Gerrymanders In The Country — Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), who has something to smile about right now. — CREDIT: AP Photo/Steve Helber — One of the most aggressive gerrymanders in the country is unconstitutional …
Election Law Blog

Democrats will pay the price for Obama in November — BARACK OBAMA HEALTH CARE 2014 ELECTIONS ECONOMY — Democrats are panicking, and rightly so. Going into the November congressional elections, voter opposition to Obama is worse than it was for George W. Bush and for Bill Clinton …

Up in smoke? — There's a new battle brewing over smoking in the military. — Congress and the Defense Department are mulling over a potential ban on selling tobacco products — cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco — on military bases and ships in an effort to curb high smoking rates …
The PJ Tatler

Ebola Patient's Pet Dog to Be Euthanized as Precaution — Spanish health authorities reacted forcefully today after a nurse's aide was found to have contracted Ebola, putting her in an isolation unit, quarantining her husband and two other people, and getting a court order to euthanize her dog.

Epidemiologist: Stop the flights now — Infected men and women may not be contagious on the plane, but they could wreak havoc when they arrive. — The United States got its first scare from Ebola last week when Thomas Eric Duncan, a man sick with the virus, traveled from Liberia to Dallas.

Bill Clinton urges young voters away from ‘resentment’ — FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Former President Bill Clinton on Tuesday made a tailored pitch to young voters, urging students to back Democrats on the 2014 ballot because they are “too young” to cast votes of “resentment.”
Taylor Marsh and Hot Air

RNC Chairman Thinks Marriage Equality Is A Threat To Our Economy And National Security — Twenty-four hours after the Supreme Court announced it would not consider appeals of lower court rulings legalizing same-sex marriage in five states, effectively paving the way for couples to marry in Indiana …
The New Republic, National Journal, The New Civil Rights Movement,, Washington Post and Daily Kos

Ninth Circuit Rules For Marriage Equality In Nevada And Idaho
Associated Press and Daily Kos

Catholic League chief Bill Donahue: Liberals defend Islam because they don't like Jews — DON'T MISS STORIES. FOLLOW RAW STORY! — Bill Donahue, president of the Catholic League, said Tuesday that one of the reasons that liberals defended Islam was because they shared common enemies: The United States and Jews.
No More Mister Nice Blog and FOX News Radio