Top Items:

NBC Wanted to Hire Jon Stewart As Host of Meet the Press — “They were ready to back the Brink's truck up,” one source said — 2.4k — This Sunday marks Chuck Todd's one-month anniversary in the anchor chair at Meet the Press. Despite an opening-week ratings spike from his exclusive sit …

Nephew of Ebola Patient Thomas Duncan Decries ‘Unfair’ Treatment — Ebola patient Thomas Duncan died in the hospital in Dallas Wednesday, after weeks of being treated for the virus, and just hours later his nephew, Joe Weeks, spoke out against the “unfair” way he believes his uncle was being treated by the hospital.
FOX News Radio

Ebola in Europe: What Went Wrong
CNN, Talking Points Memo, Telegraph, The Dish, New York Times, Hot Air and New York Magazine

Jesse Jackson questions level of care for Ebola patient
Guardian, TPNN, Truth Revolt and The Huffington Post

Ebola scare in Frisco: CareNow patient transported
Mashable, The Gateway Pundit and Hot Air

Ebola Scare Sends Dallas County Sheriff's Deputy To Hospital
The PJ Tatler and LewRockwell

Roberts rebounds in Kansas Senate race, CNN/ORC poll finds — Washington (CNN) — Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts has galvanized enough rank-and-file Republican voters to close the gap with independent challenger Greg Orman in one of the nation's hottest races, a new CNN/ORC poll has found.
The Daily Caller, FiveThirtyEight, Hot Air, Wall Street Journal, Roll Call and National Review

Fox News Polls: Senate battleground races trending GOP, Roberts up in Kansas — Oct. 8, 2014: Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., left, answers a question during a debate with independent candidate Greg Orman, right, in Overland Park, Kan. (AP) — New Fox News battleground polls show a Republican trend …
FiveThirtyEight, Business Insider, The PJ Tatler, Taegan Goddard's … and Washington Free Beacon

Senate shaping up 50-50 — When the new Senate convenes next year …
Politico, ABC News and CANNONFIRE

Obama aides knew of possible White House link to Cartagena prostitution scandal — As nearly two dozen Secret Service agents and members of the military were punished or fired following a 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia, Obama administration officials repeatedly denied that anyone from the White House was involved.
BuzzFeed, Weekly Standard, New York Magazine, Hot Air, Pat Dollard, RedState, Mediaite, Fox News and Business Insider

Mary Landrieu replaces campaign manager — In what appears to be a significant October campaign shakeup, Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu is replacing her campaign manager and hiring her former chief of staff as a senior adviser. — The Democrat has pushed Adam Sullivan out of the manager role …
Hot Air

Exclusive: Senate Democrats Flooding South Dakota Airwaves — Will voters in South Dakota and Kansas save Senate Democrats? — The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee will spend $1 million in South Dakota — mostly on television and the rest on field operations …
Argus Leader, Roll Call,, Vox, Hot Air, Daily Kos, Booman Tribune, Politico, Bloomberg View, OnPolitics, Business Insider, Talking Points Memo, Washington Post and New York Times

In Defense of Obama — President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act. In our new cover story, Paul Krugman explores the president's successes.
The Daily Banter and The Huffington Post

More Still Say Health Law Has Hurt Instead of Helped Them
Bloomberg View, Washington's Blog, Hit & Run, The Daily Caller and Real Clear Politics

Leon Panetta Is What's Wrong With DC — Obama's former defense secretary is out with a scathing new memoir about his time in the White House. But why should we buy anything he says? — When Harry Truman apocryphally said, “if you want a friend in Washington, buy a dog” he might have had someone like Leon Panetta in mind.
Globe and Mail

Why Obama Won't Listen to Leon Panetta
Fox News, The Dish and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Police officer fatally shoots teenager in south St. Louis — • By Margaret Gillerman 314-340-8126 and Valerie Schremp Hahn 314-340-8246 — ST. LOUIS • An off-duty city officer fatally shot a teenager who opened fire on him Wednesday night, police said.
Talking Points Memo, Guardian, Hinterland Gazette and Mediaite

Can Liberalism Be Saved From Itself? — My recent collision with Ben Affleck on Bill Maher's show, Real Time, has provoked an extraordinary amount of controversy. It seems a postmortem is in order. — For those who haven't seen the show, most of what I write here won't make sense unless you watch my segment:
Talking Points Memo, Mediaite, The Intercept, Los Angeles Times and The Dish

Renewed assault on Kobani; 21 dead in Turkey as Kurds rise — (Reuters) - Islamic State fighters launched a renewed assault on the Syrian city of Kobani on Wednesday night, and at least 21 people were killed in riots in neighboring Turkey where Kurds rose up against the government for doing nothing to protect their kin.
JustOneMinute, National Review and New York Times

For McConnell, it's now or never — If Republicans fall short of expectations this fall, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) could face a leadership challenge. — Republican senators say there is much riding on the Nov. 4 elections for McConnell, who is gunning to become majority leader …
PoliticusUSA, Daily Kos, ABC News and The Daily Caller

School Told to Call Kids ‘Purple Penguins’ Because ‘Boys and Girls’ Is Not Inclusive to Transgender — A Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead.
protein wisdom, Hot Air, BizPac Review and The Daily Caller

Anthony Kennedy Halts Gay Marriage In Idaho, Nevada — Justice Anthony Kennedy issued an order to halt same-sex marriage in Idaho — and apparently also Nevada — on Wednesday after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the states' bans one day earlier.
US News, Althouse, Washington Monthly and Associated Press

Man shot at Ferguson apartment complex dies — • By Christine Byers 314-340-8087 — Updated at 10 p.m. with death of shooting victim. — FERGUSON • Police said a man who was shot here about 4 p.m. later died. — The shooting was in the 1300 block …
FOX News Radio