Top Items:

CDC: Ebola Patient Traveled By Air With “Low-Grade” Fever — DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The CDC has announced that the second healthcare worker diagnosed with Ebola — now identified as Amber Joy Vinson of Dallas — traveled by air Oct. 13, with a low-grade fever, a day before she showed up at the hospital reporting symptoms.
Little Green Footballs, Hinterland Gazette, Balloon Juice, Mashable and The Gateway Pundit

Presbyterian workers wore no hazmat suits for two days while treating Ebola patient — Health care workers treating Thomas Eric Duncan in a hospital isolation unit didn't wear protective hazardous-material suits for two days until tests confirmed the Liberian man had Ebola …
The Moderate Voice, Mediaite, The Scoop Blog, The Hill, PJ Media, Associated Press, FOX News Radio, Gawker, The Daily Caller, The Verge and Deadspin

New Ebola Case Confirmed, U.S. Vows Vigilance
Associated Press, CNN, The Scoop Blog, Gawker, ThinkProgress, JustOneMinute, Shakesville, New York Magazine, Outside the Beltway and The Hugh Hewitt Show

Dallas hospital learned its Ebola protocols while struggling to save mortally ill patient
ABC News, Jezebel, The Verge, Deadspin, Daily Kos, Hot Air, The Lonely Conservative, Washington Monthly, New York Times, New York Magazine and Gawker

Daily Mail, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, ABC News, The Daily Caller, The Gateway Pundit, Taylor Marsh, Instapundit and Vox Popoli

Skunk Works Reveals Compact Fusion Reactor Details — Lockheed Martin aims to develop compact reactor prototype in five years, production unit in 10 — Hidden away in the secret depths of the Skunk Works, a Lockheed Martin research team has been working quietly on a nuclear energy concept …

Lockheed says makes breakthrough on fusion energy project — (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp said on Wednesday it had made a technological breakthrough in developing a power source based on nuclear fusion, and the first reactors, small enough to fit on the back of a truck, could be ready for use in a decade.
Lockheed Martin, ThinkProgress, Business Insider, RT and Outside the Beltway

Ernst holding lead over Braley in Iowa Senate race — WASHINGTON — Republican Joni Ernst enjoys a narrow lead and an atmosphere favoring a GOP victory in the Iowa Senate race against Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley, according to the latest USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll.
Talking Points Memo, Washington Free Beacon and Weekly Standard

Poll shows Obama approval low, GOP enthusiasm higher than Democrats'
Hot Air, JustOneMinute, Truth Revolt, Mediaite, Hullabaloo, American Power and National Review

The Polls Might Be Skewed Against Democrats — Or Republicans
Washington Monthly, Washington Post, The Dish, Democratic Strategist and Booman Tribune

My Conspiracy Theories Are Being Suppressed! — Reacting to his corporate colleague Phil Mattingly's Wow! profile of Dr. Ben Carson, Bloomberg View's Francis Wilkinson is decidedly less jazzed by this year's right-wing “outsider.” Indeed, he thinks the guy is performing a very familiar role or roles:

Ben Carson's Longshot Presidential Bid Suddenly Looks a Lot More Realistic
Bloomberg View, Washington Post and Washington Monthly

Bush: 'What's the Paycheck Fairness Act?' — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) appeared completely unfamiliar with a major bill aimed at eliminating the wage gap between men and women when he was asked about the measure this week. — The potential 2016 presidential candidate was asked …
FOX News Radio

When Women Become Men at Wellesley — Hundreds of young women streamed into Wellesley College on the last Monday of August, many of them trailed by parents lugging suitcases and bins filled with folded towels, decorative pillows and Costco-size jugs of laundry detergent.
National Review

Exclusive: Mark Driscoll's resignation letter to Mars Hill Church — Chairman, Board of Advisors and Accountability — Dear Michael: — By God's grace I have pastored Mars Hill Church for 18 years. Today, also by God's grace, and with the full support of my wife Grace, I resign my position as a pastor and elder of Mars Hill.
Raw Story and Friendly Atheist

Is A Colorado Senate Candidate Lying About His Football Career? — UPDATE: Gardner campaign spokesman Alex Siciliano sent the following, presented in its entirety, via email: “Cory Gardner played football from Junior High through Sophomore year in high school.”
Talking Points Memo, RedState, The Daily Caller, FOX31 Denver, The Week, Yahoo! News, The Spot and National Review

Gardner leads Udall in Colorado Senate race
RealClearPolitics, Hot Air, Firedoglake, Fox News, Washington Post, National Review and Weekly Standard

Rethink Harvard's sexual harassment policy — In July, Harvard University announced a new university-wide policy aimed at preventing sexual harassment and sexual violence based on gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. — The new policy, which applies to all schools within …
New York Times, St. Louis Public Radio, Hit & Run, The Daily Caller and National Review

Where did it go wrong for Obama? — Fewer than two years ago, President Obama was elected handily to his second term, becoming the first Democrat since FDR to twice win an outright majority of the popular vote. — Now, Democrats in competitive Senate races hope he stays as far away as possible …
Rush Limbaugh and Weekly Standard

Houston Mayor Says City's Sermon Subpoenas Came as a Surprise — An unusual First Amendment fight has erupted in Houston where lawyers for the city have raised alarm bells among conservative religious leaders after subpoenaing sermons delivered by several local pastors.
Hit & Run, National Review, Outside the Beltway and Josh Blackman's Blog

Fox Doc: Obama Won't Keep Ebola From U.S. Because ‘His Affinities’ Are With Africa (AUDIO) — Dr. Keith Ablow, a member of the Fox News Medical A-Team, on Tuesday said that Obama won't protect Americans from Ebola because “his affinities” are with Africa, not the U.S. “He's their leader.”
PoliticusUSA and Raw Story

The Absolute Weirdest Thing Ever To Happen At A Political Debate — The Florida gubernatorial debate got off to a rocky start Wednesday night when Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) refused to come out because his Democratic opponent, former Gov. Charlie Crist, asked for and received a fan under his podium.

Arkansas High Court Strikes Down Voter ID Law — Arkansas' highest court on Wednesday struck down a state law that requires voters to show photo identification before casting a ballot, ruling the requirement unconstitutional just days before early voting begins for the Nov. 4 election.
FOX News Radio

Sen. Merkley: ‘Call Me A Progressive’ — During Tuesday night's debate with Monica Wehby, Senator Jeff Merkley proudly stood for the good that the word ‘progressive’ means. — Sit back and watch as Senator Merkley proudly wears the label of progressive. — Even more delicious?

Democrats push back on travel ban — House Democrats are pushing back hard against proposals to institute a travel ban in the fight against the Ebola virus. — A growing number of lawmakers — mostly Republicans — are urging the Obama administration to bar travel to the United States …
YouGov US Opinion Center News, Hot Air, The Daily Caller and National Review

Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Clinics to Stay Open — WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked a federal appeals court ruling that was forcing many abortion clinics in Texas to close. — The Supreme Court's order, which was five sentences long, will allow the clinics to remain open while appeals proceed.

Court blocks abortion limits in Texas
Washington Post, Off the Kuff, Balloon Juice, ThinkProgress, Election Law Blog and RT