Top Items:

Presbyterian workers wore no hazmat suits for two days while treating Ebola patient — Health care workers treating Thomas Eric Duncan in a hospital isolation unit didn't wear protective hazardous-material suits for two days until tests confirmed the Liberian man had Ebola …
FOX News Radio, Mediaite, The Daily Caller, Gawker, Associated Press, The Scoop Blog and Deadspin

2nd health care worker tests positive for Ebola at Dallas hospital — (CNN) — A second health care worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital who cared for Thomas Eric Duncan has tested positive for Ebola, health officials said Wednesday — casting further doubt on the hospital's ability to handle Ebola and protect employees.

CDC: Ebola Patient Traveled By Air With “Low-Grade” Fever — DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The CDC has announced that the second healthcare worker diagnosed with Ebola — now identified as Amber Joy Vinson of Dallas — traveled by air Oct. 13, with a low-grade fever, a day before she showed up at the hospital reporting symptoms.
The Gateway Pundit

Dallas hospital learned its Ebola protocols while struggling to save mortally ill patient
ABC News, The Verge, Jezebel, Deadspin, Daily Kos, Hot Air, Washington Monthly, New York Magazine, New York Times, The Lonely Conservative and Gawker

Second Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola

Skunk Works Reveals Compact Fusion Reactor Details — Lockheed Martin aims to develop compact reactor prototype in five years, production unit in 10 — Hidden away in the secret depths of the Skunk Works, a Lockheed Martin research team has been working quietly on a nuclear energy concept …
JustOneMinute, Business Insider, The Verge and Unqualified Offerings

Lockheed says makes breakthrough on fusion energy project
ThinkProgress, Lockheed Martin, Outside the Beltway and RT

The Polls Might Be Skewed Against Democrats — Or Republicans — This year's Senate election is close. Republicans have the clearer path to a majority, but it's a treacherous one. Republicans are favored in Iowa and Colorado, for example, but not by much.
The Dish, Washington Post, Washington Monthly, Booman Tribune and PJ Media

Exclusive Poll: Nunn leads Senate race by 3% — ATLANTA — For the first time, Michelle Nunn leads the race for Georgia's Senate seat. In an exclusive 11Alive poll conducted by Survey USA, Democrat Michelle Nunn leads likely voters 48% to Republican David Perdue's 45%.
Talking Points Memo, OnPolitics, Political Insider blog, Daily Kos, PoliticusUSA, Washington Post, Weekly Standard, NBC News and Politico

Ernst holding lead over Braley in Iowa Senate race
Talking Points Memo, Washington Free Beacon and Weekly Standard

Gardner leads Udall in Colorado Senate race
RealClearPolitics, Hot Air, Fox News, Firedoglake, Washington Post, Weekly Standard and National Review

My Conspiracy Theories Are Being Suppressed! — Reacting to his corporate colleague Phil Mattingly's Wow! profile of Dr. Ben Carson, Bloomberg View's Francis Wilkinson is decidedly less jazzed by this year's right-wing “outsider.” Indeed, he thinks the guy is performing a very familiar role or roles:

Ben Carson's Longshot Presidential Bid Suddenly Looks a Lot More Realistic — Rand Paul? Ted Cruz? Jeb Bush? Chris Christie? More Iowa Republicans are backing Ben Carson than all of them. — “I tend to be an honest and frank and open person,” says Ben Carson, his voice not much more than a whisper.
Bloomberg View, Washington Post and Washington Monthly

Poll shows Obama approval low, GOP enthusiasm higher than Democrats' — Americans look to November and beyond with dissatisfaction about the state of the country and the political leadership in Washington. Two in three say the country is seriously off-track, and more than 6 in 10 …
Hot Air, JustOneMinute, Mediaite, American Power, Truth Revolt, Hullabaloo and National Review

The Democratic Party just hit a 30-year low
Discussion:, The Daily Caller and Washington Free Beacon

Trouble Looms for Obama, Democrats with Election Day 2014 Approaching
Washington Post and Washington Free Beacon

Rethink Harvard's sexual harassment policy — In July, Harvard University announced a new university-wide policy aimed at preventing sexual harassment and sexual violence based on gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. — The new policy, which applies to all schools within …
Hit & Run, The Daily Caller and National Review

Where did it go wrong for Obama? — Fewer than two years ago, President Obama was elected handily to his second term, becoming the first Democrat since FDR to twice win an outright majority of the popular vote. — Now, Democrats in competitive Senate races hope he stays as far away as possible …
Weekly Standard and Rush Limbaugh

The Secret U.S. Casualties of Iraq's Abandoned Chemical Weapons — A controlled detonation of recovered mustard shells near Taji, Iraq, on Aug. 17, 2008. — The soldiers at the blast crater sensed something was wrong. — It was August 2008 near Taji, Iraq.
Power Line, Ace of Spades HQ, The New Republic, Outside the Beltway, The Intercept, Washington Post, RedState, Mediaite, Yahoo! News, Hot Air, Fox News Insider, The Gateway Pundit, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hit & Run, Liberaland, Prairie Weather, Fox News, Booman Tribune, The Moderate Voice, Twitchy, Daily Kos, New York Magazine, National Review, Gawker and Ed Driscoll

Houston Mayor Says City's Sermon Subpoenas Came as a Surprise — An unusual First Amendment fight has erupted in Houston where lawyers for the city have raised alarm bells among conservative religious leaders after subpoenaing sermons delivered by several local pastors.
Hit & Run, National Review, Truth Revolt and Shot in the Dark

City subpoenas pastors' sermons in equal rights ordinance case

Ebola Racism Reaches a New Low in Texas — A community college rejects students from countries with ‘confirmed Ebola cases,’ even if that means cutting students with little to no risk of contracting the disease. — “Navarro College is not accepting international students from countries with confirmed Ebola cases.”
Liberaland, Talking Points Memo, The Afropreneur, Mediaite, RT, New Orleans Times-Picayune, Washington Post and Mashable

Texas college rejects Nigerian applicants, cites Ebola cases
Navarro College, Business Insider and Raw Story

Senate Candidate Claims People With Pre-Existing Conditions Were Better Off Before Obamacare — Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) thanks the moderators after one of two debates in the tight Arkansas Senate race. — CREDIT: Alice Ollstein — FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS—Tom Cotton …
Washington Monthly, Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times, Daily Kos, Politico and Liberaland

It Is a Beauty Contest — Having dismissed Chris Christie's presidential ambitions because of his girth, the author must now apologize. But while the New Jersey governor's dramatic recent weight loss—as much as 100 pounds—is admirable, in a physical matchup with other 2016 hopefuls he'll need to avoid losing much more.
The Daily Caller

Beheaded American Journalist Featured Heavily In Series Of Political Ads Targeting Democrats — The group running the ads, Secure America Now, is a conservative national security nonprofit. — James Foley, the American journalist murdered by ISIS militants, makes a cameo in a series …
Daily Kos