Top Items:

CDC: Ebola Patient Traveled By Air With “Low-Grade” Fever — DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The CDC has announced that the second healthcare worker diagnosed with Ebola — now identified as Amber Joy Vinson of Dallas — traveled by air Oct. 13, with a low-grade fever, a day before she showed up at the hospital reporting symptoms.

Presbyterian workers wore no hazmat suits for two days while treating Ebola patient — Health care workers treating Thomas Eric Duncan in a hospital isolation unit didn't wear protective hazardous-material suits for two days until tests confirmed the Liberian man had Ebola …

Second Ebola nurse was given green light to fly back to Dallas by CDC — On the same day President Obama vowed an aggressive response to Ebola, it was revealed feverish nurse Amber Vinson was told by the CDC she could fly back to Dallas because her 99.5 temperature was not at threshold and there were no symptoms.
Truth Revolt

Skunk Works Reveals Compact Fusion Reactor Details — Lockheed Martin aims to develop compact reactor prototype in five years, production unit in 10 — Hidden away in the secret depths of the Skunk Works, a Lockheed Martin research team has been working quietly on a nuclear energy concept …

Lockheed says makes breakthrough on fusion energy project — (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp said on Wednesday it had made a technological breakthrough in developing a power source based on nuclear fusion, and the first reactors, small enough to fit on the back of a truck, could be ready for use in a decade.
Lockheed Martin, Business Insider, Outside the Beltway and RT

Lockheed Claims Breakthrough on Fusion Energy

President Obama's Ebola problem — The Ebola crisis in the United States has become an anchor threatening to sink the Obama presidency. — Already under fire from critics who saw the federal response to the outbreak as disorganized and timid, things went from bad to worse on Wednesday …

Democrats push back on travel ban
CNSNews, YouGov US Opinion Center News, Hot Air and National Review

Obama, Ebola and optics
Washington Post, Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit and ABC News

‘Fan’ dispute overshadows sharp debate between Charlie Crist and Gov. Rick Scott — › — ‹ — In the weirdest start of a gubernatorial debate, Florida Gov. Rick Scott initially refused to take the stage Wednesday night because Democrat Charlie Crist insisted on a fan to keep him cool.
Talking Points Memo, The Daily Beast, Washington Post, New York Magazine, Outside the Beltway, Politico and Mediaite

The Absolute Weirdest Thing Ever To Happen At A Political Debate — The Florida gubernatorial debate got off to a rocky start Wednesday night when Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) refused to come out because his Democratic opponent, former Gov. Charlie Crist, asked for and received a fan under his podium.
FOX News Radio

Michelle Nunn Won't Say If She Voted for Obama — Another Democratic Senate candidate has refused to say whether she voted for President Obama: This time it was Michelle Nunn in Georgia. — The same question has tripped up other red-state Democrats on the campaign trail.
The Other McCain, Power Line, FOX News Radio and CNN

Another Dem Senate Candidate Won't Say If She Voted for Obama
Hot Air

Arkansas High Court Strikes Down Voter ID Law — Arkansas' highest court on Wednesday struck down a state law that requires voters to show photo identification before casting a ballot, ruling the requirement unconstitutional just days before early voting begins for the Nov. 4 election.
New York Times, Washington Post, The Daily Beast and FOX News Radio

Bush: 'What's the Paycheck Fairness Act?' — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) appeared completely unfamiliar with a major bill aimed at eliminating the wage gap between men and women when he was asked about the measure this week. — The potential 2016 presidential candidate was asked …
Mother Jones and FOX News Radio

When Women Become Men at Wellesley — Hundreds of young women streamed into Wellesley College on the last Monday of August, many of them trailed by parents lugging suitcases and bins filled with folded towels, decorative pillows and Costco-size jugs of laundry detergent.
National Review

Pastor Mark Driscoll's Resignation — On Tuesday, October 14, Pastor Mark Driscoll submitted his resignation as an elder and lead pastor of Mars Hill Church. The Board of Overseers has accepted that resignation and is moving forward with planning for pastoral transition …
Religion News Service, Guardian, New York Times and KOMO News

Exclusive: Mark Driscoll's resignation letter to Mars Hill Church
Raw Story and Friendly Atheist

The Democrats' Most Effective Midterm Message: Outsourcing — Taking a page from Obama's 2012 playbook, Democrats have found a winning message in a dismal political environment. — CHICAGO—Of all the negative campaign messages that Democrats have used this midterm election …
Democratic Strategist and New York Times

Fox Doc: Obama Won't Keep Ebola From U.S. Because ‘His Affinities’ Are With Africa (AUDIO) — Dr. Keith Ablow, a member of the Fox News Medical A-Team, on Tuesday said that Obama won't protect Americans from Ebola because “his affinities” are with Africa, not the U.S. “He's their leader.”
PoliticusUSA and Raw Story

Who Lost Yemen? — Obama calls it a “model” for fighting terror. So why didn't anyone notice last month's coup? — Nobody saw it coming. On Sept. 20, Yemen's Huthi movement executed a political coup so stealthy that the world hardly noticed, and so momentous that local commentators …

Is A Colorado Senate Candidate Lying About His Football Career? — UPDATE: Gardner campaign spokesman Alex Siciliano sent the following, presented in its entirety, via email: “Cory Gardner played football from Junior High through Sophomore year in high school.”
RedState, Talking Points Memo, FOX31 Denver, The Daily Caller, The Week, Yahoo! News and The Spot

Will the FCC try to tackle ‘Redskins’? — Wretched excess by government can be beneficial if it startles people into wholesome disgust and deepened distrust and it prompts judicial rebukes that enlarge freedom. So let's hope the Federal Communications Commission embraces the formal petition inciting …
Cafe Hayek