Top Items:

The Obama Brief — The President considers his judicial legacy. … “Of course I drink during the day—I'm way too tired to drink at night.” — BUY OR LICENSE »
Alexandra Jaffe / The Hill:
Clyburn challenger: Gay couples are ‘gremlins’ — Rep. James Clyburn's (D-S.C.) Republican challenger referred to same-sex couples as “gremlins” and “bullies” in a Facebook post urging supporters to oppose gay marriage at the polls this fall. — Anthony Culler, the GOP nominee for Clyburn's seat …
Liberaland, Business Insider, Taegan Goddard's …, Raw Story and Talking Points Memo

U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS — Not only are foodstuffs, medical supplies—even clinics—going to ISIS, the distribution networks are paying ISIS ‘taxes’ and putting ISIS people on their payrolls. — GAZIANTEP, Turkey — While U.S. warplanes strike at the militants …
National Review, Weasel Zippers, Israel Matzav, PUNDIT PRESS and VodkaPundit

ISIS forces launch multiple attacks on Kurdish territory in Iraq, officials say — (CNN) — ISIS militants launched about 15 near-simultaneous attacks on Kurdish forces in northern Iraq on Monday in what Kurdish government officials and the Kurdish news agency Rudaw said was a fierce and renewed push for Kurdish-held territory.
Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit and VodkaPundit
Ashley Fantz / CNN:
At least 70 ISIS bodies dropped off at Syrian hospital, opposition says
At least 70 ISIS bodies dropped off at Syrian hospital, opposition says
FOX News Radio

Stop Hillary! — Vote no to a Clinton dynasty — ow's that hopey, changey stuff working out for you? " Sarah Palin asked American voters in a taunting 2010 speech. The answer: Not so well. We avoided a full-blown depression, but the job market remains deeply sick …
Fox News, Taylor Marsh, FOX News Radio and The Hill

Here Are 5 Takeaways From The Harper's Anti-Clinton Story — In the November issue of Harper's magazine, Doug Henwood argues that Hillary Clinton, if elected president, would do little to assuage liberals' disappointment in President Barack Obama. This is how Henwood sums up the case …

POLITICO poll: Alarm, anxiety as election looms — An overwhelming majority of voters in the most competitive 2014 elections say it feels as if events in the United States are “out of control” and expressed mounting alarm about terrorism, anxiety about Ebola and harsh skepticism …
Elizabeth Williamson / Wall Street Journal:
Americans' Gloom Marches Into Second Decade
Americans' Gloom Marches Into Second Decade
Tom Maguire / JustOneMinute:
Two Americas — In the course of pondering Ezra Klein's odd views on due process with respect to “Yes Means Yes” and rape allegations, I have come across the following popular notion, written by Tara Culp-Ressler of Think Progress and endorsed by Michelle Goldberg of The Nation.
KC Johnson / Minding The Campus:
Ezra Klein's Confusion on the California Sex Law
Ezra Klein's Confusion on the California Sex Law
Yahoo! News and The Atlantic Online
Shane Goldmacher / National Journal:
Joni Ernst Is the GOP's Breakout Star. The Democratic Machine Could Still Beat Her. — Bruce Braley is a flawed candidate, but his team's superior ground game might push him over the top. — DES MOINES, Iowa—Marilynn Wadden, a retired elementary school teacher, was smiling as she settled …
Washington Post, Washington Monthly, No More Mister Nice Blog and Booman Tribune
Bill Scher / Real Clear Politics:
How Republicans Could Blow It — There are two battlefields raging …
How Republicans Could Blow It — There are two battlefields raging …

The Worst Campaign Ad That Human Beings Actually Paid for This Year — A breathtakingly bad GOP ad in the one Senate race that's going great for Democrats. — Michigan's race for U.S. Senate is the sick man of the GOP's electoral map. Halfway through the cycle, Republicans …
CNN, Talking Points Memo and Mediaite
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Amazon's Monopsony Is Not O.K. —, the giant online retailer, has too much power, and it uses that power in ways that hurt America. — O.K., I know that was kind of abrupt. But I wanted to get the central point out there right away, because discussions of Amazon tend, all too often, to get lost in side issues.
Marginal REVOLUTION and Prairie Weather
Reid Wilson / Washington Post:
Both parties poured big money into early voting. Who's got the edge? — For candidates in tight races and the parties that fund expensive get-out-the-vote efforts, Election Day has turned into Election Month: By Monday, voters in 34 states and the District of Columbia will be able to cast ballots in person.
Weasel Zippers

Monica Lewinsky Speaks: 'It's My Mission To End Cyberbullying' — Monica Lewinsky has broken a decade-long silence to announce her campaign to end cyberbullying and today's toxic culture of internet shaming. — In her first ever public address, the former mistress of President Bill Clinton revealed …
Daniel Malloy / Political Insider blog:
Michelle Nunn ad again features George H.W. Bush; again he's not pleased — A new ad from Democrat Michelle Nunn in the U.S. Senate race aims to puncture the notion that she is a lackey of President Barack Obama, pointing out that the oft-displayed picture of her with the president …
OnPolitics, Washington Post and Hinterland Gazette

Supreme Court's civil rights backlash: How a new case could set us back decades — Here's what the practical effects will be — In the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting, there was a brief moment when much of America was forced to look at an inconvenient truth about ourselves …
Hullabaloo, and Los Angeles Times

Ebola hysteria: An epic, epidemic overreaction — (CNN) — This is getting ridiculous. — While the threat of Ebola is very real in Africa, the paranoia it's generated in the United States is unreal. — You can count the number of documented cases in America on two hands — and still have fingers to spare.
Hit & Run, Boing Boing, Washington Post and New York Magazine

GOP Senator Campaign's Sunflower Fields Are In Ukraine — Pat Roberts represents the Sunflower State (Kansas). — The image Republican Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts on every page of his website and on his press releases of a sunset on a sunflower field is of a field in Ukraine.
Taegan Goddard's …

Flip Benham Crashes Gay Weddings In North Carolina — With gay marriage now legal in North Carolina, it was only a matter of time before Flip Benham of Operation Save America started crashing wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples. — The North Carolina-based pastor …
Joe. My. God., Good As You and FOX News Radio

Obama: One very successful president? — Obama team resignations and firings … (CNN) — President Obama's poll numbers have hit a new low and he's under fire for everything from the rise of ISIS to the response to the Ebola threat. So it may seem surprising to many readers …
Salon, PJ Media and naked capitalism

Nigeria Is Ebola-Free: Here's What They Did Right — It's been 42 days since the last new case — The World Health Organization declared Nigeria free of Ebola on Monday, a containment victory in an outbreak that has stymied other countries' response efforts.
New York Times, No More Mister Nice Blog and FOX News Radio

Ebola patient Amber Vinson's family disputes CDC story, gets a lawyer — Health officials gave Texas nurse Amber Vinson permission to fly to Ohio and back even though she voiced concern about Ebola, her relatives said Sunday, adding that they have retained a high-profile attorney.
The PJ Tatler, The Agonist and Washington Times

Indiana Plans To Cut Tens Of Thousands Off Food Stamps — Indiana will cut tens of thousands of its poorest people off of the food stamps roles beginning next spring, the state announced. Gov. Mike Pence (R) has decided to join seven other states in reinstating work requirements …
The Indianapolis Star … and Shakesville

George Will says a sneeze or cough could spread Ebola — As the national effort ramps up to beat back Ebola, the Obama administration has been taking heat. Critics say the president and top public health officials painted too rosy a picture of the country's state of readiness.
Mediaite, New York Magazine, Talking Points Memo, The Daily Beast and National Review
Hadas Gold / Politico:
Meghan McCain: The right is wrong — Meghan McCain, always outspoken, says she's got one big regret — calling Rep. Michele Bachmann a “poor man's Sarah Palin.” — “That's the one if I could take it back I would, because I just think it's so linear and so nasty,” McCain said in an interview with POLITICO.
Talking Points Memo