Top Items:
Aaron Blake / Washington Post:
Nancy Pelosi says she doesn't know who Jonathan Gruber is. She touted his work in 2009. — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that, not only did Jonathan Gruber not play a significant role in drafting Obamacare, but that she doesn't even “know who he is.”

Obamacare architect discussed misleading public in 4th newly uncovered video — Washington (CNN) — As Congress voted on the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, in 2010, one of the bill's architects, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, told a college audience that those pushing the legislation pitched …
John Hawkins' Right Wing News, Firedoglake, Washington Post, Daily Kos, The Hill, National Review and ThinkProgress

The Jon Gruber controversy and what it means for Obamacare, explained — Over the past three days, conservative news outlets have posted multiple videos of Jonathan Gruber, an MIT health economist who worked on Romneycare and Obamacare, crediting the “stupidity” of American voters as one reason that the health law passed.
Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Daily Caller, Liberal Values, EconLog, Daily Kos, New Urban Legends, Weekly Standard, Washington Monthly, RedState, Business Insider, Twitchy, Bloomberg View, Althouse, Washington Examiner, Bloomberg Politics, Fox News, Hot Air and Betsy's Page

Calling Me Stupid — The arrogant remarks of Obamacare architect …
Richard L. Hasen / Los Angeles Times:
Op-Ed History gives clues to Chief Justice Roberts' thinking on new Obamacare case
Op-Ed History gives clues to Chief Justice Roberts' thinking on new Obamacare case
Hullabaloo, National Review, BuzzFeed, SCOTUSblog, New York Times, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Democracy in America and NPR
Sean Sullivan / Washington Post:
Pelosi on Jonathan Gruber: 'I don't know who he is. He didn't help write our bill.'
Pelosi on Jonathan Gruber: 'I don't know who he is. He didn't help write our bill.'
Hot Air, Firedoglake, The Daily Caller, Power Line and Fox News Insider
Justin Sink / The Hill:
White House disagrees with ‘stupidity’ remarks
White House disagrees with ‘stupidity’ remarks
Politico, Fox News Insider, Weekly Standard and BizPac Review
New York Times:
Obama Aides Say Moves Will Avert 5 Million Deportations — WASHINGTON — President Obama will ignore angry protests from Republicans and announce as soon as next week a broad overhaul of the nation's immigration enforcement system that will protect up to five million undocumented immigrants …
Liberaland, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, Prairie Weather, Daily Signal, Fox News, Hot Air, Bloomberg View, Washington Post, Guardian, The Huffington Post, Colorlines, RH Reality Check, The Daily Caller, Bloomberg Politics, Josh Blackman's Blog, Power Line, Right Wing Watch, Daily Kos, Trail Blazers Blog, Talking Points Memo, NPR, Fox News Insider, Weekly Standard and National Review

Mitch McConnell Is ‘Very Disturbed’ By President Obama
Washington Post and The Moderate Voice
The Huffington Post:
Harry Reid Urges Obama Not To Take Immediate Action On Immigration
Harry Reid Urges Obama Not To Take Immediate Action On Immigration
Daily Signal, Hot Air, Politico and New York Times
Ted Barrett / CNN:
Reid to Obama: Wait on immigration orders until after CR passes
Reid to Obama: Wait on immigration orders until after CR passes
Bloomberg Politics
Benjy Sarlin /
Is President Obama making the right call on immigration?
Is President Obama making the right call on immigration?
The Daily Caller

Americans' Cellphones Targeted in Secret U.S. Spy Program — Fake Cellphone Towers on Planes Used to Target Criminals, but Also Sift Through Thousands of Other Phones — WASHINGTON—The Justice Department is scooping up data from thousands of cellphones through fake communications towers deployed …

Obama, Down but Not Out, Presses Ahead — WASHINGTON — President Obama emerged from last week's midterm election rejected by voters, hobbled politically and doomed to a final two years in office suffering from early lame-duck syndrome. That, at least, was the consensus in both parties.
Daily Kos
Mayor Betsy Hodges:
pointergate — A few days before the November 4th election, I took a photo with an organizer while doorknocking to get the vote out. In that photo, the organizer and I pointed at one another (after, it has often been remarked, an awkward moment of set-up).
Talking Points Memo, Raw Story, Mediaite and The Huffington Post

Rob Portman plans for White House run as anti-Obama — CINCINNATI (CNN) — Rob Portman is mapping out a possible presidential run, creating a narrative, talking to fundraisers and looking to change his image from the senator who once ran George W. Bush's budget office to the anti-Obama from Ohio with a serious resume.

Secret Emails of Potential Clinton Campaign Managers Revealed … For the past five years, a prominent Democratic operative who is a leading contender to manage a Hillary Clinton presidential campaign has maintained a private email listserv for friends and associates that carries a provocative name: the “Mook Mafia.”
Political Wire

Frustrated Democratic Senators Vent, but Re-Elect Reid to Be Their Leader — WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats voted to retain Senator Harry Reid of Nevada and the other senior members of their leadership on Thursday, putting off for now the uncomfortable question of how to inject new energy …

Secret Service Blunders Eased White House Intruder's Way, Review Says — WASHINGTON — An intruder was able to climb a fence and enter the White House in September because of a succession of “performance, organizational, technical” and other failures by the Secret Service …
New York Magazine, Fox News, Politico, Business Insider, Mediaite and Talking Points Memo

14 From '14: Quick Takes on the Midterm — After going over the results from last week, we had a number of bite-sized observations to offer — 14, to be exact: — 1. The polls really were worse than usual — This cycle featured the largest average miss by the two major poll aggregators …
Billy House / National Journal:
Dems Deny Duckworth a Proxy Vote in Democratic Leader Elections — The pregnant Illinois congresswoman and wounded war veteran is unable to travel to D.C. — Rep. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, who is expecting a baby in December, is being denied a request to vote by proxy …
Outside the Beltway and Hot Air
John Cassidy / New Yorker:
Obama's Unexpectedly Good Week — Eight days ago, President Obama went before the White House press corps to acknowledge the previous day's midterm-election results and take his knocks. “Obviously, Republicans had a good night,” he said. “And they deserve credit for running good campaigns.
Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and Guardian

A Major Breakthrough on Climate Change — The deal jointly announced in Beijing by President Obama and China's president, Xi Jinping, to limit greenhouse gases well beyond their earlier pledges is both a major diplomatic breakthrough and — assuming both sides can carry out their promises …
Power Line, The Federalist and Washington Post