Top Items:

TURLEY AGREES TO SERVE AS LEAD COUNSEL FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN CONSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGE — As many on this blog are aware, I have previously testified, written, and litigated in opposition to the rise of executive power and the countervailing decline in congressional power in our tripartite system.
The Moderate Voice, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Weekly Standard, neo-neocon and Washington Free Beacon

What Jon Gruber's Quotes Really Tell Us About Obamacare—and American Politics — The controversy over Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economist and Obamacare “architect” who talked about the “stupidity of American voters,” seems to be losing a bit of energy. I'm not sure how much I can add …

Steve Rattner: Jonathan Gruber was ‘the man’ on Obamacare — Obama has since noted Gruber was never on the White House's staff. — Jonathan Gruber was “the man” behind Obamacare, according to a former adviser to President Barack Obama. — “The problem is not that Gruber helped …
Power Line, The PJ Tatler, Fox News Insider, Patterico's Pontifications and Conservatives4Palin
James Surowiecki / New Yorker:
On Obamacare, the G.O.P. Lays a Trap for Itself — A few days after the midterm elections, the Supreme Court announced that it would hear King v. Burwell, a challenge to the Affordable Care Act in which the plaintiffs are arguing that people who live in states which have not set …
Washington Monthly and Daily Kos

Pity the Republicans — If the GOP had partnered with President Obama …
Hot Air, The Dish, The Atlantic Online, Immigration Reform, Pew Research Center's … and
Katie Pavlich /
Liberal Law Professor Jonathan Turley: Obama's Executive Amnesty Threat 'Tears at Very Fabric of The Constitution"
Liberal Law Professor Jonathan Turley: Obama's Executive Amnesty Threat 'Tears at Very Fabric of The Constitution"
The Daily Caller
Brian Beutler / The New Republic:
“Grubergate” Is Giving the Supreme Court Cover to Destroy Obamacare
“Grubergate” Is Giving the Supreme Court Cover to Destroy Obamacare
Talking Points Memo, PolitiFact and Conservatives4Palin

Questions About Sharpton's Finances Accompany His Rise in Influence — The Rev. Al Sharpton, who came to prominence as an imposing figure in a track suit, shouting indignantly at the powerful, stood quietly on a stage last month at the Four Seasons restaurant, his now slender frame wrapped …
Politico, Gawker, Hinterland Gazette, The Daily Caller, “The Lid” and Washington Free Beacon

Keystone at Senate tipping point — Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and other supporters of the Keystone XL oil pipeline are stuck at 59 votes — one vote shy of the supermajority they need to move their bill forward on Tuesday. — Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) …
Politico,, Washington Post, Hit & Run, Hot Air, FOX News Radio and Washington Times
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Can Obama Trade Keystone for Something?
Can Obama Trade Keystone for Something?
Washington Monthly, New York Times, Washington Post, US News, No More Mister Nice Blog, Booman Tribune, PolitiFact and NPR

Four Killed in Jerusalem Synagogue Attack — JERUSALEM — Two Palestinians armed with a gun, knives and axes stormed a synagogue complex in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighborhood of West Jerusalem on Tuesday morning and killed four men in the middle of their morning prayers, the Israeli police said.
Power Line, Hinterland Gazette, Gawker, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, New York Magazine, The Hugh Hewitt Show and NPR

Hamas Endorses a Massacre
Israel Matzav, Lawfare, The Times of Israel, American Spectator, National Review and The Dish
David Brooks / New York Times:
Obama in Winter — They say failure can be a good teacher, but, so far, the Obama administration is opting out of the course. The post-midterm period has been one of the most bizarre of the Obama presidency. President Obama has racked up some impressive foreign-policy accomplishments …
The PJ Tatler, Althouse, Daily Kos, Shakesville and ParaPundit

Why Jonathan Gruber is conservative catnip
National Review, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Hot Air

The Long Shot — Martin O'Malley ought to be a Democrat's dream candidate. In two terms as the governor of Maryland, he's ushered in a sweeping liberal agenda that includes gay marriage, gun control, an end to the death penalty, and in-state college tuition for undocumented immigrants.
Bloomberg View and Political Wire
Charlie Cook / National Journal:
Are We Ready for Hillary? — Some time in the next six months …
Are We Ready for Hillary? — Some time in the next six months …
Hot Air and Washington Post

Uber Executive Suggests Digging Up Dirt On Journalists — Senior vice president Emil Michael floated making critics' personal lives fair game. Michael apologized Monday for the remarks. — Emil Michael, senior vice president of business for Uber, in July. — David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The moment I learned just how far Uber will go to silence journalists and attack women — A big debate among the Pando staff for the past two years has been over just how morally bankrupt Uber is. Earlier this evening, a bombshell story by Buzzfeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith proves the reality …
BuzzFeed, Talking Points Memo, Vanity Fair, VentureBeat, The Verge, Gawker, Mediaite, New York Times, New York Magazine and Mashable, more at Mediagazer »

NFL suspends Vikings RB Adrian Peterson without pay for remainder of the season — He will not be considered for reinstatement before April of 2015. The NFL Players' Association said in a statement that it will appeal Peterson's suspension and is demanding a neutral arbitrator handle the appeal.
CNN, Hinterland Gazette and FOX News Radio
Laura Meckler / Wall Street Journal:
Democrats Send Mixed Messages on Immigration Timing — Senate Democrats appear united in their view that President Barack Obama should take executive action on immigration, but they are sending mixed messages on the timing. — Administration officials have said an announcement will come …
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Democrats press Obama to wait on immigration executive action
Democrats press Obama to wait on immigration executive action
US News, The PJ Tatler, Hullabaloo and Prairie Weather

Incredible Audio Of Gov. Jay Nixon Bumbling Through An Answer About Ferguson — Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D) has declared a state of emergency and activated the state national guard in anticipation of a grand jury decision in the shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson.
Tina Nguyen / Mediaite:
Rep. John Lewis Calls for ‘Massive, Non-Violent Protests’ Nationwide if Wilson Isn't Indicted
Rep. John Lewis Calls for ‘Massive, Non-Violent Protests’ Nationwide if Wilson Isn't Indicted
FOX News Radio

GOP hires legal scholar to oversee Obama lawsuit — House Republicans have hired a noted constitutional lawyer to oversee a lawsuit against President Barack Obama for alleged executive overreach. — Jonathan Turley, a professor at The George Washington University, has argued in favor …
Daniel Strauss / Talking Points Memo:
Legal Scholar Becomes Third Lawyer To Take On House GOP's Anti-Obama Lawsuit
Legal Scholar Becomes Third Lawyer To Take On House GOP's Anti-Obama Lawsuit
Daily Kos, Washington Post and National Review

In Mr. Obama's own words, acting alone is ‘not how our democracy functions’ — DEMOCRATS URGING President Obama to “go big” in his executive order on immigration might pause to consider the following scenario: — It is 2017. Newly elected President Ted Cruz (R) insists he has won a mandate to repeal Obamacare.
Daily Kos, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hot Air, Esquire, Betsy's Page, Patterico's Pontifications, Balloon Juice, Hullabaloo, Newsalert and USA Today

The New Republican Plan To Rig The 2016 Presidential Election — Last week, Michigan state Rep. Pete Lund (R) revealed a plan that would rig the Electoral College to ensure Republican victories in 2016 and beyond if it were enacted in a sufficient number of states.
Lawyers, Guns & Money and Shakesville

Peter Kassig's Powerful Silence Before ISIS Beheaded Him — The former Army Ranger did not address the camera. — It's tough to take any solace when the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria commits a murder, as it made clear yet again on Sunday it had done with the release of a video …
New York Times, The Daily Banter, US News and Lawfare