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CIA Interrogations Saved Lives — The Senate Intelligence investigators never spoke to us—the leaders of the agency whose policies they are now assailing for partisan reasons. — The Senate Intelligence Committee has released its majority report on Central Intelligence Agency detention and interrogation in the wake of 9/11.

Senate Torture Report Faults C.I.A. for Brutality and Deceit — WASHINGTON — A scathing report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday found that the Central Intelligence Agency routinely misled the White House and Congress about the information it obtained from the detention …

Fox melts down after torture report: ‘The United States of America is awesome, we are awesome!’ — DON'T MISS STORIES. FOLLOW RAW STORY! — Fox News analysts, hosts and reporters on Tuesday wasted no time in blasting Democrats after Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein …
Addicting Info, Daily Kos, Jezebel and rubber hose

WATCH Fox Host Lose It Over Senate Torture Report: ‘We Are Awesome!’ — After the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the torture techniques used by the CIA, the hosts of Fox News' “Outnumbered” lashed out at Senate Democrats' for publicizing CIA interrogation methods.
The Moderate Voice, Mediaite, The Daily Banter, Daily Kos, Raw Story and New Yorker

Darkness Visible: Live-Blogging The Torture Report — 5.00 pm. Since we're now in our sixth hour of live-blogging, I'm going to wrap it up for the time being. But I want to end on a positive note. Everything that happened in this damning report is because of Americans.
Bloomberg Politics, New York Times, Guardian, Telegraph, Raw Story, The Moderate Voice, emptywheel and The Intercept

Remind Me Who It Is the CIA Works For? — So the redacted summary of the “torture report” is out, which means Senate Democrats brushed aside GOP complaints and that the administration overruled both State Department and CIA objections to the timing or to the release itself.
Telegraph and Booman Tribune

This Is How a Prisoner of War Feels About Torture
United States Senator …, Talking Points Memo and PoliticusUSA

Pardon Bush and Those Who Tortured
Politico, Gawker, Bloomberg View, Shakesville, Reuters, emptywheel and RedState

New York Times, Bloomberg View and The Daily Caller

The Most Gruesome Moments in the CIA ‘Torture Report’
Latest, Talking Points Memo, No More Mister Nice Blog, Guardian, Politico and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Discord at C.I.A. Over Interrogation Program
National Review, Samizdata, Prairie Weather and Daily Kos

Senate report: CIA misled public on torture
Liberaland, Q13 FOX News, American Spectator, Hot Air, Los Angeles Times, Balloon Juice and New York Magazine

Obama's long arc on torture
TIME, NBC News, American Prospect, ABC News, Little Green Footballs, First Draft, The Dish and Washington Free Beacon

Senate report on CIA program details brutality, dishonesty
Liberaland, PoliticusUSA, Gawker, The Moderate Voice, Washington Free Beacon, Obsidian Wings and New York Times

The president of the ACLU wants Obama to pardon the torturers
Crooked Timber and No More Mister Nice Blog

CIA interrogation report: Democrats want to punish America, blame Bush
The Dish, Liberty Unyielding, Daily Kos and Hot Air

Harvard Business School Professor Goes to War Over $4 Worth of Chinese Food — Ben Edelman (left) and Ran Duan (right) — Ben Edelman is an associate professor at Harvard Business School, where he teaches in the Negotiation, Organizations & Markets unit.
Talking Points Memo, New York Magazine, Guardian, Business Insider, Addicting Info, Raw Story, Gawker and National Review

Source: Rolling Stone Deputy Editor Tendered Resignation; Wenner Declines — Deputy managing editor offered to resign in wake of UVA reporting brouhaha — Rolling Stone Managing Editor at Will Dana speaks onstage at the New York Public Library on October 17, 2013.

Issa To Gruber: ‘Are You Stupid?’ — House Oversight Committee Chair Darrell Issa (R-CA) cut right to the chase in his questioning of MIT professor Jonathan Gruber's comments on the “stupidity of the American voter” at a Tuesday oversight committee hearing.
Daily Kos and Bloomberg Politics

Gruber apologizes for ‘mean and insulting’ ObamaCare comments
Hot Air, American Spectator and Washington Monthly

Gruber to face hostile House panel, tea party 'I'm with Stupid' T-shirts
Truth Revolt and The Gateway Pundit

Republicans clash on reversing nuclear option in Senate — Republicans are split over whether to change the Senate's rules to allow filibusters on executive and judicial nominations. — As they head into a conference meeting on Tuesday, some Republicans say it's time to undo a wrong committed …
Trail Blazers Blog, Hot Air, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The PJ Tatler, rubber hose and Outside the Beltway

Congress Will Say D.C. Can Legalize Pot, But Can't Tax or Regulate It — D.C. mayor and council will be blocked by spending bill from taking additional steps on marijuana law. — Congress will prevent the District of Columbia from writing regulations to expand its recently passed ballot …
Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, Hot Air, The Daily Caller, ThinkProgress, Firedoglake and Hit & Run

Congressional Leaders Reach Deal on Spending — WASHINGTON — Congressional leaders reached a deal Tuesday on a more than $1 trillion spending package that would fund most of the federal government through the current fiscal year. — But because negotiations on the package dragged over policy details …
Political Wire

Cops swarm Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue, shoot knife-wielding man after student gets stabbed (VIDEO) — WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT NYPD anti-terror officers swarmed Chabad-Lubavitch in Crown Heights after Israeli student Levi Rosenviat, 22, was stabbed during prayer early Tuesday.
CNN, Capital New York, Truth Revolt, Hatewatch, New York Post, New York Times, New York Magazine, Gawker, The Jawa Report, The PJ Tatler and Washington Free Beacon

FBI Files Charges Against President Of Company Behind West Virginia Chemical Spill — Gary Southern, president of Freedom Industries, takes a sip of water at a press conference on the chemical spill. — The former president of the company that contaminated drinking water for 300,000 West Virginians …

Rick Perry, hungry for redemption, says he's a ‘substantially different’ candidate — AUSTIN — The man who could be president is ambling through the Texas governor's mansion on his own, whistling “Frosty the Snowman” as he approaches the parlor room to greet a reporter.
Washington Monthly