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I'm Ready for Hillary — Hillary Clinton is by far the most qualified person in the United States to serve as President. If she runs, I will support her. I have known Hillary for almost twenty-five years. We first met when I was the governor of Vermont and she was the First Lady …
Washington Times

Fox melts down after torture report: ‘The United States of America is awesome, we are awesome!’ — DON'T MISS STORIES. FOLLOW RAW STORY! — Fox News analysts, hosts and reporters on Tuesday wasted no time in blasting Democrats after Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein …
Jezebel and rubber hose

WATCH Fox Host Lose It Over Senate Torture Report: ‘We Are Awesome!’ — After the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the torture techniques used by the CIA, the hosts of Fox News' “Outnumbered” lashed out at Senate Democrats' for publicizing CIA interrogation methods.
Mediaite, The Daily Banter, Daily Kos, The Moderate Voice, Hullabaloo, Raw Story, New Yorker and Unfogged w/ Comments

Michael Hayden Is Not Sorry — The Senate report rakes Bush's former CIA director over the coals. He fires back in an exclusive interview. — Though the CIA's “enhanced interrogation” program long predated his takeover of the agency in 2006, former Director Michael Hayden has found himself …

CIA Interrogations Saved Lives — The Senate Intelligence investigators never spoke to us—the leaders of the agency whose policies they are now assailing for partisan reasons. — The Senate Intelligence Committee has released its majority report on Central Intelligence Agency detention and interrogation in the wake of 9/11.

Darkness Visible: Live-Blogging The Torture Report — 5.00 pm. Since we're now in our sixth hour of live-blogging, I'm going to wrap it up for the time being. But I want to end on a positive note. Everything that happened in this damning report is because of Americans.
Guardian, New York Times, Telegraph, Bloomberg Politics, Raw Story, Hullabaloo, emptywheel, Bloomberg View and Washington Post

This Is How a Prisoner of War Feels About Torture
United States Senator …, Talking Points Memo, PoliticusUSA and Vox

New York Times, The Seattle Times, The Daily Caller and Bloomberg View

Statement by the President Report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Guardian, New York Magazine, Hit & Run and KTLA

Remind Me Who It Is the CIA Works For?
Telegraph, Booman Tribune, Balloon Juice and Hot Air

Report Portrays a Broken C.I.A. Devoted to a Failed Approach
Politico, Daily Kos, Samizdata, Prairie Weather and Guardian

Torture Report: Former CIA Directors Say Interrogation Program ‘Saved Thousands of Lives’
The Gateway Pundit, Wall Street Journal, Hit & Run, Yahoo! News and Hot Air

Panel Faults C.I.A. Over Brutality and Deceit in Terrorism Interrogations
Washington Post, Daily Kos, Prairie Weather,, Politico, NBC News, National Review, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, The Reality-Based Community, Bloomberg View, New York Magazine, American Spectator, CNN, Outside the Beltway, Liberal Values, Weekly Standard, The Moderate Voice, The Daily Beast, Hinterland Gazette, The Dish, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Fox News

Obama's long arc on torture
ABC News, Little Green Footballs, Washington Post, First Draft, American Prospect, NBC News, TIME, ABC News, Washington Free Beacon and The Dish

Harvard Business School Professor Goes to War Over $4 Worth of Chinese Food — Ben Edelman (left) and Ran Duan (right) — Ben Edelman is an associate professor at Harvard Business School, where he teaches in the Negotiation, Organizations & Markets unit.

What will Cruz do? — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) faces a tough decision on whether to follow through on his pledge to block any legislation he deemed nonessential in the lame-duck session. — With his colleagues scrambling to finish a $1 trillion government-funding measure and get out of town, Cruz is a wild card.
Political Wire

Deal reached on $1.01 trillion spending bill
Hot Air, Power Line, PoliticusUSA and The Daily Caller

Jonathan Gruber's Weak New Excuse for His Obamacare Exchange Subsidies “Speak-O” — At a hearing in front of the House Oversight Committee this morning, MIT economist and Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber attempted to explain away recently unearthed comments about the Affordable Care Act's subsidies …
The Hill, National Review and Wall Street Journal

Still cooking the ObamaCare books
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Mitch McConnell's Obamacare gambit
Political Wire, Hot Air, Daily Kos and The Hill

Congressional budget poised to partially block pot legalization in D.C. — An emerging deal to keep the federal government funded into next year would block the D.C. government from allowing legal sales of marijuana in the nation's capital, according to multiple congressional aides with knowledge of the negotiations.
City Desk, Fox News, Hot Air and Talking Points Memo

Lena Dunham: Why I Chose To Speak Out — The ways I've been attacked for sharing my story show how far we have to go when discussing sexual assault. — Mike Marsland / WireImage / BuzzFeed — It has been almost a decade since I was sexually assaulted.
Fox News, Mediaite and The Daily Banter

Social Injustice Ate My Homework — Harvard law students have been taught to think like spoiled children. — If there were a First Rule of our present penchant for victimhood, it would presumably be that everything unpleasant that happens in the world must, in some way, eventually be about you.
Shot in the Dark and National Law Journal

The Jonathan Gruber hearing was a zany coda to Darrell Issa's tumultuous tenure — A gaffe, under the oft-cited Michael Kinsley rule, is when somebody in Washington accidentally speaks the truth. But what happens when frankness leads you to say something so monumentally stupid …

Issa To Gruber: ‘Are You Stupid?’
The Hill, Daily Kos, Bloomberg Politics and Washington Times

Source: Rolling Stone Deputy Editor Tendered Resignation; Wenner Declines — Deputy managing editor offered to resign in wake of UVA reporting brouhaha — Rolling Stone Managing Editor at Will Dana speaks onstage at the New York Public Library on October 17, 2013.

Congressional Leaders Reach Deal on Spending — WASHINGTON — Congressional leaders reached a deal Tuesday on a more than $1 trillion spending package that would fund most of the federal government through the current fiscal year. — But because negotiations on the package dragged over policy details …
The Hill and New York Magazine