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Former Vice President Dick Cheney Says CIA Torture Report Is ‘Full of Crap’ … Former Vice President Dick Cheney says a declassified Senate report on the controversial post-9/11 CIA interrogation program is “full of crap.” — “I think it is a terrible report, deeply flawed,” …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion

Cheney: Bush wasn't in the dark on CIA — Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Wednesday that President Bush was not kept in the dark on the CIA's interrogation techniques, calling the Senate Intelligence Committee report's claim a “flat out lie.” — The report, released Tuesday …
CANNONFIRE, ABC News and Informed Comment

Sen. Mark Udall, Bashing CIA, Reveals Classified Findings on Interrogation Program — “The CIA is lying,” the Colorado Democrat said on the Senate floor Wednesday. — In a career-defining speech, Sen. Mark Udall took to the Senate floor Wednesday to disclose classified information regarding …
Politico, Daily Kos, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion and Booman Tribune

Obama Catches Blame on Tactics of Torture That He Ended
Associated Press, ABC News, JustOneMinute, USA Today and ABC News

Udall swinging with jabs at CIA, Obama
Moe Lane, ABC News and Yahoo! News

McConnell: Torture Report Was One Last ‘Thumb In The Eye’ Of Bush Admin

Warren, left fume over deal — Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday sought to rally opposition to the $1.1 trillion government funding bill, spearheading a revolt on the left that has put her influence in the Democratic Party to the test. — The Massachusetts liberal pleaded for House Democrats …

They risked and persisted, sacrificed and saved. Editor Nancy Gibbs explains why the Ebola Fighters are TIME's choice for Person of the Year 2014 — Not the glittering weapon fights the fight, says the proverb, but rather the hero's heart. — Maybe this is true in any battle …

Growing Public Support for Gun Rights — More Say Guns Do More to Protect Than Put People at Risk — For the first time in more than two decades of Pew Research Center surveys, there is more support for gun rights than gun control. Currently, 52% say it is more important to protect …
Washington Post, The Federalist and Truth Revolt

Millionaires' choice for president: Hillary
OnPolitics, CNN, Politico and Political Wire

Plastic Pollution in the World's Oceans: More than 5 Trillion Plastic Pieces Weighing over 250,000 Tons Afloat at Sea — Abstract — Plastic pollution is ubiquitous throughout the marine environment, yet estimates of the global abundance and weight of floating plastics have lacked data …
Guardian, Firedoglake, BuzzFeed, The Verge, Scientific American Content, Washington Post, New York Times and Raw Story

Fear and Torture — The tragic resonance, in the global war on terror, of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's report on torture, released yesterday, will not, and probably should not, fade any time soon. It reveals that Americans engaged in acts, on behalf of and with the approval …
No More Mister Nice Blog and Washington Post

The Torture Report: Inhumane Scenes From the C.I.A.'s Prisons
Washington Post and The Dish

Government shutdown would not stop Obama on immigration — Even if Republicans shut down the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) next year, President Obama could still carry out his executive actions giving legal status to up to 5 million undocumented immigrants.
New York Times

Landrieu run again? ‘Oh Lord, no’ — Sen. Mary Landrieu pretty much dismissed any notion that she would run again for governor, the Senate or any other public office. — “Oh Lord, no,” the Louisiana Democrat said Wednesday. — Story Continued Below — “Well, let me say …

Why I am ready for Hillary — Last week, on Dec. 4, I helped organize a Ready for Hillary fundraiser in Montgomery County, Md., in the immediate suburbs of Washington, D.C. The organization, an independent grassroots committee, has been at work for the past year gathering millions of names …

Voters Repeal Fayetteville Civil Rights Ordinance … FAYETTEVILLE (KFSM)- Fayetteville voters have repealed the city's Civil Rights Ordinance following a special election Tuesday (Dec. 9). — Those in favor of repeal got 52% of the vote with 7,523 ballots cast.
The New Civil Rights Movement, Daily Signal, Advocate and Raw Story

I'm an Obama supporter. But Obamacare has hurt my family. — Obamacare has been far more frustrating than I'd ever dreamed. — At the moment President-elect Barack Obama proclaimed that “change has come to America,” I stood at the foot of my husband's bed in the cardiac ICU of Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo.

The Washington Post Inches Closer to Calling the UVA Gang Rape Story a Fabrication — The Washington Post has an update on Rolling Stone's UVA story that strongly implies, without outright saying so, that the gang rape at the center of Sabrina Rubin Erdely's article might be fabricated.

Rep. Peter King: Senate Report Not Torture, Just People Having “To Stand In Awkward Positions” — “We're not talking about anyone being burned or stabbed or cut or anything like that. We're talking about people being made to stand in awkward in positions, have water put into their nose and into their mouth.
The Daily Banter, Mediaite, Talking Points Memo and New York Magazine

College president sorry for saying ‘All lives matter’ — Smith College President Kathleen McCartney never meant to say “all lives matter,” she explained to angry students. — The president of prestigious Smith College is red-faced and apologetic Tuesday for telling students on the Northampton, Mass., campus that “all lives matter.”