Top Items:

Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo 2/20/15 Airing Tonight at 8PM ET — O'REILLY FACTOR TALKING POINTS MEMO — Hi, I'm Bill O'Reilly ... thanks for watching us tonight ... more proof the American media is corrupt. — That is the subject of this evening's Talking Points memo.
Politico, Mediaite, Raw Story, Mother Jones, TVNewser and Poynter, more at Mediagazer »

These Are the Questions Bill O'Reilly Won't Answer — Why won't the Fox News host address the evidence he mischaracterized his wartime reporting experience? — On Thursday, Mother Jones published an article by Daniel Schulman and me that documented how Fox News host Bill O'Reilly …
Deadline, TVNewser, Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, Raw Story and The Huffington Post
Dylan Byers / Politico:
Mother Jones calls on O'Reilly to apologize
Mother Jones calls on O'Reilly to apologize
The Huffington Post and Mediaite

Bill O'Reilly Shoots Down ‘Mother Jones’ War Report: ‘A Giant Piece of Defamation’
Associated Press:
Unwelcome Mat: White House Tries to Counter Netanyahu Visit — In what is becoming an increasingly nasty grudge match, the White House is mulling ways to undercut Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming trip to Washington and blunt his message that a potential nuclear deal with Iran is bad for Israel and the world.
ABC News

Obama to seek emergency order restarting immigration programs
Immigration Impact

What Rudy Giuliani knows about love — a response to his 'doesn't love America' critique of Obama — Rudy Giuliani knows a lot about love. — Ask Regina Peruggi, the second cousin he grew up with and married, who was “offended” when Rudy later engineered an annulment from the priest …
Arlette Saenz / ABC News:
Rudy Giuliani: White House Says It Feels ‘Sorry’ For Him
Rudy Giuliani: White House Says It Feels ‘Sorry’ For Him
Associated Press, CNN, Talking Points Memo and Politico

Jeb Bush Chooses to Be Cross-Examined at CPAC — As the American Conservative Union puts final touches on its annual political conference next week, they've offered potential Republican presidential contenders the option of a moderated question-and-answer session instead speaking from a podium …
Washington Monthly, US News, Politico and USA Today
William Kristol / Weekly Standard:
A Fire Bell in the Night
A Fire Bell in the Night
neo-neocon, Washington Monthly and alicublog
Beth Reinhard / Wall Street Journal:
GOP Opposition Research Hand Tim Miller Joins Jeb Bush Team
GOP Opposition Research Hand Tim Miller Joins Jeb Bush Team
The Daily Caller, Hullabaloo, Talking Points Memo, Metro Weekly and New Hampshire Journal
The CMS Blog:
What Consumers Need to Know about Corrected Form 1095-As — Last year, millions of Americans used advance payments of tax credits to help lower the cost of their monthly health insurance premiums. Now that tax season is here, individuals and families enrolled in a health plan through …
Health Insurance Blog, Politico, Health Affairs Blog and KVNF Public Radio
Robert Pear / New York Times:
800,000 Using Were Sent Incorrect Tax Data
800,000 Using Were Sent Incorrect Tax Data
The Verge, Josh Blackman's Blog, New York Magazine, and The Week
Louise Radnofsky / Wall Street Journal:
Health Exchange Sign-Up Period Extended Through Tax Season
Health Exchange Sign-Up Period Extended Through Tax Season
Washington Post, Daily Kos,, Weekly Standard, Liberal Values, Twitchy, The Huffington Post and American Spectator

Arrest made in Colorado Springs bombing — COLORADO SPRINGS - 9Wants to Know has learned a man has been arrested in connection with a bombing that occurred at a building housing the NAACP and other businesses. — Investigators are looking into the possibility a tax preparation business …
The Gateway Pundit, Little Green Footballs, Mediaite and The Week
Shaun KingFollow / Daily Kos:
Thaddeus Murphy arrested for January Colorado Springs NAACP bombing
Thaddeus Murphy arrested for January Colorado Springs NAACP bombing
FOX News Radio

DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat — Hunter: Terrorists crossed U.S. border — Story highlights — Intelligence assessment focuses on domestic terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists — Some law enforcement groups view domestic terror threat …

Scott Walker says he'll sign fast-tracked right-to-work bill — By Patrick Marley and Jason Stein of the Journal Sentinel — Madison — After saying in his re-election bid that he wouldn't push so-called right-to-work legislation, Gov. Scott Walker voiced support for it Friday and committed to signing it …
Politico, National Journal, Talking Points Memo and Daily Kos

Obama Takes On Rand Paul For Just ‘Talking the Talk’ … President Obama delivered a rallying cry to Democrats at the party's winter meeting in Washington, D.C., today, urging an unabashed embrace of his economic record as they head into the 2016 campaign. — “We were told by our good friends …

What Solutions Do You Think Are Most Critical To Countering Violent Extremism? — This week, the White House hosted a Summit to Counter Violent Extremism to highlight domestic and international efforts to prevent violent extremists and their supporters from radicalizing, recruiting …
New York Times, Hot Air, Weekly Standard, The PJ Tatler, US Department of State, The Daily Caller and American Spectator

Rent-stabilized tenant evicted after cashing in on Airbnb — This posh Hell's Kitchen apartment was advertised on Airbnb with a profile that featured Henry Ikezi (inset). — This could help doom scores of Airbnb rentals. — A Manhattan Housing Court judge has ruled that rent-stabilized tenants …

ISIS Continues to Directly Threaten Military Families — As the Obama administration continues its sluggish bombing campaign against the Islamic State, ISIS fighters are waging a war directly on the families of U.S. military soldiers. — Last week Angela Ricketts, the wife …
John Hawkins' Right Wing News

What Vegas Suspect Told Mom, Daughter After ‘Road Rage’ — Tammy Meyers' teenage daughter told police the man she and her mother encountered near their Las Vegas home in an apparent “road rage” incident got out of the driver's seat and said, “I'm gonna come back for you and your daughter,” according to a police warrant issued today.
Conor Friedersdorf / The Atlantic Online:
The Danger of Being Neighborly Without a Permit — Three years ago, The Los Angeles Times published a feel-good story on the Little Free Library movement. The idea is simple: A book lover puts a box or shelf or crate of books in their front yard. Neighbors browse, take one, and return later with a replacement.
E. J. Graff / New York Times:
Boston's Winter From Hell — CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — BY now you've seen the starkly beautiful shots of Boston buried under snow: the panoramic city under a white blanket; snowbanks so high they crest over parked cars; piercing icicles glinting for two full stories from gutters dammed with ice …

MLB announces pace of game initiatives, replay modifications — Richard Justice joins Fran Charles on MLB Tonight to discuss how baseball is incorporating new pace of play rules — Baseball Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr., Major League Baseball Players Association Executive Director Tony Clark …
ESPN, The Atlantic Online and KVNF Public Radio

Three missing London schoolgirls ‘travelling to Syria to join Isil’ — Metropolitan Police ‘extremely concerned’ about three teenage girls from east London school believed to be attempting to travel to Syria via Turkey — Police are appealing for help to find three schoolgirls …
Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Truth Revolt and The Hugh Hewitt Show