Top Items:

Conservative Republicans Alone on Global Warming's Timing — Story Highlights — WASHINGTON, D.C. — While notable majorities of all other political party/ideology groups say the effects of global warming will happen within their lifetime, fewer than four in 10 conservative Republicans …
Politico and Balloon Juice
Mark Drajem / Bloomberg Business:
Happy Earth Day! Unless You're Running for President in the GOP — Earth Day finds Republican candidates questioning global warming. — It's Earth Day, but that isn't stopping Republican presidential candidates from questioning whether global warming is real, whether humankind is causing …
Washington Monthly and Roll Call
Ed Rogers / Washington Post:
The Insiders: Obama's global warming distraction
The Insiders: Obama's global warming distraction
New York Magazine

Mitch McConnell Shouldn't Get Comfortable — Why Democrats are poised to recapture the Senate. — After picking up nine seats in the 2014 elections, Republicans maintain a decisive 54-seat majority in the Senate. In 2016, they will face a much more difficult map that coincides with a presidential election year.
The Reaction

McConnell builds case for 2016 — Mitch McConnell is building the case that this Senate is much more productive than the last one. — The Kentucky Republican, who ascended to majority leader after repeatedly ripping the Democratic-led Senate as “dysfunctional,” has to show that the GOP can govern.
Political Wire, Bloomberg Business, Washington Post and US News
Ellen Nakashima / Washington Post:
McConnell introduces bill to extend NSA surveillance
McConnell introduces bill to extend NSA surveillance
Hot Air and Political Wire
Washington Post:
Trade war heating up among Democrats — Hillary Rodham Clinton and other top Democrats began feuding over President Obama's trade initiative Tuesday as his bid for a major late-term win began tearing at the party's unity and threatened to expose old divisions ahead of the 2016 presidential election.
Political Wire
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Progressives ready big ad buy targeting trade deal
Progressives ready big ad buy targeting trade deal
Common Dreams
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
Reid: I'm a ‘hell no’ on trade bill
Reid: I'm a ‘hell no’ on trade bill
Washington Free Beacon, Mediaite and Hot Air

Hillary Clinton Can't Run for President — So she's pushed her whole campaign into the slow lane. — Thousands have run for president, but only one candidate has ever unrun for the office: Hillary Clinton. Ever since she finally announced her entry into the contest a couple of weeks ago, she has been unrunning with ferocity.
Moe Lane, Outside the Beltway, Political Wire, BuzzFeed and Commentary Magazine
Michael Grunwald / Politico:
Could Obama's Everglades Stop Hurt the Everglades?
Could Obama's Everglades Stop Hurt the Everglades?
Taylor Marsh

Who was the reporter outside Cindy Archer's house? — Part 194 of 193 in the series Wisconsin's Secret War — MADISON, Wis. - Of all of the frightening accounts of government abuses in Wisconsin's political John Doe investigation, David French's description in National Review …

When battling Hillary, it's the cronyism, stupid — “The economy, stupid.” Democratic operative James Carville used that simple phrase in 1992 to remind former President Bill Clinton to maintain narrow focus on that issue. — Republicans who want to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 need …
New York Post, Washington Post, Betsy's Page and Hot Air

Man shoots computer in Colorado Springs alley, gets revenge he wanted - and a citation — Updated: — 3 photos — + caption — When ctrl + alt + delete doesn't work, just shoot the darn thing. — That's what one man did on Monday night, according to Colorado Springs police.
Associated Press and Outside the Beltway
Wbastone / The Smoking Gun:
“Fed Up” Colorado Man, 38, Busted For Killing His Computer In Cold Blood
“Fed Up” Colorado Man, 38, Busted For Killing His Computer In Cold Blood
The PJ Tatler and Clayton Cramer
Michael Crowley / Politico:
President Obama to shun saying ‘genocide’ on 100th anniversary of Armenian massacres — President Barack Obama will not use the word “genocide” to describe the massacre of up to 1.5 million Armenians in his annual statement commemorating the historic atrocity later this month.
The Last Refuge, Hit & Run, The Daily Caller, Gordon Campbell and Hot Air
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
WH won't call Armenian killings ‘genocide’

EXCLUSIVE: The Prime Minister and the Waitress — This is a guest blog from an anonymous waitress about the way John Key kept touching her when he repeatedly visited her place of work. The waitress contacted us with her story, The Daily Blog did not seek her out or pressure her in anyway to write this blog.
Guardian, Mediaite, New York Times and BuzzFeed

Paul Ryan doesn't want to talk about 2016 — Paul Ryan has a message for the media: It's too early to start talking about the presidential election next year. — “I don't want to get into any of this 2016 stuff. I know you guys are already kind of tired of talking about this stuff so early out …
Hot Air

Congressman Tells Protester: 'Touch me again, and I'll drop your ass' — Anti-immigration protesters were on hand to greet Congressman Steve Knight at the open house for his Simi Valley office last week. And when one got a little too close, the former LAPD cop was having none of it.
Infowars, Washington Post, Talking Points Memo, Mashable and Raw Story

'I'll drop your a—,' Republican tells immigration protester
Andrew Desiderio / Mediaite:
GOP Rep. Knight to Anti-Immigration Protester: 'I'll Drop Your Ass'
GOP Rep. Knight to Anti-Immigration Protester: 'I'll Drop Your Ass'
Moe Lane, Americans Against the …, Politico and Hullabaloo

Protesters rally in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray — Story highlights — (CNN)Chanting “No justice! No peace!” protesters rallied in Baltimore late Tuesday, the same day police released the names of the officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray.
Guardian, UPI, The Atlantic Online, BuzzFeed, New York Magazine and Common Dreams
Richard Pérez-Peña / New York Times:
Baltimore Officers Suspended Over Death of Freddie Gray Are Identified
Baltimore Officers Suspended Over Death of Freddie Gray Are Identified
The Atlantic Online, BizPac Review, Mediaite, Baltimore Sun and NBC News

Mike Huckabee staffing up for 2016 run — Mike Huckabee has been staffing up for his likely presidential campaign, before an expected announcement in Hope, Arkansas, on May 5. — Sources familiar with the internal planning tell POLITICO that the Republican has decided on senior staff and their roles for a potential 2016 campaign.
Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times

Ted Cruz Showed Eloquence, and Limits, as Debater at Princeton — PRINCETON, N.J. — By the time he was a senior at Princeton University in 1992, Ted Cruz had developed an arsenal of rhetorical skills and theatrical gestures that made him one of the most polished performers on the college debate circuit.
Talking Points Memo and New York Magazine

Yemen crisis: air strike hits Aden after Saudi Arabia ends bombing campaign — Air strike targets tanks in southern port city on Wednesday, just hours after Riyadh had announced the end of nearly a month of attacks on Houthi rebels — The US and Iran have both welcomed Saudi Arabia's decision …
Common Dreams

Election 2016: Exploding The Governor Savior Myth — During every election cycle, there are storylines or interpretive memes that are widely repeated but turn out to be completely irrelevant or plain wrong. Early in this presidential cycle, yesterday's cliches about the presidential race seem to be exploding all around us.
Washington Monthly and

New Orleans Bars Issue Last Call for Smoking — NEW ORLEANS — No one goes to a bar here, particularly one that advertises its hours as “2 p.m. till,” and expects precision about the time of day. But it was right on the stroke of midnight that Frankie Mazzanti, 56, one of the owners …