Top Items:

A Civil Rights Leader Has Disguised Herself As Black For Years, Her Parents Say — Rachel Dolezal is president of the Spokane, Washington, chapter of the NAACP and also chairs a city police oversight commission. Her parents also told BuzzFeed News that she is passing off her younger adopted black brother as her own son.
Instapundit, Slantpoint, Guardian, Ed Driscoll, neo-neocon, Hot Air, RedState, The Daily Caller, Althouse, The Federalist, Shakesville, Mediaite, Jamelle Bouie and protein wisdom

NAACP STATEMENT ON RACHEL DOLEZAL — Baltimore, MD - For 106 years, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has held a long and proud tradition of receiving support from people of all faiths, races, colors and creeds. NAACP Spokane Washington Branch President Rachel Dolezal …
Prairie Weather, Talking Points Memo and Full Feed

Black like me? — Civil rights activist's ethnicity questioned — COEUR d'ALENE - She's risen from North Idaho civil rights champion to positions of power in Spokane as a self-described black woman. — But what if Rachel Dolezal is really white? — Dolezal, chair of Spokane's Office …
Mashable, The Daily Caller and Talking Points Memo

If Rachel Dolezal Isn't Black, How Is Caitlyn Jenner A Woman? — Spokane NAACP president Rachel Dolezal, a professor of Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University, was outed earlier this week by her parents as being white. — In what has to be one of the more bizarre news stories of 2015 …

‘Black’ NAACP leader outed as white woman
New York Times, Hit & Run, Tea Party, theGrio and Associated Press

A Big Slobbery Welcome To My Newest Trans-Black Sister, Rachel Dolezal
Power Line, Raw Story and John Hawkins' Right Wing News

‘Are you an African American?’ Why an NAACP official isn't saying.
The Huffington Post, The Daily Caller, ABC News, KXLY-TV, Hot Air, Slantpoint, Mediaite and The Week

Credibility of local NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal questioned
Washington Post, CBS News, Fox News, The Huffington Post, Jezebel, Washington Times, Raw Story, Daily Mail, Notes & Errata, The American Conservative, No More Mister Nice Blog, CBS Baltimore, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, Business Insider, Politico, Chicago Tribune, Hollywood Life, Scared Monkeys, The Jawa Report, In Touch Weekly, Refinery29, Fox News Insider, Mediaite and Sadly, No!

Stop making excuses for Rachel Dolezal: The Spokane NAACP official's fraud is unforgivable
ABC News, Guardian and The Daily Caller

House Rejects Trade Bill, Rebuffing Obama's Dramatic Appeal — WASHINGTON — House Democrats rebuffed a dramatic personal appeal from President Obama on Friday, torpedoing his ambitious push to expand his trade negotiating power — and, quite likely, his chance to secure a legacy-defining trade accord spanning the Pacific Ocean.

House deals humiliating blow to Obama in trade fight — Defying President Obama, House Democrats on Friday rallied to vote down legislation granting aid to workers displaced by trade, dealing a potentially fatal blow to the fast-track legislation that had been scheduled to hit the floor.
Hit & Run, The Last Refuge, RedState and PoliticusUSA

Pelosi defies Obama on trade — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a meandering but dramatic floor speech on Friday announced her vote against a measure providing assistance to workers displaced by trade. — “If TAA slows down the fast-track, I'm prepared to vote against TAA,” Pelosi said.
Politico, The Week and Political Wire

Dems deal Obama huge defeat on trade — In a staggering blow to President Barack Obama's trade agenda, the House easily defeated a measure to help workers displaced by free trade known as Trade Adjustment Assistance. The aid package was critical to securing Democratic support …
Bloomberg Business, Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Washington Post, Roll Call, Hullabaloo and Daily Kos

Why Does Obama Want This Trade Deal So Badly?
Washington Post, Prairie Weather, Washington Monthly and rubber hose

Obama-backed trade bill fails in the House
CNN, Guardian, PoliticusUSA, Washington Monthly, Working In These Times, The Gateway Pundit and Bloomberg Business

Mark Halperin, Ann Romney to host ‘Sunrise Pilates’ for GOP megadonors — Bloomberg Politics co-managing editor Mark Halperin and Ann Romney, wife of Mitt, will co-host an early morning pilates session for wealthy Republican donors at this weekend's Romney retreat in Deer Valley, Time's Zeke Miller reports.
Talking Points Memo and The Huffington Post

Rich Republican Donors Get VIP Retreat Treatment
Talking Points Memo, Daily Kos, Balloon Juice and Real Clear Politics

Walker open to teaming up with Rubio on 2016 ticket
Washington Monthly, Daily Kos, OnPolitics, Real Clear Politics, Washington Post and Politico

Capitol gridlock taking toll on Gov. Brownback, House GOP members say — Despair about the tax-and-budget impasse overwhelming the Capitol exacted a toll on Gov. Sam Brownback. — Brownback apparently choked up in a private meeting with House Republicans who sought an audience …
Washington Monthly, Kansas City Star, GOVERNING, Political Wire, Talking Points Memo and The Bob and Chez Show

The Note: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Is About To Get Personal … NOTABLES —CLINTON TO UNVEIL TALK-ABOUT-HER-MOM STRATEGY AT FIRST CAMPAIGN RALLY: Hillary Clinton spent the opening weeks of her campaign addressing policy issues like criminal justice reform, voting rights, and equal pay for women.
Bloomberg Business, Taylor Marsh, Liberal Values and The Cook Political Report

For Hillary, a new Iraq war trap
Hot Air and New York Times

Chinese hack of U.S. network compromised security files — The Chinese breach of the Office of Personnel Management network was wider than first acknowledged and officials said Friday that a database holding sensitive security clearance information on millions of federal employees and contractors also was compromised.
Forbes, Defense One, Engadget, NPR and Tea Party

Congressman On Sex Abuse Scandal: ‘The Only Victim Here Is Denny Hastert’ — The indictment last month of former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) on charges of illegally concealing millions in banks withdrawals and lying to the FBI also revealed another serious breach …
Shakesville and The Week

California Announces Restrictions on Water Use by Farmers — LOS ANGELES — Farmers with rights to California water dating back to the Gold Rush will face sharp cutbacks, the first reduction in their water use since 1977, state officials announced Friday. State officials announced …

Last Slide — The Iowa Straw Poll is dead. — The governing board for the Republican Party of Iowa voted unanimously Friday to cancel the straw poll, a milestone on the path to the White House that had passed the strategic tipping point. It was no longer a political risk for presidential campaigns …