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Trump launches offensive against Walker — Billionaire businessman Donald Trump on Saturday unleashed a personal attack at Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, days after being the target of the governor's latest campaign blast. — Trump's speech in Iowa came on the heels of a fundraiser …
Politico, Guardian, Talking Points Memo, Wall Street Journal and Outside the Beltway

Trump takes aim at Walker in Iowa — Story highlights — (CNN)Donald Trump has spent much of the early days of his presidential campaign taking on Jeb Bush. — But in Iowa on Saturday, the real estate mogul took shots at Scott Walker, who's long stood atop polls in the Hawkeye State …

Top Scott Walker Fundraiser Calls Donald Trump ‘DumbDumb’
Des Moines Register, CNN, PoliticusUSA, Talking Points Memo, Guardian and Politico

Aides for Hillary Clinton and Benghazi Committee Dispute Testimony Plan — WASHINGTON — Amid renewed controversy surrounding Hillary Rodham Clinton's use of private email for government work, a dispute erupted on Saturday over when and how she would publicly testify before the House select …

Hillary's email troubles deepen
ABC News, The PJ Tatler, Prairie Weather, The Moderate Voice and Gallup

Inspectors General Release Joint Statement to Clear Up Hillary Email Referral Flap
Hot Air,, Belmont Club, TalkLeft and Washington Post, more at Mediagazer »

Clinton may testify to Benghazi committee in October
Politico and Liberaland

No rest for the candidates in this summer of discontent — Dissatisfaction and protest are roiling the politics of summer 2015. They are evident in the response to the angry rhetoric from Donald Trump, in the crowds that come to hear Bernie Sanders bash Wall Street and in the rallies demanding racial justice.

Veterans named as Donald Trump supporters say they were not consulted — Several people listed as part of the “Veterans for Trump coalition” formed by Donald Trump following his incendiary comments about John McCain's war record have denied they are part of the group, the Guardian has learned.
Liberaland and The Right Scoop

Priebus: Trump won't run as third-party candidate
ABC News, Talking Points Memo and Addicting Info

New Photos Show Bush Administration Reaction to 9/11 Attacks — In never-before-released photographs taken on Sept. 11, 2001, the shock, horror and gravity of the terrorist attacks can be read on the faces of President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, their wives Laura and Lynne …
Yahoo Politics, New York Post, Business Insider, Guardian, Fox News Insider and Daily Mail

Sen. Heller: John McCain 'Wouldn't Accept' Amendment to Arm Troops on Bases Before Chattanooga Attack — During a July 23 interview on the Lars Larson Show, Senator Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) said that in June he “submitted an amendment” to the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) …
The Gateway Pundit

Looking Away From Abortion — IN an essay in his 1976 collection, “Mortal Lessons,” the physician Richard Selzer describes a strange suburban scene. People go outside in the morning in his neighborhood, after the garbage trucks have passed, and find “a foreignness upon the pavement,” a softness underfoot.

Obama, Kenyatta clash on gay rights in Kenya — NAIROBI, Kenya - President Barack Obama and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta sparred over support for gay rights here Saturday, with Obama urging fast changes and Kenyatta saying it was not something Kenyan culture or society would “accept.”

Despite Agreements, President Obama, Kenyan President Differ on Gay Rights
Joe. My. God.,, Business Insider and

UC San Diego wins legal battle in dispute with USC over Alzheimer's project — UC San Diego won a major legal battle Friday against USC when a judge ruled that control of a landmark project on Alzheimer's disease belongs to the La Jolla school. — The decision addressed the heart of a lawsuit …
Slantpoint and ABC News

Jindal orders police to protect Lafayette funerals from picketing — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is issuing a warning to the Westboro Baptist Church, which has threatened to picket the funerals of two victims from the Lafayette, La., movie theater shooting this week.
Raw Story

Congress Must Hold Obama Accountable for His Deception Over Iran — By lying and withholding information about the agreement, he gives aid and comfort to America's enemy. — The president “must certainly be punishable for giving false information to the Senate.”
The Daily Caller and Instapundit