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Yeah, Jeb Bush Is Probably Toast — The post-debate spin could become a self-fulfilling prophecy — “You know, I think Jeb Bush is toast,” I told one of my editors after Wednesday night's debate. — “I kinda do too,” he replied. “I'm just worried because that's what everyone else seems to think too.”

The third Republican debate transcript, annotated — Wednesday night, 10 candidates participated in the third Republican debate: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), former Florida governor Jeb Bush, former tech executive Carly Fiorina, Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) …

Ted Cruz's best moment of the debate was also completely wrong — “The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media,” Ted Cruz said with considerable disgust. “This is not a cage match.” — Cruz ticked off the insults …
Slate, Washington Monthly, CNBC, The Hill, The Moderate Voice, Washington Post, Daily Kos, Belmont Club, Los Angeles Times, US News, Wall Street Journal, Politico and Hullabaloo

Ben Carson calls on rival campaigns to help him end ‘gotcha’ debate questions — LAKEWOOD, Colo. — Republican presidential front-runner Ben Carson told reporters Thursday that he was reaching out to every rival campaign to lobby for changes to future debate formats.

Bush's Big Bomb — It was even worse than it looked. — jheil — A few hours before the third Republican presidential debate on Wednesday night at the University of Colorado at Boulder, I was hunched over my laptop, either hard at work or studying Google Maps to determine the nearest dispensary …
The Daily Caller, CNN, Hot Air and news

Online polls: Trump won third GOP debate — Donald Trump emerged the victor of Wednesday night's third GOP presidential debate, according to flash polls of three websites' users. — Trump overwhelmingly won the contest in Boulder, Colo., according to online surveys from Time …
Mother Jones, New York Times, Washington Post, Political Wire, John Hawkins' Right Wing News and Politico

This GOP underdog was the debate's big winner — Marco Rubio has been playing the long game as a presidential candidate — not getting into fights, not trying to shove himself into the daily news stories, just sticking to his themes and strengths. — If his strategy is sound …

In (Partial) Defense of CNBC — We'll send you a reminder. — Your reminder will be sent — “The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media,” Senator Ted Cruz said last night, drawing himself up in a way that made him appear to slightly inflate.
Washington Post, Guardian, The Moderate Voice, Hullabaloo, Poynter., FishbowlDC, Slantpoint and Althouse

We Have Our Final Six — Tonight's debate showed that the GOP field is smaller than it looks. Technically, there are still fourteen people running, but the winnowing is far along. We probably have a final six and possibly a final four. — The three winners of the night were pretty obvious …

Peace Breaks Out Among the Republican Candidates
NBC News, Mother Jones, The Federalist, Balloon Juice, Lawyers, Guns & Money and National Review

After CNBC debacle, Carson camp vows revolt over debates
Raw Story, Talking Points Memo, AMERICAblog News, Daily Kos, Business Insider and Guardian

Cruz Rips Press At CNBC Debate: “This Debate Illustrates Why We Can Not Trust The Media”

CNBC and Jeb Bush Commit Suicide in Boulder
National Review, The Daily Caller, American Thinker, Da Tech Guy Blog, neo-neocon, Shot in the Dark and Mediaite

Jeb Died on That Stage
The Daily Beast, New Republic, The Atlantic, New York Times, The Week, US News, Hit & Run and

Has the Marco Moment arrived?
New York Times, naked capitalism and Hit & Run

Vote: Who won the Republican presidential debate?
TIME, Daily Mail, The Gateway Pundit, Mother Jones and Independent Journal

Hillary Clinton won the third GOP debate. Here's why
Politico, New York Times, The Atlantic and The Week

The biggest loser? The media
Fox News, Politico, Weekly Standard, and NPR

CNBC moderators defend debate amid criticism
The Federalist, Computerworld and Hot Air

Jeb Bush Continues “Death Spiral” At GOP Debate
Weekly Standard, Politico, Los Angeles Times, Guardian, Salon, Hullabaloo, Daily Kos, Hot Air, Vox, Bloomberg View, RedState, Washington Post and Slantpoint

Kasich: ‘I Was Very Appreciative’ of CNBC Moderators
Power Line, Hot Air and National Review

CNBC's really bad debate night
Slate, Liberty Unyielding, OnPolitics, NPR, Mediaite, Front Page Magazine, Truth Revolt, The Week and NBC News

Reid calls on Rubio to resign — Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid tore into Sen. Marco Rubio on Thursday, calling on the Florida Republican and 2016 presidential contender to resign his Senate seat as he racks up no-shows on his voting record while campaigning for the White House.
Talking Points Memo, news, Hot Air, Mediaite, Political Wire, The Daily Caller and Washington Post

Gov. Christie, Time to Go Home — It's that time in the ever-long presidential campaign when candidates lacking money and mojo are starting to go back to their plows. Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey should join them. — Mr. Christie has been called a lot of things …
Talking Points Memo, Politico, Daily Kos, Business Insider, Washington Free Beacon, Grist, Mediaite, Political Wire, NBC News, OnPolitics, Washington Post, Raw Story, Daily Mail and Hot Air

A D.C. cop tried to break up a group of teens. It ended in this impressive dance-off. — On Monday afternoon, D.C. police officers broke up two groups of fighting teenagers. A few minutes later, a female officer approached the lingering crowd and told the teens to disperse.
Christian Science Monitor, The Daily Caller, Associated Press, Mediaite and Joe.My.God.

Paul Ryan elected Speaker — Lawmakers on Thursday elected Rep. Paul Ryan as the 54th Speaker of the House, putting an end to weeks of uncertainty over who would lead the raucous 247-member GOP conference after John Boehner's (R-Ohio) surprise resignation. — On a day filled with pomp …
Politico, ABC News, news and Shakesville

Ryan succeeds Boehner as speaker, seeks to fix ‘broken’ House
Truth Revolt and John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Paul Ryan Is Elected House Speaker, Hoping to Manage Chaos
Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit and Outside the Beltway

Details and Analysis of Senator Ted Cruz's Tax Plan — Key Findings: — Senator Cruz's (R-TX) tax plan would enact a 10 percent flat tax on individual income and replace the corporate income tax and all payroll taxes with a 16 percent “Business Transfer Tax,” or subtraction method value-added tax.
Wall Street Journal, ThinkProgress, National Review and Washington Post

Turn Your Halloween Pumpkins Into Power — WHAT ARE THE KEY FACTS? … With the passing of Halloween, millions of pounds of pumpkins have turned from seasonal decorations to trash destined for landfills, adding to more than 254 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) produced in the United States every year.

Energy Department smashes pumpkins for causing climate change
Rush Limbaugh, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, Truth Revolt and Allen B. West

At a Success Academy Charter School, Singling Out Pupils Who Have ‘Got to Go’ — From the time Folake Ogundiran's daughter started kindergarten at a Success Academy charter school in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, the girl struggled to adjust to its strict rules. — She racked up demerits …
Politico, NOLA River, Eduwonk and Diane Ravitch's blog

In lawsuit, lesbian couple alleges they were arrested in Pupukea for kissing — In March, Courtney Wilson and her girlfriend Taylor Guerrero came to the islands from Los Angeles for what was supposed to be a restful vacation. — Instead, the trip turned into a nightmare when the pair was arrested after kissing in Foodland Pupukea.
Guardian, Daily Mail, Hit & Run and Towleroad

Ann Coulter Defends CNBC Debate Moderators From ‘Ridiculous’ Attacks — Conservative pundit Ann Coulter weighed in Wednesday night to all the CNBC debate haters — lay off the “ridiculous” attempts to “imitate” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.