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Bloomberg Politics Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds of Likely GOP Primary Voters Back Trump's Muslim Ban — More than a third say it makes them more likely to vote for him, according to an online PulsePoll conducted by Purple Strategies on Tuesday. — McCormickJohn
Washington Post, Hot Air, Outside the Beltway, Hullabaloo, PoliticusUSA, Talking Points Memo, Vox, Business Insider, The Week and The Daily Caller

Netanyahu set to meet Trump, as MKs urge candidate be shunned — Sources say December 28 powwow was scheduled two weeks ago, before GOP front-runner's call to ban Muslims from entering US; Arab-Israeli MK seeks to bar Trump from Israel — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set …

Trump Spokeswoman Defends Muslim Ban: 'So What? They're Muslim' (VIDEO) — While defending Donald Trump's proposed ban on Muslims visiting the United States during a debate with CNN's S.E. Cupp, Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson dismissed Cupp's assertion that a ban on all Muslims goes too far.
MSNBC, Mother Jones, BuzzFeed, The Week and rubber hose

Trump's Anti-Muslim Plan Is Awful. And Constitutional. — Philadelphia — DONALD J. TRUMP'S reprehensible call to bar Muslim immigrants from entering the United States tracks an exam question I've been giving my immigration law students since Sept. 11. Would such a proposal be constitutional?
The Hill, The Daily Caller, BuzzFeed, The Moderate Voice, Balkinization, Althouse, Washington Post, American Power and MSNBC

Trump's Muslim ban sparks international outrage
Politico, news, NBC News, Guardian and PoliticusUSA

Exclusive: Trump planning Temple Mount visit
Associated Press, Business Insider, New York Times and PoliticusUSA

Petition calling for Donald Trump to be banned from UK signed by 95,000
ThinkProgress, New York Times, CBS News, Agence France-Presse, CNN, Medium, Mediaite and Infowars

EXCLUSIVE: London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims - BBC, Cameron, Boris Johnson Sneer
Daily Mail, Guardian, BBC, Outside the Beltway, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, The Last Tradition and Moonbattery

HuffPost moves Trump to politics section after Muslim comments
US News and Daily Wire

Scalia: Affirmative Action Sends Blacks To Schools Too Advanced For Them — In the oral arguments Wednesday for a Supreme Court affirmative action case, Justice Antonin Scalia—a well known critic of affirmative action—suggested that the policy was hurting minority students by sending …
No More Mister Nice Blog

College quotas are actually destroying lives of minorities — Today the US Supreme Court hears a constitutional challenge to racial preferences in college admissions. These preferences obviously hurt whites and Asians turned down to make room for less qualified minorities, but ironically …
Red Alert Politics

Here's What Happens When You Ban Affirmative Action In College Admissions — Affirmative action in higher education is back in the Supreme Court, with oral arguments in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin being heard Wednesday. The topic has been contentious in Texas …
Mother Jones and Refinery29

Supreme Court University Affirmative Action Hearing — Live Blog
AMERICAblog News and Election Law Blog

Trump Proves That Liberals Have Been Right All Along — The left nailed the pathology of the conservative movement years ago. The Donald is just making that impossible to deny. — If you've been following Donald Trump's presidential candidacy and his effect on the Republican primary closely …
New York Times and Washington Post

Republicans fear Trump could jeopardize control of Congress — Republicans have spent many years and hundreds of millions of dollars wresting control of the House and Senate from Democrats. — Now they say Donald Trump is putting it all in jeopardy. — With the Iowa caucuses just 55 days away …

San Bernardino Suspects Spoke of Attacks in 2013, F.B.I. Says — WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said Wednesday that the couple who waged a shooting rampage in San Bernardino, Calif., last week had been talking of an attack as far back as two years ago …
Washington Post, The Daily Caller, LAist, Outside the Beltway, CNBC, JustOneMinute and CNN

San Bernardino Shooters Practiced for Attack a Year in Advance — San Bernardino terror couple Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik spent at least a year preparing for their terror attack, NBC News has learned, practicing at a local gun range and making financial plans for their family after their deaths.

San Bernardino shooters began plotting attack before their marriage, FBI chief says
New York Post, Fox News, CNN, RedState, Breitbart, WIS-TV, Hot Air and The Daily Caller

Gun rights groups to stage mock mass shooting at UT — Gun rights groups say they will conduct a mock mass shooting this weekend at the University of Texas campus as they try to end gun-free zones. — The Open Carry Walk and Crisis Performance Event will involve actors “shot” …

The Polls May Be Underestimating Trump's Support — Donald Trump's persistent lead in the GOP presidential-preference polls has been a great source of confusion for the chattering classes. But Trump is actually just the latest manifestation of a more global trend: Data suggests the appeal …
Power Line and Washington Post

Scientific Evidence Doesn't Support Global Warming, Sen. Ted Cruz Says — There's a huge partisan divide on the issue of global warming in the U.S. Steve Inskeep talks to the Texas senator and GOP presidential candidate about his views on climate change. — STEVE INSKEEP, HOST:
Grist, Raw Story, The Week and Mother Jones

Cruz Won't Criticize Trump But Offers His Own Plan To Bar Refugees
New York Times, Washington Post and Politico

Why I Caved on Guns When I Ran for Governor of Texas — I am a lifelong Democrat. I proudly boast an “F” rating from the NRA. And, yet during my 2014 gubernatorial campaign in Texas, I supported the open carry of handguns in my state. — It is a position that haunts me.
Washington Monthly, Talking Points Memo and Trail Blazers Blog

“I. Will. Never. Leave. This. Race.” — Donald Trump came down the stairs, stopped in the middle of the clubhouse restaurant, thrust his arms out and proclaimed: “How great is this?” — It was his way of saying hello and also a declaration of how America's boss planned to try to own the room …
Independent Journal, Politico, The Week, Political Wire, Balloon Juice and USA Today

Clinton intervened for firm after request to son-in-law — WASHINGTON (AP) — As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton intervened in a request forwarded by her son-in-law on behalf of a deep-sea mining firm to meet with her or other State Department officials after one of the firm's investors …
Hot Air, Washington Free Beacon and

Know Your Fascist Dictators — As long as we're on to the subject of fascist dictators and Donald Trump is now being compared to Adolf Hitler in major urban newspapers, I thought I should speak up on behalf of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini as the true proto-Trump. — Mussolini wasn't just a fascist dictator.
First Draft and Mashable

Carter Banned Iranians from Coming to US During Hostage Crisis — Trump is a monster, a madman and a vile racist. He's just like Hitler. Or Jimmy Carter. — During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned …

Who's a ‘Gifted Rap Artist,’ Who Loves Jalapeños and Who Went to See Adele on Date Night: Democrats and Republicans' Guilty Pleasures Revealed — You've seen them at rallies and state fairs across the country, on your television set during intense debates, on Twitter …
Politico, Independent Journal and The Week

Poll: Donald Trump nearly doubles lead in New Hampshire — Washington (CNN)Donald Trump has a growing lead among likely primary voters in New Hampshire, and both he and Marco Rubio have gained ground in the state since September, according to a new CNN/WMUR poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.
NBC News, Gothamist, Washington Post, Outside the Beltway, Talking Points Memo and Suffolk University

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest, 12/8/15 — MR. EARNEST: Good afternoon, everybody. Nice to see you all. Before we get started, I actually wanted to follow up on one piece of business from yesterday. I was asked at the end of the briefing — Francesca …
Power Line and The Daily Caller