Top Items:

The GOP Establishment's Civil War — A free-for-all between Christie, Rubio, Cruz and others, while Trump hovers above it all. — What everyone's waiting for is the winnowing. New Hampshire and Iowa will force some Republican candidates out. When we know who's still in we'll have a surer sense of the contours of the race.
Politico, The Hugh Hewitt ShowThe …, Don Surber, No More Mister Nice Blog, Political Wire and Washington Post

Trump tells security to take protesters' coats: ‘Throw them out into the cold’ — Republican front-runner Donald Trump directed security to kick out Bernie Sanders supporters from his Vermont rally and to confiscate their coats. — “Throw them out into the cold,” Trump ordered security, as protesters shouted “Bernie!
Washington Monthly

Priebus ‘100 percent’ confident he can rally GOP behind Cruz or Trump
Towleroad, Political Wire, The Week and Bloomberg Business

The Note: Trump Tangles With Democrats On Sanders' Turf

THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — DECEMBER 2015 — Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 292,000 in December, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.0 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment gains occurred in several industries, led by professional and business services …
Mother Jones, FiveThirtyEight, Politico, Forbes, CNBC, U.S. News, Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos and NPR

Robust Hiring in December Caps Solid Year for U.S. Jobs
Bloomberg Business and The Week

U.S. added 292,000 jobs in December; unemployment rate steady at 5 percent

Watchdog: Clinton email responses ‘inaccurate and incomplete’ — The State Department has been providing “inaccurate and incomplete” responses to requests for emails and other documents involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a watchdog says in a new report released Thursday.
RedState, Politico, Scared Monkeys, The Daily Caller, Washington Post and Hot Air

SMOKING GUN. Hillary Committed A Federal Crime Handling Classified Information — One of the ongoing skirmishes over Hillary Clinton's use of her personal email server to handle official correspondence was the issue of handling classified information. To date, Hillary's defense has been two-fold a) …
The Hayride

Sources: Suspect Confesses To Shooting Officer, Says He Did It In Name Of Islam — PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Authorities say a Philadelphia police officer is recovering after he was shot several times during an ambush late Thursday night in West Philadelphia. — Philadelphia police commissioner …
ABC News, National Review, Breitbart, CNN, The Gateway Pundit, Mashable, The Jawa Report, CBS New York, Washington Free Beacon and Jihad Watch

LePage makes racially charged comment at Bridgton meeting — A Republican critic of the governor calls the remark during a town hall meeting with residents Wednesday ‘one of the most offensive statements yet from this Governor.’ — Gov. Paul LePage made a racially charged comment in Bridgton …

Governor Delivers Racist Rant At Public Meeting
NBC News, Mother Jones, Shakesville, Politico,, New York Times, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Talking Points Memo and Guardian

Trump likes to sleep in his own bed and it may cost him votes — U.S. presidential candidates are spending long days on the campaign trail and their nights in a succession of budget hotels, often in small towns. Not Donald Trump. — After nearly every rally, the billionaire real estate developer hops …
The Resurgent

Feds arrest two Middle East refugees on terror-related charges — (CNN)U.S. federal authorities arrested two refugees on terror-related charges Thursday. — The arrests in Sacramento and Houston did not appear to be directly related, but the cases had several similarities.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants ‘attacked’ his group — BURNS — Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.
Raw Story,, Daily Mail and Balloon Juice

Supreme Court already ruled that feds rightly own occupied refuge
Daily Kos,, The Daily Signal, Talking Points Memo, The Scoop Blog and KOIN-TV

Guns Are Our Shared Responsibility — THE epidemic of gun violence in our country is a crisis. Gun deaths and injuries constitute one of the greatest threats to public health and to the safety of the American people. Every year, more than 30,000 Americans have their lives cut short by guns.
Washington Monthly, Politico, USA Today, Hot Air, PoliticusUSA, Political Wire, Talking Points Memo, The Resurgent, Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times, Washington Post, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, Florida Politics, Hit & Run, NBC News, Hollywood Life, CNN, Power Line, Business Insider, The Daily Caller, all, Moe Lane, Newsalert and The Week

Rahm Emanuel is a national disgrace: Why he represents every worst instinct of the Democratic Party — The Chicago mayor's ties to a shocking police cover-up get stronger by the day. This should come as no surprise — The scandal surrounding Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel's grossly corrupt …
New York Times, Breitbart, Daily Kos, Washington Post, Chicagoist, Hot Air, Mediaite, Balloon Juice and Diane Ravitch's blog

Fiorina: It's ‘Odd’ Cruz Didn't Renounce Canadian Citizenship Until 2014 — Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina weighed in on what she called the “odd” circumstances of her Canadian-born rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)'s citizenship on Thursday. — In an interview on Fox News' …
Political Wire and @politifact

Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report — Finnish police ‘tipped off’ about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women — Asylum seekers who gathered in central Helsinki on New Years's Eve “had similar plans” to commit sexual assault …
Jihad Watch, Christian Action Network and Vox Popoli

It's a Bad Day for the Clintons When Vox Fairly Explains the Rape Allegation Against Bill — I must admit, when I clicked this morning on Vox's “explainer” of Juanita Broaddrick's rape allegation against Bill Clinton, I expected a whitewash. I was wrong. Not only did Dylan Matthews …
Washington Free Beacon, Lawyers, Guns & Money, The Daily Caller, The Atlantic and Washington Post

Missing U.S. Missile Shows Up in Cuba — Inert Hellfire missile sent to Europe for a training exercise makes mysterious trip, sparking concerns over loss of military technology — An inert U.S. Hellfire missile sent to Europe for training purposes was wrongly shipped from there to Cuba in 2014 …
RedState, Washington Post, Maxim, Gizmodo, The Last Tradition and Washington Times

Obama vetoes health bill repeal — President Obama on Friday vetoed legislation that would repeal much of ObamaCare, the first such measure to reach his desk since it became law in 2010. — Obama used his veto pen without fanfare on a legislative package rolling back his signature healthcare law …