Top Items:

LePage makes racially charged comment at Bridgton meeting — A Republican critic of the governor calls the remark during a town hall meeting with residents Wednesday ‘one of the most offensive statements yet from this Governor.’ — Gov. Paul LePage made a racially charged comment in Bridgton …

Governor Delivers Racist Rant At Public Meeting — Drug dealers with stereotypically black names are importing heroin to Maine and leaving pregnant white women behind when they leave the state again, Gov. Paul LePage (R) told a town hall meeting on Wednesday.
Lawyers, Guns & Money, Mother Jones and Guardian

LePage: “These types of guys” impregnating white women in Maine
Talking Points Memo and WABI-TV

Trump disrupts Sanders' stronghold — Burlington, Vt. — Donald Trump's Thursday night rally has created the biggest political fracas here since 1981, when in the midst of the Cold War the city elected a socialist mayor named Bernard Sanders. — Ahead of Trump's visit …
ABC News

Trump, Cruz on brink of epic clash — Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are circling each other in the race for the Republican nomination and appear to be on the brink of an epic clash. — While the candidates have for months observed a kind of truce, party insiders believe that's about to change …
Political Wire

Priebus ‘100 percent’ confident he can rally Republican Party behind Cruz or Trump
Political Wire

Bush declines 4 times to commit to endorsing Trump
Bloomberg Business

The Term ‘Neocon’ has Run its Course — In interviews and on the stump, Sen. Ted Cruz likes to attack President Obama, Hillary Clinton and “some of the more aggressive Washington neocons” for their support of regime change in the Middle East. — Every time we topple a dictator, Cruz argues …
LewRockwell, CANNONFIRE and Truth …

The GOP Establishment's Civil War — A free-for-all between Christie, Rubio, Cruz and others, while Trump hovers above it all. — What everyone's waiting for is the winnowing. New Hampshire and Iowa will force some Republican candidates out. When we know who's still in we'll have a surer sense of the contours of the race.
Gallup, Politico, No More Mister Nice Blog, Political Wire and Washington Post

Ted Cruz Is Nixon, Not Goldwater
Bloomberg View,, New York Times, Washington Post, No More Mister Nice Blog, Rush Limbaugh, The Resurgent and The Hill

Feds arrest two Middle East refugees on terror-related charges — (CNN)U.S. federal authorities arrested two refugees on terror-related charges Thursday. — The arrests in Sacramento and Houston did not appear to be directly related, but the cases had several similarities.
Talking Points Memo, RedState, KHOU-TV, WBNS-TV, BuzzFeed, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Mediaite and The Last Refuge

Guns Are Our Shared Responsibility — THE epidemic of gun violence in our country is a crisis. Gun deaths and injuries constitute one of the greatest threats to public health and to the safety of the American people. Every year, more than 30,000 Americans have their lives cut short by guns.

Obama Mocks ‘Conspiracy’ at Forum on Gun Control — President Barack Obama mocked conspiracy theorists and tore into the National Rifle Association for pushing “imaginary fiction,” as he described his plans to tighten gun control rules as modest first steps toward tackling gun violence in America.
Politico, Bearing Arms and ABC News

Obama makes case on guns at CNN town hall
The Federalist and

Trooper prays with driver upset over his daughter's cancer diagnosis — BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — It can be stressful enough to see a police car behind you, but imagine getting pulled over after learning your child is dying from cancer. — Rodney Gibson was driving on SR 37 in Monroe County Monday …
Scared Monkeys,, WTVR-TV and

Indiana Cop Brings Speeding Driver to Tears With Prayer Rather Than Ticket
The Last Tradition

It's a Bad Day for the Clintons When Vox Fairly Explains the Rape Allegation Against Bill — I must admit, when I clicked this morning on Vox's “explainer” of Juanita Broaddrick's rape allegation against Bill Clinton, I expected a whitewash. I was wrong. Not only did Dylan Matthews …
Washington Free Beacon, Lawyers, Guns & Money, The Daily Caller, The Atlantic and Washington Post

THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — DECEMBER 2015 — Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 292,000 in December, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.0 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment gains occurred in several industries, led by professional and business services …

Congressman Readies Ted Cruz Eligibility Lawsuit With Eye on Mom — A Florida Democrat and some Obama “birthers” agree about Cruz. — Yo mama so Canadian? Ted Cruz says he's eligible for the presidency, but others disagree. — Billionaire businessman Donald Trump suggested this week …
Betsy's Page, Breitbart, RedState, Bloomberg Business, U.S. News, Slate, Washington Post, Hot Air, US News and Mediaite

Cruz: McCain Questions Citizenship Because He Secretly Backs Rubio
Breitbart, Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Moderate Voice, Hot Air, WORLD, BuzzFeed, Politico, RedState and CNN

Rahm Emanuel is a national disgrace: Why he represents every worst instinct of the Democratic Party — The Chicago mayor's ties to a shocking police cover-up get stronger by the day. This should come as no surprise — The scandal surrounding Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel's grossly corrupt …
Breitbart, Daily Kos, Washington Post, Chicagoist, Hot Air, Mediaite and Balloon Juice

Watchdog: Clinton email responses ‘inaccurate and incomplete’ — The State Department has been providing “inaccurate and incomplete” responses to requests for emails and other documents involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a watchdog says in a new report released Thursday.
RedState, The Daily Caller and Hot Air

Missing U.S. Missile Shows Up in Cuba — Inert Hellfire missile sent to Europe for a training exercise makes mysterious trip, sparking concerns over loss of military technology — An inert U.S. Hellfire missile sent to Europe for training purposes was wrongly shipped from there to Cuba in 2014 …
Washington Times and The Last Tradition

Snowy owl spotted soaring by Montreal traffic camera — White and black-spotted bird spreads its wings against snowy backdrop — Spectacular images of a snowy owl in flight have been captured by Transport Quebec's traffic camera along Montreal's Highway 40.

U.S. Marshals Raid Hoverboard Booth at CES — The maker of the Onewheel electric skateboard called in federal marshals to shut down the booth of a company making a similar product. — On Thursday afternoon, two U.S. federal marshals showed up at the Consumer Electronics Show to conduct a raid.
Gizmodo, Engadget, The Verge and Business Insider

U.S. Added 292,00 Jobs in December, Capping Year of Steady Growth — In an impressive sprint at 2015's end, employers added 292,000 workers to their payrolls in December, the government said on Friday, punctuating a year of healthy growth. — The unemployment rate stayed at 5 percent last month …
Bloomberg Business and The Week

Planned Parenthood to give Clinton its first-ever primary endorsement — Planned Parenthood is throwing its support behind Hillary Clinton, delivering what will be the organization's first-ever endorsement in a presidential primary. — “Let's be clear — reproductive rights and health …
Truth Revolt,, Progressives Today, ABC News and RedState

Planned Parenthood, In Its First Primary Endorsement, Backs Hillary Clinton
Towleroad, CBS News,, Mother Jones and The Week