Top Items:

John McCain: “I Don't Know” If Cruz Is Eligible For Presidency With Canadian Birth — McCain, the Republican nominee in 2008, was born in the Panama Canal Zone when it was a U.S. territory. — Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images — — Arizona Sen. John McCain …
Vox, American Spectator, Washington Post, New York Times, Hot Air, Associated Press, NBC News,, Talking Points Memo and Daily Kos

John McCain: Ted Cruz's citizenship is “worth looking into” — PHOENIX — Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, who faced questions as the 2008 GOP presidential nominee about his birth abroad, is now posing the same question to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. — In an interview Wednesday …
RedState, PoliticusUSA, The Resurgent, Taylor Marsh, Trail Blazers Blog and

Donald Trump Wants Ted Cruz to ‘Go Before a Judge’ About His Citizenship — Donald Trump wants Ted Cruz to go before a judge to “immediately, like tomorrow” to determine whether or not he is a “natural born citizen” and therefore eligible to run for president.
Politico, National Review, Associated Press, Yahoo Politics,,, neo-neocon, The Hill and Hot Air

Rand Paul Says He's Not Sure If Ted Cruz Is Eligible To Be President
Washington Post, US News, CNN, The Texas Tribune, Instapundit, Bloomberg Business, Hot Air and Talking Points Memo

Veepstakes cloud Senate GOP hopes of preserving majority — The Republican imperative to put together a strong White House ticket is butting up against the party's dream of preserving the Senate GOP majority. — Republican strategists say Sens. Rob Portman of Ohio and Kelly Ayotte …
The Week

RINOs Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Chris Christie chasing fool's gold — It's a shootout in the lifeboat — the Republicans in Name Only (RINO) lifeboat. — All the also-rans in the GOP presidential field are firing wildly at one another, trying to grab that coveted fourth-place finish in Iowa and
The Resurgent

Cologne sex attacks ‘require police rethink’ — Police in Germany will have to rethink their tactics following attacks on women in the city of Cologne on New Year's Eve, a senior official has said. — Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, said police had to “adjust” …
Mediaite, Above the Law, Truth Revolt and The Daily Caller

Suspects in Cologne sex attacks ‘claimed to be Syrian refugees’ — Leaked police report claims senior police officers feared fatalities and that one of those involved in attacks told officers: “I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me”
neo-neocon, Power Line, Breitbart, Spectator, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, Instapundit, Guardian and Daily Mail

Germany springs to action over hate speech against migrants
Power Line, Hot Air, The American Interest, Instapundit and The Daily Caller

Bill Clinton rape accuser: Hillary ‘tried to silence’ me — A woman who publicly accused former President Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 is resurrecting her claims on social media. — “I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me,” Juanita Broaddrick tweeted Wednesday.
Politico, Progressives Today, ABC News, American Spectator, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, BizPac Review, The Daily Caller and Vox

The Bill Clinton scandal machine revs back up and takes aim at his wife — The ghosts of the 1990s have returned to confront Hillary Clinton, released from the vault by Donald Trump and revved up by a 21st-century version of the scandal machine that almost destroyed her husband's presidency.
Washington Free Beacon, Althouse and USA Today

Man with cleaver killed by Paris police on anniversary of Charlie Hebdo attacks — Deadly shooting outside Paris police station — Police kill man with cleaver after he tried to enter a northern Paris police station, officials say — (CNN)Police shot and killed a man wielding …
The Gateway Pundit, The Daily Caller, American Spectator, The Week and Scared Monkeys

Sanders cracks Clinton's Nevada firewall — LAS VEGAS — Hillary Clinton has been on the ground in Nevada since last April. Bernie Sanders only began building up his organization here late in the fall. — But the state that's been touted as Clinton's firewall against the Vermont senator …
New York Times, Raw Story and PoliticusUSA

Sanders: Clinton lacks courage to stand up to Wall Street
Taylor Marsh and ABC News

Email Shows CNN's Invite Only Gun Control “Town Hall” With Obama is a Total Sham — Following his executive actions this week, President Obama will participate in what CNN is calling a “town hall” style discussion about gun control at George Mason University tomorrow night.
Bearing Arms

$700M Powerball Rollover Prize Is Largest in U.S. History — Here's the bad news: You didn't win the monster Powerball jackpot Wednesday night. — The good news: Neither did anyone else. — That means the jackpot will roll over to an estimated $700 million — the largest lottery prize in U.S. history …
AOL, Joe.My.God. and Maxim

No Winners in $524 Million Powerball Jackpot
89 WLS | WLS-AM, and Associated Press

The Pugnacious, Relentless Progressive Party That Wants to Remake America … At a recent private dinner in Manhattan, a small group of leftists plotted to take over America. — The group, a dozen community organizers and activists from all over the country, had convened at a sushi restaurant …
Booman Tribune

New charges allege religious leader, who has ties to the Duggars, sexually abused women — Ten women on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against Bill Gothard, who for decades was a major force in the conservative Christian homeschooling movement, charging him and leaders in his ministry with sexual abuse, harassment and cover-up.
Talking Points Memo, Raw Story, Gawker and Homeschoolers Anonymous

George Zimmerman rips Obama's ‘crocodile tears’ on guns — George Zimmerman is accusing President Obama of insincerity for weeping over mass shooting victims one day ago. — “He made an announcement and I could think when I saw it was crocodile tears,” Zimmerman, who shot and killed a black teenager in 2012, told TMZ.
Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo and

NOAA: U.S. posts second-hottest year on record — The United States posted its second-hottest year on record in 2015, government scientists reported Thursday, extending the streak of warmer-than-average annual temperatures. — The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …
The Week

17 miners rescued from salt mine near Ithaca — LANSING, N.Y. (AP) — Seventeen miners stuck 900 feet underground at the deepest salt mine in the Western Hemisphere were rescued Thursday morning, ending an ordeal that officials said began about 10 hours earlier when an elevator got stuck on its way to the mine's floor.
CNN, Associated Press and The Week

Washington Post admits that, no: electric cars were NOT worth it. — At least, if you use the rule of thumb that any time you ask a question in a headline then the answer is always going to be ‘no:’ “The government has spent a lot on electric cars, but was it worth it?”
Washington Post and Hit & Run

Christie says he ‘changed his mind’ on guns — Chris Christie on Wednesday conceded that he changed his mind on guns. — Fox News host Sean Hannity pressed the New Jersey governor on his gun stance, noting that he supported an assault weapons ban in 1995, called GOP opponents who wanted to repeal it …
The Resurgent and Hot Air

Oklahoma oil magnate Harold Hamm has his eye on Rubio — Marco Rubio, who has won the support of a cascade of billionaire Republican donors, may be getting closer to winning over another one: Oklahoma oil tycoon Harold Hamm. — Hamm, one of the biggest Republican donors in the country …

Convention can restore limited government — Our republic is under siege by the Washington establishment in both parties. — America was built on the revolutionary idea that our rights come from God, not from government. To protect those rights, our founders created a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
ThinkProgress, Washington Monthly and Washington Post

Burlington raises concerns over Trump event — Vermonters who plan to see Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speak on Thursday should prepare for “airport-like” security and sizable crowds after the campaign issued tickets for more than 10 times the number of available seats, the Flynn Center's executive director says.