Top Items:

Powerball jackpot, already at a record level, could reach $1 billion — The Powerball lottery jackpot has already jumped to $700 million. Could it reach $1 billion? — By midday Thursday, lottery officials said the new high came as sales of tickets continue to skyrocket.

You're even less likely to win Powerball than you think — The odds of winning Powerball have always been pretty bad. But recently they got worse. A lot worse. — The odds are now 1 in 292 million against you winning the $800 million jackpot in Wednesday night's game.

Powerball jackpot, largest ever, now $800 million
FiveThirtyEight, CBS Dallas, WOOD-TV and FOX40

Cops: Suspect Says He Shot Officer In Name Of Islam — By Justin Finch, Rahel Solomon, Walt Hunter — PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Authorities say a Philadelphia police officer is recovering after he was shot several times during an ambush late Thursday night in West Philadelphia.
Discussion:, CNN, ABC News, Pamela Geller, Fox News, The Last Tradition, Scared Monkeys, Power Line, New York Daily News, Christian Science Monitor, Hot Air, The Gateway Pundit, Washington Free Beacon, Vox, Christian Action Network, CBS New York, CBS Los Angeles, BizPac Review, Creeping Sharia, RedState, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, SOOPERMEXICAN, Mashable, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, National Review, Hit & Run, The Jawa Report, American Power, Jihad Watch and protein wisdom

Police: Gunman who shot cop pledged allegiance to the Islamic State — by , Staff Report . — While not classifying the shooting as a terrorist attack, police said Friday that the man arrested after shooting and wounding a police officer in an ambush in West Philadelphia Thursday night confessed he acted “in the name of Islam.”
Washington Post, Jammie Wearing Fools, ABC News, Billy Penn, Mediaite, KTLA, American Spectator, Jihad Watch, CBS Philly and American Power

Whoa: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings — Has the State Department released a smoking gun in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal? In a thread from June 2011, Hillary exchanges e-mails with Jake Sullivan, then her deputy chief of staff …
McClatchy Washington Bureau, New York Times, The Hill, RedState, Doug Ross,, Liberal Values, Fox News, The Resurgent, Ace of Spades HQ, Truth Revolt, Politico, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Last Refuge, American Spectator, Flopping Aces, Power Line, John Hawkins' Right Wing News and neo-neocon

Bombshell Email Shows Hillary Instructed Adviser To Strip Markings From Sensitive Talking Points — On June 16, 2011, Hillary Clinton's top foreign policy adviser, Jake Sullivan, was having trouble sending his boss a list of talking points that contained sensitive — and possibly classified — information.
The Right Scoop, The Hill and Instapundit

The 8 must-read Hillary Clinton emails
The Hill, ABC News and

Muslim Woman Gets Kicked Out Of Donald Trump Rally For Being Muslim — A Muslim woman was kicked out of a Donald Trump rally on Friday night for no apparently reason. The woman, Rose Hamid, told CNN that she “came to the rally to let Trump supporters see what a Muslim looks like.”
CNN, Raw Story and The Right Scoop

Trump tells security to take protesters' coats: ‘Throw them out into the cold’
Burlington Free Press, Shakesville, Washington Monthly, Daily Kos, ABC News and Politico

Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report — Finnish police ‘tipped off’ about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women — Asylum seekers who gathered in central Helsinki on New Years's Eve “had similar plans” to commit sexual assault …

Fox poll: Sanders soars in New Hampshire — Bernie Sanders has soared to a 13-point lead over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire in a Fox News survey out Friday, nearly a month to the day that primary voters will make their decision at the polls on Feb. 9. — Sanders, who in November held …

White House won't commit to supporting Sanders over guns
Questions and Observations

GOP heads into 2016 fight with no clear ObamaCare plan — The GOP has failed to put forward a full ObamaCare replacement plan, a significant political liability in an election year that stands to permanently cement the law. — Republicans this week made good on a five-year-old promise …

Veepstakes begin as Nikki Haley takes the GOP spotlight
ABC News

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott calls for Convention of States to take back states' rights — Gov. Greg Abbott called Friday for a convention of states to amend the U.S. Constitution. (Jay Janner/Austin American-Statesman via AP) … Gov. Greg Abbott, aiming to spark a national conversation about states' rights …
RedState, The Right Scoop, The Texas Observer,, No More Mister Nice Blog, Above the Law, USA Today and Washington Post

Exclusive: Birth Certificate for Ted Cruz's Mother — Eleanor Darragh, mother of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), was born in Delaware on Nov. 23, 1934, establishing her citizenship by birth-and, according to U.S. law, that of her son, even though he was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on Dec. 22, 1970.
Talking Points Memo, Politico, The Last Tradition and @politifact

Militants in Oregon standoff persist with small donations, spaghetti dinners and financial sacrifice — Hunkering down for days, weeks or months in a building in rural Oregon is unlikely to be a lucrative occupation. — So how can the people that make up the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom …
Raw Story, and Flunking Sainthood

Melbourne man faces stiff opposition to penis signature — Jared Hyams' signature started as a joke. — Suspecting that no one at the Australian Electoral Commission would scrutinise the application to change his address, he scribbled a caricature of a penis in the box that asked for a signature.
Discussion:, Maxim, Mashable and The Daily Caller

Jeb Bush's Image Among Republicans Deteriorates — Story Highlights — PRINCETON, N.J. — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's image among Republicans has steadily worsened over the past 5 ½ months. His current net favorable rating of -1 (44% favorable, 45% unfavorable) …
Wall Street Journal, Politico, The Hill, Washington Post, Joe.My.God., Florida Politics and The Week

EXCLUSIVE: NYC high school teacher claims she was fired for Central Park Five lessons that administrators feared would create ‘riots’ — A teacher at an Upper West Side high school was fired for creating a curriculum with lessons about the Central Park Five that administrators feared would …
The Daily Caller, ThinkProgress, theGrio and Gothamist

Sharia, deportation, world government: Ted Cruz's masterful handling of conservative angst — On the third evening of his “Cruzin' to Caucuses” bus tour, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) told an immigrant from Mexico something other Republicans might blanche at. Ofelia Valdez, a 30-year-old special needs worker …
Talking Points Memo and Mediaite

Sheriff to Tonya Couch: 'It's jail, not a resort' — TARRANT COUNTY — Tonya Couch appeared in a yellow jail jumpsuit in her first court appearance Friday morning and told District Judge Wayne Salvant she understood the charges against her. — Couch stood amid eight deputies …

Beaverton plumber fired after racist road rage rant — Video of Beaverton racist driver goes viral … BEAVERTON, Ore. — A Beaverton plumber was fired after he was caught on cell phone video yelling racial slurs at a driver in traffic Tuesday. — The video (shown above …

ISIS militant Ali Saqr al-Qasem publicly executes his own mother in Raqqa after accusing her of ‘apostasy’ — LONDON: In a shocking low even by the standards of the Islamic State, a militant has publicly executed his own mother after accusing her of apostasy.
Reuters, Mediaite and Pamela Geller

Charles Koch bemoans lack of influence over 2016 race — Charles Koch is “disappointed” with the line-up of Republican candidates in the 2016 cycle, and is surprised by the lack of influence he and his brother have wielded so far. — In an interview with the Financial Times …
Financial Times, New York Times, RT, Raw Story, Talking Points Memo, Washington Monthly and Daily Kos

Disclosure: Another 41 Foreign-Born Individuals Snagged On Terror Charges — Following the discovery of a terrorist cell in Texas allegedly operated by an Iraqi who entered the United States as a refugee, the Washington Free Beacon has learned of an additional 41 individuals who have been implicated …
John Hawkins' Right Wing News, RT, Pamela Geller, U.S. Department of Justice and Truth Revolt

Who Told Ted Cruz It Was a Good Idea to Talk About Spanking Hillary Clinton? — Ted Cruz has been parading around Iowa this week, delivering meticulously rehearsed stump speeches and unfortunately unrehearsed “jokes.” It's hard to tell exactly which category Cruz's latest little metaphor falls in …