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5:50 PM ET, February 15, 2016


 Top Items: 
James Hohmann / Washington Post:
The Daily 202: Why blocking Obama's pick to replace Scalia could cost Republicans their Senate majority  —  THE BIG IDEA:  —  Mitch McConnell has decided to wager the Republican majority in the Senate on blocking Barack Obama's pick for the Supreme Court.  —  It's a bold and understandable …
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
How America Was Lost  —  Once upon a time, the death of a Supreme Court justice wouldn't have brought America to the edge of constitutional crisis.  But that was a different country, with a very different Republican Party.  In today's America, with today's G.O.P., the passing of Antonin Scalia has opened the doors to chaos.
Richard Wolf / USA Today:
Who could replace Scalia?  Here are 10 names  —  WASHINGTON — Who could replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia if Republicans don't block all of President Obama's nominees, as appears likely?  Here are 10 possibilities:  —  Sri Srinivasan: The 48-year-old federal appeals court judge …
Discussion: The Week, theGrio, New York Times and NPR
Tim Devaney / The Hill:
Bush: 'There shouldn't be deference' on nominee  —  Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush in an interview Monday morning urged Senate Republicans to block President Obama from nominating a Supreme Court justice, taking a harder stance than during the latest GOP debate.
Discussion: ABC News, Washington Post and Politico
Michael Tomasky / The Daily Beast:
The GOP's Worst Nightmare SCOTUS Nominee  —  Tino Cuellar.  California judge.  Mexican-American.  Harvard.  Yale.  Stanford.  How many Latino votes you think the GOP'd get if they block him?  —  Here's a name you need to get to know: Tino Cuellar.  Who is Tino Cuellar?
Discussion: Washington Monthly and Feministing
Richard L. Hasen / Washington Post:
The battle over replacing Justice Scalia is just the start of a war over the Supreme Court  —  Richard L. Hasen, a professor of law and political science at University of California, Irvine, is the author of Plutocrats United: Campaign Money, the Supreme Court, and the Distortion of American Elections.
Los Angeles Times:   Editorial Nominating Supreme Court justices is Obama's job. Let him do it.
Katie Glueck / Politico:
Cruz skewers Trump's sister in Supreme Court debate
Tom Goldstein / SCOTUSblog:
How the politics of the next nomination will play out
Jennifer Steinhauer / New York Times:
Mitch McConnell's Stance in Confirmation Fight Could Help and Hurt G.O.P.
Michael Falcone / ABC News:
The Note: O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Donald J Trump for President:
DONALD J. TRUMP RESPONDS TO THE LIES OF SENATOR CRUZ AND WARNS OF LEGAL ACTION  —  Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual.  He is the single biggest liar I've ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them.  His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous.
Discussion: Hot Air and Mediaite
Robert Costa / Washington Post:
Debate rips open GOP wounds, and party risks tearing itself apart  —  GREENVILLE, S.C. — In an election that Republicans have long seen as a chance to put forward new stars with a fresh and broadly appealing conservative vision, the GOP is instead at risk of tearing itself apart over its past …
Bradford Richardson / The Hill:
Cruz: Trump will get rid of the Second Amendment  —  Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz on Sunday said primary rival Donald Trump will erase the Second Amendment if he is elected.  —  “And if Donald Trump becomes president, the Second Amendment will be written out of the Constitution …
Andrew Shain / The State:
Trump: RNC breaking pledge, calls Cruz a ‘liar’  —  GOP front-runner criticized rivals who came after him at debate Saturday  —  Trump said RNC stacked debate audience with foes who booed him  —  S.C Republican primary takes place Saturday  —  MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C.
Rebecca Savransky / The Hill:
Code Pink praises Donald Trump after debate
Byron York / Washington Examiner:   GOP Iraq battle shines new spotlight on Jeb Bush weakness
Brad Mielke / ABC News:
Donald Trump Floats Idea of a Third-Party Run Again
Eli Stokols / Politico:
Trump trashes Cruz as a liar and a ‘nut’
Discussion: Washington Post
Columbia Missourian:
MU chancellor to confer with Board of Curators about body camera footage of Melissa Click  —  COLUMBIA — MU assistant professor of communication Melissa Click's interaction with a Columbia police officer during the university's Homecoming Parade on Oct. 10 warrants a conversation with the University …
Kanye West claims to be $53m in debt, and asks Mark Zuckerberg for help  —  West says tech entrepreneurs Zuckerberg and Larry Page listen to hip-hop, but are more interested in opening schools in Africa than helping celebrity rappers  —  It was a busy weekend for Kanye West …
Alexander Bolton / The Hill:
Frustrated female senators say Clinton is victim of sexism  —  Women serving in the Senate say Hillary Clinton is being subjected to an unfair, sexist double standard on the campaign trail.  —  Criticisms of Clinton's tone of voice have become prominent in recent weeks …
Discussion: RedState
Alex Jaffe / NBC News:
Rubio: Gang of 8 Bill Never Intended to Become Law  —  ROCK HILL, SC — Marco Rubio on Monday insisted the immigration reform bill he helped spearhead through the Senate was never intended to become law and that the authors of the bill expected conservatives in the House to make it “even better.”
Discussion: Daily Kos and Political Wire
Melissa Pamer / KTLA:
Suspected Mother Arrested After Newborn Boy Found Abandoned in Toilet at West Covina Subway  —  A woman who was suspected of abandoning her infant at a Subway restaurant in West Covina after giving birth there was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder Monday, police said.
Discussion: FOX5 San Diego
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 More Items: 
Marlow Stern / The Daily Beast:
Stephen King Talks JFK, Oscars Diversity, and ‘Bulletproof’ Donald Trump
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Raw Story
Kelleigh Nelson / NewsWithViews:
Discussion: RedState and The Gateway Pundit
Betsy Woodruff / The Daily Beast:
The Secret Army Stumping for Ted Cruz
Discussion: The Resurgent
Kevin Crowley / Bloomberg Business:
World's Most Expensive African Buffalo Valued at $11.1 Million
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
The Post wins two Polk Awards, for series on ‘settlements’ industry and police shootings
Marlene Cimons / ThinkProgress:
A Graphical Look At Presidents' Environmental Records
Discussion: Climate Depot
 Earlier Items: 
Phyllis Korkki / New York Times:
Fired for Cursing on the Job, Testing the Limits of Labor Law
Discussion: Eater
Raf Sanchez / Telegraph:
Arab states are seeking nuclear weapons to counter Iran, Israel warns
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Nicholas Schmidle / New Yorker:
The Digital Dirt  —  In the early-morning hours of February 15 …
Discussion: AOL, more at Mediagazer »
Alfred Ng / New York Daily News:
Upstate New York mountain reaches minus 114 wind chill at its summit
Discussion: AOL
Vanessa Gera / Associated Press:
Annie Karni / Politico:
Harry Reid allies to Team Clinton: Don't slam Nevada's caucus
Pamela McClintock / Hollywood Reporter:
Box Office: Michael Moore's ‘Where to Invade Next’ Marks Career Low