Top Items:

The Only Strategy For Hillary Clinton Is To Scorch The Earth — If Hillary Clinton manages to beat Bernie Sanders, the early primaries have already revealed that there's only one strategy for the general election against a Republican, be it Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, or Ted Cruz: Scorch the earth.
New York Magazine, Taylor Marsh and Political Wire

Republicans' Last-Ditch Hope To Stop Donald Trump — If it's not obvious by now, a ship called the Republican Party is perilously close to being hijacked by a populist pirate named Donald Trump. At the last three ports of call — New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada …

CNN exclusive: Harry Reid endorses Hillary Clinton — Washington (CNN)Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid announced Wednesday in an exclusive interview with CNN that he is endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, a sign that Democratic leaders are eager to put the party's contentious primary fight behind them.
Talking Points Memo, Politico, Infowars, Guardian, The Week, The Daily Caller, National Review and Independent Journal Review

The broad support behind Trump's Nevada win should terrify the Republican establishment — Donald Trump won yet another smashing victory in Nevada last night, crushing Marco Rubio by 22 points with voters across the ideological spectrum, and even with Hispanics.
ABC News, Mother Jones, Talking Points Memo, The Week, The Daily Caller and National Review

Rubio: 'You Don't Win The Nomination By How Many States You Win' (VIDEO) — Following another second-place finish in the Nevada GOP caucus, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) argued Wednesday that candidates don't win presidential primaries simply by winning individual states.
RedState, Hot Air, Political Wire, The Gateway Pundit and AMERICAblog NewsAMERICAblog …

There's a very good reason for Rubio and Cruz not to destroy Trump — It has long been tempting to look at the rise of Donald Trump as a textbook case of what economists call a “collective action problem.” It's what happens when a group of people fail to work together, for selfish individual reasons …
Hullabaloo, American Power and National Review

Conservative Leaders Hedge on Support for Cruz — A group of conservative activist leaders that voted late last year to endorse Ted Cruz over Marco Rubio held a conference call Tuesday to re-evaluate their positions based on new developments in the Republican presidential race, according to multiple sources familiar with the situation.

Trump scores big win in Nevada
FiveThirtyEight, The Hill, Politico,, Slate, Fox News, JustOneMinute, NBC News, Washington Free Beacon, WLS-AM 890, New York's PIX11, Hot Topics, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Downtrend, NPR, Scared Monkeys, Jezebel and The Week

Mika Rips Rubio: ‘Sucking Up’ to Trump to be His VP Pick
The Daily Caller

Why isn't Marco Rubio targeting Donald Trump? Candidate defends choice after Nevada

Let's Not Get Carried Away With That “Trump Won Latinos” Entrance Poll
Latino USA, Patterico's Pontifications and CNN

Trump shatters the Republican Party
The Hill, Washington Post, Raw Story, Common Dreams, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, Outside the Beltway, Refinery29, The Week and New York Magazine

A Responsibility I Take Seriously — The Constitution vests in the President the power to appoint judges to the Supreme Court. It's a duty that I take seriously, and one that I will fulfill in the weeks ahead. — It's also one of the most important decisions that a President will make.
CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, American Spectator, The Moderate Voice, Politico, ABC News, Washington Monthly, Business Insider, Outside the Beltway, Hot Air, Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, Towleroad, Balloon Juice, Mediaite, Yahoo Politics, Talking Points Memo, LawNewz, Jezebel, Althouse, The Atlantic, Mashable, The Daily Caller, The Week, AMERICAblog NewsAMERICAblog …, Princeton Election Consortium and The Hill

Republican governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval being considered for Supreme Court — Brian Sandoval, the centrist Republican governor of Nevada, is being vetted by the White House for a possible nomination to the Supreme Court, according to two people familiar with the process.
Hot Air, ThinkProgressPage Array, New York Times, Talking Points Memo, Trail Blazers Blog, American Spectator, Reno Gazette-Journal, The Week, Guardian, Politico, Slantpoint, Instapundit, Business Insider, New York Times, Towleroad, Daily Kos, NBC News, AMERICAblog NewsAMERICAblog …, Mediaite, LawNewz, Scared Monkeys, The Daily Caller, Bloomberg Business, New York Magazine, Prairie Weather and Washington Free Beacon

A Lot Weaker Than They Look — As I said before, let's not forget the massive stakes for Republicans in the next Supreme Court nominee. Many Republicans would genuinely prefer to maintain control of the Supreme Court than elect the next President. Republican control of the Court …

Kirk would meet with Obama SCOTUS nominee
Talking Points Memo and Daily Kos

Grassley hasn't heeded White House invite on SCOTUS vacancy
Talking Points Memo, Yahoo Politics, New York Times, Politicus USA, USA Today, RedState, The Federalist, Right Wing Watch and CNN

Ayotte, Portman won't meet with an Obama SCOTUS nominee
Talking Points Memo and Daily Kos

Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson Hurt Reelection Prospects with Supreme Court Stance
Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times and Daily Kos

Reid: Grassley an inept chairman
Yahoo Politics, Talking Points Memo and Daily Kos

Trump lands his first congressional endorsements — Donald Trump finally has official supporters in Congress. — Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) told POLITICO on Wednesday that he will support Trump for the Republican nomination, making him one of the first members of Congress …
New York Times, ABC News, Hit & Run, Political Wire, NPR, New York Magazine and The Week

Chris Collins becomes first sitting member of Congress to endorse Trump

Measuring Donald Trump's Supporters for Intolerance
Mother Jones, Talking Points Memo, Fusion, Jezebel, Hullabaloo, Lawyers, Guns & Money, The Agonist and Vox

Does Ben Carson Suspect His Campaign Was a Scam? — For months, reporters and political operatives (including me) have been pointing out that Ben Carson's campaign bears many of the hallmarks of a political scam operation. Now Carson seems to agree. On CNN on Tuesday, Carson discussed his year-end staff shake-up:
The Stranger …, RedState and Politico

Noam Chomsky: We Owe the Rise of Trump to Fear and the ‘Breakdown of Society’ — Leading GOP candidate is taking advantage of America's fears. — Noam Chomsky. — Noam Chomsky, 87, is without a doubt the most significant academic figure to cast a highly critical eye on U.S. foreign policies.
Raw Story, Politico and The Daily Caller

Texas Court Clears Ex-Gov. Rick Perry of 2nd Felony Charge — Texas' highest criminal court tossed the second and final felony charge against former Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday, likely ending a case the Republican says helped sink his short-lived 2016 presidential bid.
The Federalist, The Daily Caller, American Spectator, RedState, Talking Points Memo and Washington Free Beacon

Trump Is A Rump, But He Has A Point — Let me begin by telling you what I think about Donald Trump. I stress that I am not trying to tell you what you should think about The Donald; I am merely telling you what I think, how I react to him. — I have despised Trump for 35 or 40 years …
Bill James Online and Politico

Clinton Derangement Syndrome Is Alive and Well — Memories: … This is all courtesy of Judicial Watch, the Scaife-funded outfit that brought us so much endless Clinton paranoia in the 90s. To this day, most people—including an awful lot of reporters who ought to know better …
Washington Monthly, Washington Post and the daily howler

Watching Trump and Sanders, Mitt Romney says he gets it: 'We're just mad as hell' — In his most extensive remarks yet on the 2016 presidential race, Mitt Romney on Tuesday said he shared the feeling of many Americans that Washington has failed them and urged national leaders to take on big problems …
Business Insider and Talking Points Memo

Hans Von Spakovsky: ‘Obligation’ To Count Scalia's Vote In Pending Cases — Hans von Spakovsky, a Heritage Foundation fellow, last week argued that the Supreme Court should count the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's votes in cases in which the justices have already cast preliminary votes.
Fusion, Hullabaloo, Right Wing Watch and Raw Story

“I love the poorly educated”—Read Donald Trump's full Nevada victory speech — Presidential candidate Donald Trump easily won the Republican Nevada primary with over 44% of the votes in early counting, in a election marked by complaints of fraud and chaos.
Salon, Althouse, Instapundit, Hit & Run and Independent Journal Review

Bernie's South Carolina surrender — COLUMBIA, S.C. — With just a few days until the South Carolina Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders is all but writing the state off. — He hasn't said that, of course, but his schedule reflects it. — Sanders was in Massachusetts Monday night and Virginia Tuesday morning.