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Rubio's path to an outright win has vanished — Marco Rubio's path to the Republican nomination short of a contested convention has narrowed to nearly nothing as his campaign and allies reboot their strategy to prepare for months of guerrilla warfare to deny Donald Trump a clean, pre-convention victory.

First on CNN: Team Romney explores blocking Trump at RNC — Washington (CNN)Mitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney's inner circle says.
Bloomberg Business, Business Insider, The Right Scoop and Hot Air

Full transcript: Mitt Romney's remarks on Donald Trump and the 2016 race — Below are Mitt Romney's full remarks on Donald Trump and the 2016 presidential race, as prepared for delivery. Romney delivered his remarks at the University of Utah. — I am not here to announce my candidacy for office.

Read Mitt Romney's Speech About Donald Trump — Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney made the case against Donald Trump in Utah Thursday. — Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney made the case against Donald Trump in Utah Thursday.

Romney to Republicans: Never Trump — Mitt Romney opened a new front in the Republican Party's civil war on Thursday, going after Donald Trump in a salt-the-earth speech that eviscerated the Republican front-runner as lacking the temperament, business record and substantive policies to occupy the White House.
Vox, NBC News, Hit & Run, US News, Breitbart, Hot Air,, Scared Monkeys, Mashable, The Hayride, New York Times, RealClearPolitics, The Daily Caller, Independent Journal Review, ABC News, Yahoo, The Hill, The Week, No More Mister Nice Blog, Florida Politics, Washington Post, Washington Examiner, Althouse and The Last Tradition

Gushing Romney Accepts Trump Endorsement — In some ways Mitt Romney's emergence as Twitter elder snarksman of the Republican party is stranger than Donald Trump's emergence as frontrunner. His speech today is obviously meant to be a weightier affair, a graver denunciation of Trump and Trumpism.
The Week

Delve In, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Hot Air, 2016 Election Central and New York Magazine

Exclusive: Koch brothers will not use funds to try to block Trump nomination — The Koch brothers, the most powerful conservative mega donors in the United States, will not use their $400 million political arsenal to try to block Republican front-runner Donald Trump's path to the presidential nomination …

Talking Points Memo, Hot Air, New York's PIX11, Yahoo Politics and

Mitt Romney is doing Donald Trump a BIG favor by attacking him
New York Times, Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times and Talking Points Memo

Mitt Romney tells Donald Trump voters they're ‘suckers’
Politico and Hinckley Institute

My remarks on the state of the 2016 presidential race
The Last Refuge, The Atlantic, Guardian, Washington Post, Vox, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Hullabaloo, The Daily Caller and Politico

Trump Hits Back At Romney: He Would've Dropped To His Knees For Me In '12
The Bob and Chez Show

Romney speech shows why Trump is winning
ABC News, Washington Post, New York Magazine and Political Wire

Mitt Romney: ‘Trump is a phony, a fraud’ who is ‘playing the American public for suckers’

Trump punches back at ‘choke artist’ Romney
ABC News, Hit & Run and The Daily Caller

Trump again threatens independent bid
RedState, New York Magazine and Daily Kos

Mitt Romney Pulls No Punches In Major Speech Trashing Donald Trump
Balloon Juice

Kasich vows to win Ohio, fight on to convention
ABC News, Political Wire and Washington Post

Sean Hannity Goes Scorched Earth Against Marco Rubio
rubber hose and Western Journalism

Open Letter on Donald Trump from GOP National Security Leaders
Vox, CNN, NBC News, The Mahablog, Raw Story, Business Insider, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Mondoweiss, Washington Post, CANNONFIRE, Telegraph, The Daily Caller, Booman Tribune, Taylor Marsh, Mediaite, Mother Jones,,, Shadowproof, The Times of Israel, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, The Week, Financial Times, Slantpoint, Original, Infowars, Salon and Weekly Standard

Chief justice rejects plea to block air pollution rule — Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts rejected a plea Thursday to block a contentious air pollution rule for power plants, in a big victory for the Obama administration. — Roberts's order came despite his court's 5-4 decision …
The Daily Caller, Western Journalism, Hot Air and The Bob and Chez Show

The Women Take Over — In oral arguments for the Texas abortion case, the three female justices upend the Supreme Court's balance of power. — When the Supreme Court last heard oral arguments in a landmark abortion case, it was April 1992, the case was Planned Parenthood v Casey, and Sandra Day O'Connor was the lone female justice.

The Abortion Industry Survives by Endangering Women's Lives
Discussion:, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Houston Public Media and Washington Post

Chief Justice Rejects Effort to Block E.P.A. Limit on Power Plants
Talking Points Memo and ACS Blog

Man accidentally kills himself while taking photos with gun — A 43-year-old Concrete man died Sunday after accidentally shooting himself in the face with what he thought was an unloaded gun. — The man and his girlfriend were at a residence in the 46000 block of Baker Loop Road taking photos …
Associated Press, Death and TaxesDeath and Taxes, Raw Story, CBS New York, WNEP-TV, Fox 59 and Q13 FOX News

The Violence to Come — What will happen to American politics if, as now appears likely, the Republican Party nominates Donald Trump? Here's one bet: It will get more violent. — The United States is headed toward a confrontation, the likes of which it has not seen since 1968 …
Mother Jones, National Review, alicublog, Vox and Booman Tribune

DeLemus supporters sing ‘God Bless America’ at court appearance — New Hampshire Union Leader — Federal agents have arrested Jerry DeLemus, a local Tea Party leader who stood with Cliven Bundy's armed resistance at his ranch in Nevada in 2014, in connection with the standoff and alleged assault.
Talking Points Memo, Infowars and Balloon Juice

Tea Party Activist, Trump Supporter Jerry DeLemus Arrested
Raw Story, U.S. Uncut, and Hit & Run

Charles Grassley Faces Formidable Challenger in Iowa Senate Race — WASHINGTON — With Senator Charles E. Grassley under attack for his handling of the Supreme Court nomination process, a formidable Democratic challenger will run against him this November, the most significant sign yet …

She Is Cait, and I Am Not: Face to Face with Jenner — Winding my way 'round deadman's curves at unsafe speeds all the way up a Malibu mountaintop to meet Caitlyn Jenner, I asked myself: who would live here except a recluse? Cut off from the rest of the world, high above it all …
ThinkProgressPage Array, The Daily Caller, Towleroad, LAist, Trail Blazers Blog and Mediaite

Podesta ‘encourages’ journalists to ask Hillary about UFOs — Democrat operative John Podesta is so obsessed with what the government knows about aliens and UFOs, he has actually asked reporters to question his candidate on the fringe subject. — The shocking revelation comes from an interview …

8 reasons we need to start preparing for President Trump
Western Journalism

Mexican Govt: We ‘Categorically’ Refuse To Pay For Trump's Border Wall — WASHINGTON (AP) — The Mexican government has made his first direct response to Donald Trump's pledge to build a wall along the two countries' border — and make Mexico pay for it. — Mexican Treasury Secretary Luis Videgaray …

Mexico says won't pay for Trump's ‘terrible’ border wall
CNN and Vox Popoli

The State of American Retirement: How 401(k)s have failed most American workers — Overview — Today, many Americans rely on savings in 401(k)-type accounts to supplement Social Security in retirement. This is a pronounced shift from a few decades ago, when many retirees could count on predictable …
American Prospect, Campaign for America's Future and ThinkProgressPage Array

JeffCo judge: Alabama death penalty sentence scheme unconstitutional — A Jefferson County judge Thursday morning ruled that Alabama's capital murder sentencing scheme, which allows judges to override jury recommendations of life without parole and instead impose the death penalty, is unconstitutional.
BuzzFeed, Washington Post and Death Penalty Information …

FBI investigating if Clinton aides shared passwords to access classified info — EXCLUSIVE: The FBI is investigating whether computer passwords were shared among Hillary Clinton's close aides to determine how sensitive intelligence “jumped the gap” between the classified systems …
Power Line, Hot Air, Washington Free Beacon, Washington Post and New York Times