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4:50 PM ET, March 16, 2016


 Top Items: 
Jake Sherman / Politico:
Boehner backs Paul Ryan for president  —  BOCA RATON, Fla. — Former Speaker John Boehner said Paul Ryan should be the Republican nominee for president if the party fails to choose a candidate on the first ballot.  —  “If we don't have a nominee who can win on the first ballot …
David Wells /
Trump: 'I won't be there' for Fox News debate in Salt Lake City  —  Donald Trump said Wednesday morning he will not be at the GOP presidential primary debate next week in Salt Lake City.  —  “I will say this.  I will say this.  I think we've had enough debates.  We've had 11 or 12 debates.
Bloomberg Business:
Trump Says He'll Skip Debate, Warns of Possible Convention Riots  —  Fresh off three more primary victories, Donald Trump said Wednesday he'll blow off the next Republican presidential debate and warned of “riots” if power-brokers deny him the nomination at the convention even if he's leading in the delegate count.
Ben Winslow /
GOP presidential debate in SLC canceled  —  SALT LAKE CITY — Monday's GOP presidential debate scheduled here in Utah has been canceled, FOX 13 News has confirmed.  —  The decision to cancel the debate followed Donald Trump's announcement on “FOX & Friends” that he would not be appearing.
David French / National Review:
Keep Fighting — There Is No Other Choice  —  Trump greets supporters after Tuesday's primary results.  (Win McNamee/Getty)  —  There is no sugar-coating tonight's results.  Even the one, small bright spot — John Kasich denying Donald Trump Ohio's delegates — may end up presenting …
Annie Karni / Politico:
Hillary slams the door on Bernie  —  Ohio was the wild card win that allows Clinton to shift her gaze forward.  —  WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The 2016 Democratic primary effectively ended Tuesday night, with Hillary Clinton as the all-but-certain winner but Bernie Sanders barely acknowledging it.
Discussion: Taylor Marsh and Daily Kos
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Trump, Cruz vow to barricade Kasich from convention  —  The two leading GOP campaigns intend to muscle the Ohio governor out of the race.  —  Advisers to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz say there's no way they'll allow John Kasich to even compete at a contested national convention — let alone prevail.
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
GOP debate canceled after Trump pulls out
Discussion: Weasel Zippers and The Week
Heather Haddon / Wall Street Journal:
Fox News Debate Is Canceled as Trump, Then Kasich, Withdraw
Discussion: Allen B. West
New York Times:
Rubio's Exit Leaves Trump With an Open Path to 1,237 Delegates
Discussion: Political Wire
J. Freedom Du Lac / Washington Post:
Trump: 'I think you'd have riots' if contested convention results in a different nominee
Alexander Burns / New York Times:
Election Takeaways: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Roll On, at Different Speeds
Discussion: The Nation, FAIR and US News
Yahoo Politics:
Trump still not doing well enough to guarantee nomination
Discussion: Politico and The Right Scoop
David Weigel / Washington Post:
Two Trump delegates with ‘foreign’ names underperform in Illinois
Ian Millhiser / ThinkProgressPage Array:
Who Is Merrick Garland?  —  Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), the longest serving Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, offered his own thoughts on who President Obama should nominate to fill the seat left open by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia last week.
New York Times:
Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court  —  WASHINGTON — President Obama on Wednesday said he would nominate Merrick B. Garland as the nation's 113th Supreme Court justice, choosing a centrist appeals court judge for the lifetime appointment and daring Republican senators …
Chuck Grassley:
Grassley Statement on the President's Nomination of Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court  —  Senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, made the following statement after President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland, the Chief Judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals …
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
GOP senators split with leadership on SCOTUS
Discussion: Hot Air and The Right Scoop
Josh Israel / ThinkProgressPage Array:
6 Quotes From Senate Republicans About Merrick Garland That Are Really Awkward Now
Burgess Everett / Politico:
Liberals flirt with lowering bar on Supreme Court confirmation
Discussion: CNBC, ABC News and Washington Post
Greg Stohr / Bloomberg Business:   Garland Could Claim U.S. Supreme Court's Ideological Center
Jordan Fabian / The Hill:
Obama to nominate Merrick Garland to Supreme Court
Jared Fogle — Beaten and Bloodied in Prison Yard Ambush  —  BEATEN AND BLOODIED  —  in Prison Yard Ambush … Jared Fogle got a surprise beatdown in federal prison from an inmate who has major issues with child molesters ... TMZ has learned.  —  According to docs, Fogle got jumped …
Nicole Hensley / New York Daily News:
Ex-Subway pitchman Jared Fogle attacked in bloody Colorado prison brawl  —  Convicted pedophile and ex-Subway pitchman Jared Fogle was pummeled in a vicious prison yard attack, according to a new report.  —  The disgraced Indiana sex offender suffered a swollen face, scratched neck …
Matthew J. Belvedere / CNBC:
We choose the nominee, not the voters: Senior GOP official  —  Headed towards a contested convention: Unbound delegate  —  Curly Haugland, RNC Rules Committee, and Gary Emineth, former chairman of the North Dakota Republican Party, talk about Republican convention rules and why it could lead to a contested convention.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System:
For release at 2:00 p.m. EDT  —  Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January suggests that economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace despite the global economic and financial developments of recent months.  Household spending has been increasing …
Rick Scott / Facebook:
GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT CALLS ON REPUBLICANS TO COME TOGETHER  —  I'm asking all Republicans today to come together and begin preparing to win the general election in November.  —  With his victories yesterday, I believe it is now time for Republicans to accept and respect the will of the voters and coalesce behind Donald Trump.
Alex Pappas / The Daily Caller:
Trump Appears To Have Heavily Plagiarized Op-Ed From Carson  —  An op-ed penned this month by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and published online appears to be blatantly plagiarized from an article written days earlier under former rival Ben Carson's name, The Daily Caller has determined.
Discussion: Mediaite
WGN Web Desk / WGN-TV:
Waukegan man calls 911 claiming to have killed 19 children  —  Share Update: … WAUKEGAN, Ill. — Authorities arrested a man after he called them claiming to have killed 19 children in Lake County, Illinois.  —  According to a statement by the Lake County Sheriff's Office …
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 More Items: 
Salena Zito / Greensburg Tribune-Review:
Kasich's Pennsylvania ballot challenge withdrawn; clears way to primary
Discussion: Politico
Daily Mail:
Dear Harry, If you are really thinking about going to Yale, you must be nuts. …
Discussion: Power Line
Argentina sinks Chinese vessel, cites illegal fishing
Discussion: RT and The Diplomat
Jesse Byrnes / The Hill:
Trump's top foreign policy advisor? 'I'm speaking with myself'
Discussion: Daily Kos and Washington Post
NBC News:
Game Over? Clinton, Trump Surge Ahead of Rivals
Discussion: Washington Post
Aaron Klein / Breitbart:
Anti-Trump Groups Threaten ‘Largest Civil Disobedience Action of the Century’
Discussion: Weasel Zippers
Darcie Loreno /
Polar bear ‘contained’ after escaping area at Cincinnati Zoo
Discussion: WGN-TV
 Earlier Items: 
Nick Gass / Politico:
RNC spokesman: Trump ‘speaking figuratively’ about convention riots
Jane M. Von Bergen /
Man fired from Havertown Chipotle for working-condition tweets wins labor ruling
Discussion: Biz Beat Blog and CBS Tampa
Reagan / FiveThirtyEight:
What Happened In The March 15 Primaries
Deborah Tannen / TIME:
The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Disliking Hillary Clinton
Discussion: The Moderate Voice
Shane Goldmacher / Politico:
Inside Marco's Hollow Campaign