Top Items:

OVER 100,000 DEMOCRAT VOTERS SWITCH PARTIES IN PENNSYLVANIA — To Vote Trump — Over 100,000 Democrat voters switched parties this year to vote for Donald Trump according to party officials. — Over 200,000 have switched parties in the state before the April 26 primary.

The looming Trump disaster, in three charts
Hot Air, The Week, New York Magazine, The Daily Caller, Political Wire and Shakesville

Edging toward an earthquake election
The National Memo and Mother Jones

Obama: Iran not following ‘spirit’ of deal — President Obama on Friday criticized Iranian leaders for undermining the “spirit” of last year's historic nuclear agreement, even as they stick to the “letter” of the pact. — In comments following the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington …

Thumbs up: Ukraine's president Petro Poroshenko certainly looked please to have taken his place behind President Barack Obama — ... Meanwhile, in the shadows: Cameron was isolated from the power players and looked dejected as he shook hands with UAE foreign affairs minister Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan
Pamela Geller, Instapundit and Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Ted Cruz is no savior: Sorry, Republicans, you're (probably) still screwed and stuck with Trump — Donald Trump's cratering popularity could help Ted Cruz snag the nomination, but he has glaring weaknesses too — It seems like it wouldn't be possible, but Donald Trump is somehow getting more unpopular.
Gallup, Washington Post and Hullabaloo

Why Hillary Clinton is justifiably annoyed by criticism of her Big Oil fundraising … For years, environmental activists have been pushing for divestment from fossil fuels, asking large pension funds and educational institutions to drop oil and gas companies from their big investment portfolios.
Blue Nation Review, American Spectator, Washington Monthly, CBS New York, NPR, Talking Points Memo, NBC News, The Hill, U.S. Uncut, JustOneMinute and Mediaite

Bernie Sanders Demands Apology From Hillary Clinton for Accusing Him of Lying
Washington Post, NBC News, Mother Jones, Greenpeace USA, Mediaite, Common Dreams, Fusion,, The Hill, Politico, Liberal Values and CNN

VIDEO: WH Censors French President Saying ‘ISLAMIST Terrorism’ — The White House website has censored a video of French Pres. Francois Hollande saying that “Islamist terrorism” is at the “roots of terrorism.” — The White House briefly pulled video of a press event on terrorism with Pres. Obama …

Remarks by President Obama and President Hollande of France After Bilateral Meeting
Discussion:, RedState and The Daily Caller

The Obama White House Just Censored A Foreign Leader Who Mentioned ‘Islamist Terrorism’
The White House and The Right Scoop

Trump Ally Roger Stone Says He's Planning “Days Of Rage” At The Convention — Roger Stone, the longtime Republican political operative and current ally of Donald Trump, says he's trying to organize protests at the Republican convention in Cleveland this summer to disrupt any effort by the party to …

The 30-year-old prince who is changing the world — A 30-year-old you may have never heard of is trying to build a company worth four Apples — and a Nike to spare. — Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a fast riser in the Saudi hierarchy and member of the new generation …

Police: Mother Admits To Doing Drugs, Hitting 4-Year-Old Daughter Before Child's Death — GRAND PRAIRIE (CBS11) - Grand Prairie Police have released graphic details in the hours leading up to the death of four-year-old Leiliana Wright. — The arrest warrant affidavit against her mother …
Discussion:, Independent Journal …, Raw Story, WTKR-TV, and KTLA

Donald Trump: Don't change abortion laws — Update:Trump campaign communications manager Hope Hicks released a statement to CBS News late Friday clarifying the candidate's comments. — “Mr. Trump gave an accurate account of the law as it is today and made clear it must stay that way now —until he is President,” Hicks said.
Discussion:, Death and Taxes, NBC News, New York Times, Slantpoint, Guardian, Mother Jones and Talking Points Memo

Megyn Kelly: Bill O'Reilly, CNN Should Have Done More for Me — NEW YORK (AP) — Fox News Channel's Megyn Kelly is taking notes on who she feels has been supportive when she was attacked by Donald Trump, and colleague Bill O'Reilly and CNN are both on her list.
Fire Andrea Mitchell!

Some Triangle small-business owners show opposition to HB2 legislation — Several restaurants change single-stall restrooms to unisex — Business owners display flier, decals opposing new law — Raleigh private club sees best weekend ever after posting opposition
Pirate's Cove and WNCN

North Hills man suspected of killing son because he was gay — A 69-year-old North Hills man suspected of killing his son outside a house where the man's wife was found stabbed to death was charged Friday with murder, with a hate crime allegation that he killed his son because he was gay …
Los Angeles Times, Associated Press, Towleroad and CBS Los Angeles

Woman Sends Nude Photo Of Mississippi Mayor To City Officials — Hernando, Mississippi mayor Chip Johnson confirmed Friday that a woman he was romantically involved with sent a naked photo of him to city aldermen, local media reported. — The photo, which shows Johnson nude in the shower …
The Commercial Appeal, The Clarion Ledger, WMC Action News 5, WTVA-TV and Mashable

Wisconsin's Voter-ID Law Could Block 300,000 Registered Voters From the Polls — One of the country's toughest voting restrictions takes effect for the April 5 primary. — By , — Johnny Randle, a 74-year-old African-American resident of Milwaukee, moved to Wisconsin from Mississippi in 2011 …
ThinkProgress, Daily Kos, Raw Story, Vox and Associated Press

They're 400,000 strong and the Pentagon sees them as an emerging threat — A no-drone sign outside the Pentagon. — The Pentagon, the world's largest user of drones, has posted a new policy on signs outside the mammoth five-sided building: No Drone Zone.

North Carolina Law May Risk Federal Aid — WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is considering whether North Carolina's new law on gay and transgender rights makes the state ineligible for billions of dollars in federal aid for schools, highways and housing, officials said Friday.

Cruise For 1,700 School Kids Ends In Tragedy As Migrant Passengers Gang-Rape Girl — Five men, including two believed to be accessories to murder, have been arrested on suspicion of gang raping a girl on-board a special, high school kids-only pleasure cruise in Sweden.
Pamela Geller and BizPac Review

Cracks in the GOP wall: The Republicans' hardline Supreme Court obstruction is crumbling — Republicans hoped to enforce blanket obstruction of Obama's Supreme Court nominee, but defections are multiplying — The trick to making blanket obstructionism work as a political tool is to make it a team effort.
NBC News, Talking Points Memo, National Review and New York Times

FBI facing demands to share its claimed technique to unlock iPhones — Local law enforcement officials want access to Apple phones to solve crimes but Apple might be able to patch security flaws if secret technique is widely shared — Any day now, Hillar Moore is expecting a call from the FBI.

April Fools' Day 2016: the best (and worst) jokes - live — Share your favourite spoofs with us in the comments below — Brexit was the theme of the year, making the Guardian, the Independent, the Daily Express and the Telegraph's April Fool pieces — The EU referendum was in hundreds …
Raw Story and Hullabaloo

No joke. April Fools' Day has been banned in China.
New York Times, Wall Street Journal and The Daily Caller