Top Items:

To Hillary Clinton supporters: The facts on where the race stands — Thanks to nearly 9 million voters across the country and the support of people like you, Hillary Clinton has built a nearly insurmountable lead among both delegates and actual voters. Contrary to the claims of the Sanders campaign …
Talking Points Memo, Political Wire, Mashable, CNN, Mediaite, Washington Post and Politico

Clinton, Sanders to meet for Brooklyn debate — (CNN)Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have agreed to meet for a Democratic debate on CNN and NY1 on April 14, five days before a crucial primary election in New York state. — The debate will take place in Brooklyn and will be moderated …
Talking Points Memo, Bernie Sanders, Washington Post, Business Insider, Gothamist, Politicus USA, Balloon Juice and Politico

Trump, Behind in Wisconsin, Loses Some of the Self-Confidence in Appeal to Voters — Donald Trump, making his closing arguments in Wisconsin the day before the state's primary, asked voters to give him a surprise victory that could put him on a glide path to winning the party's nomination.
Political Wire

Ted Cruz Is Fuming Because John Kasich Won't Bow Out — MADISON, Wis. — Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, eyeing a victory here that could reshape the race for the Republican presidential nomination, has appeared most vexed by a rival he views as more of a long-term nuisance than a short-term threat: Gov. John Kasich of Ohio.
Slate and Prairie Weather

Trump is in trouble in Wisconsin
New York Times and Washington Post

Trump: Acting more presidential would be ‘boring as hell’
New York Magazine, Washington Post and Yahoo Politics, more at Mediagazer »

Donald Trump's Struggle in Wisconsin Is About Demographics, Not Momentum
New York Magazine

TV News in March: Donald Trump Gets Five Times More Airtime than Ted Cruz

Kasich labels Cruz a ‘smear artist’ over Wisconsin spot
The Hill, U.S. News, Talking Points Memo, ABC News and CNN

Trump would seek to block money transfers to force Mexico to fund border wall — Will Paul Ryan be the Republican nominee? … State of the 2016 race … Donald Trump says he will force Mexico to pay for a border wall as president by threatening to cut off the flow of billions of dollars …
Talking Points Memo

Report: Trump eyeing money transfers from immigrants in plan to build wall — would force Mexico to pay for a wall along its border with the U.S. by threatening to block money transfers from immigrants in the U.S., The Washington Post reports. — The Post on Tuesday said that Trump plans …
Political Wire

Republicans and Voter Suppression — It's become an accepted truth of modern politics that Republican electoral prospects go up as the number of voters goes down. Conservatives have known this for a long time, which helps explain their intensifying efforts to make it harder to vote …
Rewire and ThinkProgress

Breaking/Analysis: Big Victory for Voting Rights as #SCOTUS Rejects Plaintiffs' Claim in Evenwel …

One Person, One Vote, Eight Justices
Reuters, Florida Times Union, ThinkProgress, CityLab, USA Today, Bloomberg, Mother Jones, NPR, Guardian, The Hill, Vox and The Bob and Chez Show

Supreme Court Rejects Challenge on ‘One Person One Vote’
Capitol View, The Atlantic, SCOTUSblog, Washington Post, and Outside the Beltway

Charles Koch Is Privately Committed To Getting Paul Ryan Nominated In Cleveland: Source — A major investor in the Republican Party sees a chance to snatch back the nomination. — Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post — Charles Koch is confident House Speaker Paul Ryan …

Paul Ryan running out of ways to say he's not a presidential candidate
New York Magazine, The Hugh Hewitt ShowThe … and Washington Post

The “Draft Paul Ryan” fantasy: A soothing fiction to make donor-class Republicans feel better
Breitbart, New York Times, Mediaite, Daily Kos and Balloon Juice

Sanders reshapes Obama's 2016 plans — Bernie Sanders is keeping Barack Obama locked in limbo. — Despite his steadily rising popularity, the president's expected role in 2016 as the Democratic Party unifier is on hold for another three-and-a-half months, if Sanders keeps his campaign going through the July convention.
The Hill

Economic models predict GOP White House, even with Trump
Political Wire, Hot Air and The Gateway Pundit

7 lingering questions in the Clinton email investigation — The FBI appears to be entering the home stretch of its investigation into Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton — 's private email server. — Yet even as arrangements are reportedly being made to interview Clinton and her top aides, much remains unclear.

Exclusive: Police Investigate Death Threats Made Against Michelle Fields — Listen to the Chilling Audio — Ex-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields contacted authorities Friday after an individual made multiple death threats against her. — In audio obtained by TheBlaze …
BizPac Review, RedState, The Right Scoop, Mediaite and LawNewz, more at Mediagazer »

Panama Papers Leaker: ‘I Want to Make These Crimes Public’ — An anonymous source began to expose the finances of the world's most feared and powerful men like Vladimir Putin with a single question: ‘Interested in data?’ — LONDON — When an encrypted message first flashed …
Slate, Bloomberg, Bloomberg View, New York Times, Mashable, Business Insider and Fusion

Pigeon Forge Police Chief: 5 dead in helicopter crash — PIGEON FORGE (WATE) - The Pigeon Forge Chief of Police Jack H. Baldwin confirms to WATE 6 On Your Side that five people were killed in a sightseeing helicopter that crashed. — “Apparently this helicopter came out some time around 3:30 p.m …

Hillary's ‘classified’ smokescreen hides real crime: Column — Law makes clear DOJ should prosecute Clinton for mishandling ‘national defense information,’ classified or not. — Since the beginning of the Clinton email scandal, the nation has been subjected to a political and criminal defense generated smokescreen.
Hot Air and Investor's Business Daily

Republicans are plotting economic disaster for 2016 — Our free email newsletters … Since George W. Bush's presidency, Republican economic ideas have become drastically more conservative. Instead of massive tax cuts for the rich coupled with a general tolerance of the rest of government …
Daily Kos

Chalk and Awe — The new Free Speech Movement. — If you find Donald Trump's presidential campaign a source of pure despair, allow us to offer some mitigation. The campaign is having at least one salutary effect, as reported by the New York Times:

The TSA Randomizer iPad App Cost $1.4 Million — You may have seen the TSA Randomizer on your last flight. A TSA agent holds an iPad. The agent taps the iPad, a large arrow points right or left, and you follow it into a given lane. — How much does the TSA pay for an app that a beginner could build in a day?
Mashable, Red Alert Politics, Mother Jones, New York Magazine, AOL, Washington Free Beacon, Fusion, The American Mirror and

Intel Analysts: We Were Forced Out for Telling the Truth About Obama's ISIS War — The growing scandal over cooked ISIS intelligence just got much worse. Now, analysts are saying they're being forced out for not toeing the Obama administration's line on the war.
Progressives Today, The Daily Caller and Defense One