Top Items:

The Panama Papers: how the world's rich and famous hide their money offshore — Guardian analysis of leaked papers will show how influential people including heads of government have exploited tax havens — The hidden wealth of some of the world's most prominent leaders …

How Reporters Pulled Off the Panama Papers, the Biggest Leak in Whistleblower History
Guardian, The Intercept,, Taylor Marsh, The Atlantic, Business Insider and The Panama Papers, more at Mediagazer »

Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of Crime and Corruption

How secret offshore money helps fuel Miami's luxury real-estate boom
McClatchy Washington Bureau, Hit & Run and USA Today

The Panama Papers: what you need to know
ThinkProgress, The Daily Caller, Reuters, Yahoo, USA Today, Mashable, Courthouse News Service, Business Insider and The Panama Papers

Unanimous Supreme Court Preserves Principle Of One Person, One Vote — The Supreme Court unanimously ruled against challengers seeking to change the long-held interpretation of the principle of one person, one vote. Siding with a lower court, the 8-member high court held that total population …
Mother Jones, John Hawkins' Right Wing News and ACS Blog

Supreme Court rejects conservative challenge to ‘one person, one vote’ — Woodward on his ‘very unusual’ Trump interview What's at stake in the Wisconsin primary … The Supreme Court unanimously ruled Monday that states may satisfy “one person, one vote” rules by drawing legislative districts based …
Yahoo Politics, The Texas Tribune, Politico and Prairie Weather

Supreme Court rejects voting-district case that would have weakened California's clout
Washington Post and Political Insider blog

Four arrested for allegedly raping 9-year-old girl while mom smoked meth — VERNAL, Utah — Four men were booked into jail on felony charges after they allegedly raped a 9-year-old girl while her mother was smoking methamphetamine in a garage with a friend.

Grandmother of 9-year-old Utah girl allegedly raped by four men: ‘I want justice’

Meet the Pro-Donald Trump Women Who Defy His Negative Polling — On a blustery Saturday, as thousands of people braved the flurries outdoors, inside the Expo Center in Wausau, Wisconsin, Sarah Palin was on fire. — “Who is the only candidate who promotes women in his own company …
Politico and

Ted Cruz to Megyn Kelly: Donald Trump has a ‘problem with strong women’
ABC News

On Wisconsin! — Faith of America is in you to take us forward …
AOL, Raw Story, Fox News Insider, WCMH-TV and Independent Journal …

Inside the most unorthodox campaign in political history. — On the afternoon of March 15, as voters across five states streamed to the polls, Donald Trump's campaign advisers gathered by the pool at Mar-a-Lago, the billionaire's private club in Palm Beach.
The Huffington Post, Talking Points Memo, Yahoo Politics, The Daily Beast, National Review, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, neo-neocon, Members, RedState, ABC News, John Hawkins' Right Wing News, The Daily Caller, Fusion, The Resurgent, Salon, Mother Jones and Business Insider, more at Mediagazer »

Top Republicans talking up Paul Ryan as nominee — On the eve of the Wisconsin primaries, top Republicans are becoming increasingly vocal about their long-held belief that Speaker Paul Ryan will wind up as the nominee, perhaps on the fourth ballot at a chaotic Cleveland convention.
Washington Post, The Times of Israel, CNN, Guardian, The Hayride, New York Times, Hot Air, Business Insider, Mediaite, AOL and No More Mister Nice Blog

Cruz warns GOP of voter ‘revolt’ against alternative nominee
New York Times

Internal memo reveals Trump campaign's mounting fury with its critics — Woodward on his ‘very unusual’ Trump interview What's at stake in the Wisconsin primary … In a private document that was circulated over the weekend and obtained by The Washington Post, Trump campaign senior adviser …
Yahoo Politics, The Daily Caller, Business Insider, Moe Lane, Politico and New York Magazine

California Highway Patrol Officer Rescues Wayward Chihuahua After Chasing It Across Bay Bridge — Highway patrol officers noticed the small dog on the bridge's north side catwalk heading toward San Francisco — California Highway Patrol officers gave chase to an unlikely suspect early Sunday — a Chihuahua.
WGN-TV, FOX31 Denver, WCMH-TV, KTLA and FOX5 San Diego

The GOP's (other) convention nightmare — Republicans, already girding for their most tumultuous convention in decades, now have another fight brewing: a divisive battle over gay marriage on the party's official national platform. — It's an issue that drives intense passion …
Rush Limbaugh, PinkNews, Joe.My.God., Daily Kos and Washington Post

Early Missteps Seen as a Drag on Bernie Sanders's Campaign — The morning after he lost the Nevada caucuses in February, Bernie Sanders held a painful conference call with his top advisers. — Mr. Sanders expressed deep frustration that he had not built a stronger political operation in the state …
Washington Post, Members, Bloomberg, New York Magazine, Slate, NBC News, Blue Nation Review, Capitol View, The Colorado Independent and

2 Arrested After Dispute Over Crab Legs Turns Violent — A 21-year-old man was punched in the face and lost a tooth in the dispute — Police in Manchester, Connecticut arrested a husband and wife after an argument at Royal Buffet got out of hand on Saturday night.
FOX 61, AOL,, WREG-TV and Associated Press

Yes, The Alt-Right Are Just a Bunch of Racists — Hey, lefties, we finally found your racists for you. — For as long as I can remember, people like me—by which I mean advocates of capitalism and free markets and freedom of speech—have been accused by the left of being secret racists …

Economic models predict GOP White House, even with Trump — Republicans are expected to win the White House under two economic models that have accurately forecast presidential elections for decades. — A third model run by Moody's Analytics predicts Democrats will win the White House …
The Gateway Pundit

Student accused of violating university ‘safe space’ by raising her hand — A university student was threatened with being thrown out of a meeting after being accused of violating “safe space” rules - by raising her hand. — Imogen Wilson, the vice-president for academic affairs …
Hit & Run, Liberty Unyielding and Front Page Magazine

Last night I was arrested for DUII in Portland after dinner at a friend's house. — Those that know me, know that I have always demanded excellence from myself. I have let myself and others down. — I take full responsibility for my actions. This is all on me.
CNN, Washington Free Beacon, Associated Press, Independent Journal …, Reuters, Washington Blade, NBC News, CBS New York and KXAN-TV

Cruz snaring Trump's Arizona delegates — Sen. Ted Cruz is out-hustling Donald Trump and looks set to ensure many Arizona delegates will defect to him in a convention floor fight. — The Texas senator, who ever since Iowa has played a stealthy ground game in contrast to Trump's chaotic populism …
RedState, New York Times, The Resurgent, Washington Post, The Daily Caller, The Gateway Pundit, Vox Popoli and The Right Scoop

INSIDE AMY SCHUMER TAKES ON HAMILTON WITH ‘BETSY ROSS’ IN EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW — A hip-hopera about historical wig and knee sock people? Consider us ready to invest — Sure, the hit Broadway musical Hamilton has many devoted fans, but maybe none quite as passionate as “Betsy Ross” writer and Inside Amy Schumer producer Kim Caramele.

Annual PENIS FESTIVAL held to celebrate male genitals includes huge steel phallus being carried to ancient Japanese shrine — WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT The annual event to honour fertility has drawn thousands of visitors in the last 39 years — An annual festival held to celebrate PENISES has been held …

8th-Grader Refuses to Share Her ‘Perfect’ BMI — She instead pens an essay arguing the index is outdated — (NEWSER) - An Indiana 8th-grader's refusal to complete a school project as assigned is making headlines. The unnamed girl was asked to calculate her body mass index and give …
EurekAlert! and FOX31 Denver

Mississippi RV park owner evicts interracial couple — TUPELO — A Mississippi RV park owner evicted an interracial couple because of the color of their skin. — “Me and my husband, not ever in 10 years have we experienced any problem,” said Erica Flores Dunahoo, who is Hispanic …
Raw Story, Friendly Atheist and

AP, NY Times Ignore Hillary's Reference to ‘Unborn Person’ — Earlier this evening, Curtis Houck at NewsBusters noted how Hillary Clinton committed an obvious gaffe for someone who is supposedly radically pro-abortion. On NBC's Meet the Press, Chuck Todd asked, “When, or if, does an unborn child have constitutional rights?”

Why Slaves' Graves Matter — I GREW up in a small rural town in West Tennessee. My family is rooted in that region, where my ancestors were once enslaved. In the 1970s, when I was a teenager, we regularly attended an old country church that was located in the curve of a gravel road and surrounded by undeveloped Southern land.
Lawyers, Guns & Money

Republican Crisis May Deepen Even If Trump Loses Wisconsin — If the Republican front-runner heads into the party's convention leading the delegate count, but is denied the nomination, his supporters may sit out the general election. — michaelcbender — mniquette
Washington Post, Outside the Beltway, Washington Times and The Right Scoop